Friday, December 31, 2021

Come on Mr. President, you are holding off the American Public

 The American Public has the right to know, MR. President.

Do you or don't you, Ice Hockey?

A North Easterner for a time when they did all the sports, I suspect your old closet has a few items of interest.

Hey, Commander, be a good boy and find an ice put, will you? 

Come on, tensions are high enough right now with all the fires and disease control mandates.

Phone calls to the Putin, just because you did not like the election results five years ago.

Really, put on some of that old gear and get out on the ice and show him.

Of course, his friends, play friendly games, Mr. Lukashenko over sixty did not act like little girls.

They helped score goals for their team, in a friendly little game.

You could put on an exhibition game where you two simply swirl around the ice and then take turns scoring.

Nothing heavy, no one on one nor an entire team supporting you against him.

After all, we are attempting to keep peace at this time.

Maybe, the Navy has a team for you to lead, you are the Commander and Chief.

Really, holding back on the American Public, who are getting frustrated by all these theatrics.

Just get it over, shake his hand and apologize. Or if you still think something is fishy, get on with saving the world. 

Get on the ice and see his bluff, he is a bad guy from the old days.  Or is he? Maybe he was really one of the good guys, in disguise.

Well, the world would feel better if the situation was resolved, and I am afraid the Intelligence community has gotten us closer to peace, no matter what their viewpoint. 

After all, the guy is not going to go away, disappear into the mist as the old frontier men did.

Did you know he was also an athlete as yourself? 

He was an Olympian who went out and competed until they yanked him, because he kept winning.

Your college athlete years were not wasted as a sportsman, lets show him you can get on the ice as well, and throw a few puts into the net.

It worth it, isn't it a show of peace? 

We don't want Commander whining at your funeral, show keep the fitness routine by chasing those grandchildren around.

Bless, your house and family and may we all have peace, if not security in the next year. 

Good hunting Commander, while the truffle seekers keep you tidy, go find a few sports items in his closets for the American Public.

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