Thursday, June 25, 2020

Born a slave

Many are protesting slavery and bondage. Many are correct in not understanding the need to enslave someone else. Those who were sold into slavery from Africa to the Caribbean were part of an old European, in particular German preoccupation with enforced labor. 

Germany had made itself into a Holy Empire, ending the system of feudal lords who allowed their people to own land and work as they wanted, but required protection pay with either military service or other types of services. Germany moved many into cities, leaving the county to poorer to care for itself and then enforcing a system which created a cause for  later Marxist of no food for the workers themselves.

The African were tired of the influence and wanted to get rid of those not part of their own community. There were once many communities and even Mandela and Obama are sons or grandsons of chiefs from local communities as Europe was once a smaller condensed continent of differing nationalities, not all German.

The System of slavery is still under inspection, but what the southern states in particular did was unusual cruelty of all of it is true. Even some of it is too much for most to stomach. don't forget the Indians were the first enforced slaves or laborers in the new country. 

The pilgrims might have been made welcome by those in the surrounding areas. America is full of stories of Indian attacks that were not Indians at all. And the types of cruelty met out to a people not seen to be modern or civilized was unmentionable. Not unknown, but not worth the paper it was written upon. 

The current situation of brutal treatment of any who appear to have broken the law is a throw back to the old inquisition days and bible burning days that drove many to America for freedom. It is a sad thing that any woman needs to be handcuffed or that any many must lay down on the ground due to the unrest of the police towards being attacked.

Many officers are killed in many different ways, some even committing suicide due to the stress of dealing with all of the problems of the community they live. this includes the railroading of those who are natives but are not part of the inner working of the current owners of businesses or other types of groups who run any given city or community. 

When a chief has an expired license and is brutally beat up because he is seen as a threat to the local police it is more than an eyeful. But it did not set a protest march across Canada not unknown for burning cars with those inside who were simply proclaiming an unpopular message. 

As for those born in slavery, it is interesting what types of laws there are in people mind. Some still believe those of the old aristocracy don't deserve to be born and if they are to be kept from ever attaining any significant job except for stud.

Such as Prince Philip Mountbatten, one of the last of the Romanovs, wrongly accused of bringing the entire Russian nation too its knees of starvation when the next group were not much better. Only the last few rulers have attempted to modernize a country that had gone all industry, the main cause of the Marxist uprising. 

As for Prince Philip, also a contender for a Greek or Danish title and real job has done nothing more than go hunting, fishing and breeding with the pretty princess with German roots. Her children are quite a handful, some better than others, but the grandchildren! Talk of being born into slavery, the way the make them work for a living and they still marry out, rich enough to afford to be put up with despite having no pedigree and worse not even producing children recognizable to those they are now in laws. 

As for little Miss Heming's, it is interesting it says her children were born into slavery when she herself was not. The records state her father was a sea captain and not a slave, more than likely white. It is her mother who was born in Africa and married in Barbados with a real license to a man who accepted her. It is uncertain if she was bought and then wed as some did in order to own the rights to the woman.

Unlike, Miss Robinson's mothers line which goes back to a Shields, family of Ireland, not it seems to Brooke Shields. It states the woman was brought to the family farm, seen in pictures as quite a small building and sold as a slave. He seems to have acknowledged his offspring a big man who was known as a minister of god, but not born into slavery. 

As for the Thomas Jefferson question, he was also related to the Randolph's, a family of royal lineage, which both Churchill, and Patricia Hearst were related. There is a marriage license for the girl to a Randolph who appears to be both the nephew of Mr. Jefferson and also his son in law. His daughter who grew up with both appears to have married afterwards and lived apart from her husband. 

He was the Governor of Virginia, and night time carriage rides to the Governors Mansion or even a Ball might have occurred, while hiding inside the Jefferson Mansion are all the unknown qualities of the nature of what the real south was like in the old days, when most either accepted their stations in life or behaved as animals, even if the owner of the property. 

Why were her children said to be born in slavery, when she herself was not born into slavery? Her mother was not said to be a slave but the wife of a captain and accepted in the community as a mixed race couple with a daughter allowed to be occupied in land home and taken on trips to Europe from whence her own fathers family might have been.

It seems her heritage needs more investigation as to what the reality was of her own particular situation which might not have been so particular but not like some of the others who appear to have become obnoxious in their behavior of their own, as many of the so called slaves were also now related to someone in the house or community through no fault of their own. 

Born into slavery has many suggestions, such as being married to someone who needs a spouse but not a partner in the family business. Or being given the impression the inheritance is going to go to someone else such as  a White boy who keeps telling people he is related to the family of the name he is using and then selling them out of everything to the point that buildings are being torn down that once belonged to others who no longer come home to see what is going on, because the locals cant keep order when there are too many wrongful accusations and false arrests. 

Never being allowed the freedom to live and breath as your ancestors or accept your own background despite what might have happened to your family during the years after the Civil war or even the American revolution. 

Not being able to go to a bank and cash a check or to a grocery store and purchase or return merchandize. Not to be able to send or receive mail because someone has burdened the locals into believing the person is not a real human being. 

These were the marks of those once to far away from real law officers and why a protest was made towards voting rights and either civil liberties. But burning banks and raiding stores is not part of the answer to those who no longer have a concept of slavery but just an injustice which might never be righted, such as a woman never acknowledged by her husband or his family due to the circumstances of the politics of the time. 

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