Sunday, May 17, 2020

Is there a single moment..

A single moment when life could have changed?

One person dies in China  and the world stands still!

When could I have stopped the progress towards a homeless shelter?
When I went to work before I could drive?
Or getting a bachelor before I could drink?
Or procreating in a laboratory without permission from myself?
Having a marriage license with two men because neither? will acknowledge an annulment?
Having too many children show up as my one and only?

Maybe if my mother had not had brain cancer and dementia.
Maybe if my father had not died of a heart condition after suffering from a nervous breakdown.
Or if court decisions actually worked, such as stalking or swindling.
Or if a friend or relative recognized you and kept  themselves from walking away.
Perhaps those mentally insane could be locked up such as false brothers
Perhaps convicted criminals could be prevented from pretending to be your real child.

When the world stops and those who have already been noted for trouble show up as social workers or mental health workers. when it is all of the staff who had the special relationship with your mother of being her one and only born out of wedlock bastard black baby she got to parade around because it made her feel good about hating her own native Indian girl, or maybe it is the social workers and society who continue to allow the stalking by not giving you the information nor the other the police court order but continue to have the harassments go on unstopped due to lack of ability to maintain a civic environment.

Determined mentally ill girls with the wrong skin want to make the rest of their kind miserable because they insist on lying about why they are here in the first place. All they want is you to acknowledge something that did not occur. All the want is their way with you because you are not black and they want you to give to them everything including a hat they saw in your catalog and your relatives who are native American and they are not.

It all started the day the government refused to tell the truth to those with the wrong skin color they had rights and they were in the wrong. To keep stalking and demanding they have the right to sit on your couch, use your bathroom and take your wallet.
The continued presence of white Germans with multiple personality issues. they were not the ones who settled the land nor were the Mexicans from across the border. But both the ultra white and the Muslim led thieves from over there want their way with America.
There once was a slave trade problem but not everyone was a slave and not all slaves were abused. They were the rejects of their own culture, being hunted down and given up or sold to the traders in the first place. Then there are those communist ones who live lives of suspicion such as Oprah with all her nonsense and great wealth with no way of having gotten it except through corruption, and then there is her look alike daughter Gwen who keeps showing up.
The conquistadors went around reading a statement they were now the rulers of the land to those who had already made it across the water and were inhabiting the land peacefully with the natives. Many of the natives have a mixture of other cultures, and some such as the Aztecs have no place of origin. The Muslims were not a bad people but those who lost to the Catholics of Spain and forced out into a continent filed with those already robbed of their own land. The rest is history as the Mexicans continue to demand they are Catholic instead of Muslim and they want everything of yours because they are also communists when communism has died in Russia and Germany is no longer Marxist.
But who cares anymore, the poor little girls with the brown faces don't know any better but who to fornicate and produced babies for sale. Or little girls who want to be Michelle who was born in Cuba, the place her husband took her too as a parting gift from a grateful political realm that put a half white man in office with a father from Africa and a pretty wife. His mother in law chose to go homeless and move in to his house but not invite any of his relatives while her daughter got the one thing not going to happen since the shooting of Kennedy, the opening of the country held responsible for the training of the killer or terrorists.
Now we have nothing but terrorists surrounding us, who want nothing but our wallets, our phones, or computers, our knowledge and even our names. What they don't want is to be Americans, nor honest citizens, nor even really Africans or Hispanic peoples. What they want is your life and the government continues to supply them with plenty of time and opportunity to steal and swindle while pretending to be relatives themselves or not remember the person as a human being or even an elected official, but just a homeless person with no rights nor the ability to be considered a human being.
Did I mention the drug traders who come through Mexico or is it all those Muslim lands such as Iraq and Afghanistan? Why did we get involved in those wars anyways if it was not to stem the drug and human trade instead of acquiring more disrespectful people lying about not only their real origins but also whom they are not, the person with the stolen identity.
My mother had nothing but criminals come on to her since she was a little girl. Her mother was a radio journalist of some note. She was never given in to by the authorities over the communist issue. But instead her mind became so void of human thought that she began to play with everything unnice and insisted on having the wrong people always around her instead of her own relatives. All because those who issue laws and court decisions don't check their own back doors or those who work with them.

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