Friday, May 22, 2020

Breathe everyone, just breath...

It has been a long spring, the Philadelphia rodent should go back underground and stay there for awhile, because it was not a sunny Easter but a cloudy and overcast one which we all experienced.

So we now get to go out and play in the sun?!
It is Labor day weekend and we all missed spring break at the beach and Easter at church.
What are we supposed to do now? We still cant sit and reflect at the beach, the keep moving yells are still be heard. My particular area is the marina harbor blvd. It is the only way in and out of my current location. I am constantly being pushed aside by joggers and baby strollers, I guess it is the only place in town as most of the parks are closed to go out for a walk except the beach.

I have been spending time sitting at the marina on the few bench's in the city not under quarantine. I have been minding my self in town and somehow I have to go for the short walk towards center to get something and it does include coffee. I still don't feel well, despite my three week quarantine inside a stuffy single room. And now I share  my new accommodations, not with 20 other women but more than 500 souls collected from around the city.

The rest of the complex includes even more individuals, all standing 6 feet apart and not socializing in groups of more than ten, while we wash our hands, sanitize and wear or masks while we stand in line to have our temperature taken and receive our small allotment of a meal provided by the city. Not that the county doesn't charge us for room and board, really they take it out of our monies received. For of us without unemployment benefits, pensions or other types of income, waiting for disability or social security.

For the rest of the world, there have been a lonely walk through town, social distancing in the grocery store, with some wearing signs stating 6 feet please. Makes one feel they are in a morgue or something waiting to be buried six feet under.

The restaurants are allowing us to sit down and drink our coffee instead of muttering down the street past the police officers with our face masks off, just sipping sir, just sipping.
The trolleys have enforcement officers. Usually they ask for your fare on a plastic card and write out tickets for 200 dollars if you forgot to pay before you boarded, now they are observing us for any sings of flight from this pandemic. I got on the radio by one guy, "it appears to be having an asthma attack", I was using my inhaler as the air is a bit thick around the stations.

No coughing allowed at all.

Stores, I made it too Walmart where they follow you to make sure your mask does not come off. And Target where everyone was running around touching everything they could including your cart and eyeing your purse as well. Kids in Kindergarten having fun at recess.

I will have to venture out this weekend to a real store and see if they pull a gun out if I cut in line or dont stand the required 6 feet apart. I would not mind looking at some female items and maybe pick up a fresh pillow to cough and wheeze on.

My doctors and I have agreed I am experiencing spring allergies, as my c-test comes back negative.
Just a little while ago, we agreed I did not have pneumonia but upper respiratory infection, just go home and hug my pillow for awhile.

Hmm, just breathe everyone,
we are being let out for recess
now lets see how well everyone else is going to play?
Nice or not?

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