Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Well, well why dont you


Here we are again

Why don't you

Step aside!

Poor Biden

The youngest to the oldest

Just get over it

You were used!

They don't really need you

You were not supposed

To be elected in the first place

And they just simply 

Don't want you

You were simply 

Being used at the beginning

To get an African man

Into office when it was not

Going to happen


Then they allowed

Him to loose to Trump

Because they didn't need him

Anymore for gods sake

But they thought

An African woman

Would look good

Then all the obligations

Will be over

For those white supremist

Who don't for gods sake

Want anything remotely

Resembling an Indian

In the oval office

Once more called

Upon Joe to be a good guy

And just run with hit

Now he has been given

That disease which causes

The nervous system

To detoriate

He might recover from this

But we wont know

Until later

But in the mean time

Just get out of there!

You are not needed


The whites were told

They had to get in line

So they chose

Thier poison

And don't need you


Putin is enjoying


He has even made

New friends

After all Russia

Does not really need


They were just being


Really they have their own

World to enjoy

Without all the Capitalist


Which just caused

All of their beautiful 

Young women

To become prostitutes

Instead of good house fraus

Who work their muscles

And produce an army 

Of children...

No harm intended!

I actually like Russians

And am encouraged

That he can ride 

A rollercoaster

Wont catch me on one!

While we are at it

There is always this

Insane suggestion

That by one vote

We might have spoken

German in this country

It is true that there were

Some German immigrants

But America was founded

By the British and the French

But while they were fighting

The Germans slide in

And thought they would stay

Even the mercenaries hired

By the British to fight against

The American rebels

Also decided to stay

Changing their names

But speaking German!

It is such a brutal language

A simple one at that

That I was forced to 

Learn it instead of French

Because the French are

So not American

They are always under

Suspicion and so on

I have a complaint

For the United Nations

Of whom I once worked

But they also do not

Know what a 99 form 

Looks like as none

Of the government agencies

Of whom I am well known

To have worked

But anyways

Why are the Germans

Who have just noted

The 80 anniversaries

Of their surrender

Still not having been

Forced to pay back

Thier war crimes

All those things

They were supposed 

To bring about

Just like Hitler

Secretly built up his army

The Germans have done

Nothing but complain

And allowed the Americans

To think they were being

Useful in bringing 

Their people to our country

All these Germans 

Do is breed mistrust 

Of the American government

And they wont go home

The wall is down

And the soviet system


They did their job

Now go home!

Instead there is nothing

But problems

Who gave the suggestion

That there was no provocation?

There sat the German woman

Leading the new boy

Down the garden lane

Giving him the impression

That the Germans wanted

That naval port

Called Sebastopol

Just go ahead and take it

Now we are watching

The Russians and the Americans

Killing each other

While Germany sits back

And enjoys his Cuban cigar

And French wines

And Russian Caviar

They have it all

With their American technology

At their fingertips

Wasn't it the Germans

Who were the hackers

In the first place

Teaching their sabotage

To their counterparts?

They tried to wipe

Out an entire race

Those Jews were lucky

To have anyone care about them

After all that trouble

Of stealing their things

By bringing charges against them

And then putting them

In gas ovens

They also attempted

To bring about the end

Of a religion or two

In fact only one religion

Was allowed in their schools

Atheism they practice

And preach that silly

Evolution theory 

Promoted by a mentally ill man

Who spent the rest of his life

In a padded cell

Who was Darwin ?

Anyways thier crimes

Against humanity

Rose upwards 

So high that the stench

Can still be smelled

They have done nothing

To correct the situation

Why don't we refuse

Them their language

Why do we allow them

To use the stupid thing

Instead they all speak

English anyways

That is what i was told

Being snubbed as a reporter

That my German was not good enough

My own grandmother 

Would refuse me

Is she knew I had learned

That hateful language

After what they did

To her families home

They not only took

Away the border land

But also invaded Copenhagen

And Saint Petersburg.

Destroying their own cities

Explaining that they needed help


Anyways i was informed

That everyone speaks 


So why don't we make

Them use it in everyday

Not allowed to correspond

In German anymore

Since they wont correct

Those war crimes

Of destroying a race

And a religion

You think I am joking?

My own peoples

Have lost their language

How many Native Americans

Do you know

Most have forgotten

Who we were as a people

We don't have any identity

We are only a number to 

America government

And if one loses it

There is no way

Of proving who you are

Because some blond

Stands there in their

German language

Demanding that Ja

They are the ones

The Germans are the only ones

Who would even go around

The Natives during those days

When they were studying 

Us and all the anthropology

Was done by Germans

We dont know

As a nation who were

Really were except

Through these German

Peer review articles

That they wrote

In German about my people

They the Germans were caught

And did confess that they 

Misinformed people

In their science books

About many subjects

Since they were written

In German no one

Noticed for a hundred years

I seriously believe

That there is no longer

Any use for that stupid 

Language to be spoken

As punishmnet

For thier crimes against

Humanity to no longer

Allow it to be spoken

Just let them speak

English in thier schools 

As well as in thier business

Of course

Switzerland is a different story

They know French

So there will be no problem

For them just to proceed

In their own language

Of Francaise

Something forbidden

To learn in any California


Anyways i would 

Just keep on walking

Carefully on those egg shells

Joe and consider yourself

Lucky to have been allowed

Any time at all

In that chair

In the Oval office

After those germans

Invaded the White House

Through Jimmy and his friends

They are nothing but

German trouble makers

Most white supremist

Are German speakers.....

Lets just get rid of them

Refuse to speak their language

And caution our children from

Believing in their religion

Of false science

And age discrimination as well

Lets lock them all up

Anyone of their ethnicity

Over a certain age

Instead of stealing

Social security from the rest of us

Did you know

The British royals

Dropped their German titles

And changed their name

In order to distance 

Themselves from those

Cruel stupid people....

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