Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How did one man eating a sandwhich change the world?

The whole world was altered permantely by one man eating a sandwich. The assination of an obscure Duke in the defunct part of Europe known as Austro Hungarian empire became the starting point of the Great War to end all wars.

The Duke may have been related to many in Europe but he was no longer a ruling monarch such as the former Holy Roman empire of Germany or Great Britain as it became known. 

Was it his death which litterely launched a million plus individuals to their own deaths? Or was it the fact he was assinated in a public street like a dog that caused the uproar? Or was it he was in the way of something more powerful? 

A simple man eating a sandwich pulled out a gun and shot at his car as it went through town. He was what is called a Marxist or communist. The factory or industrialized workers wanted to alter their own world. 

The problem was in the past, people wanted to live on the land even as farm laborer whether than the larger cities. The crime and disregard for human life was well documented from before the Roman republic and the Egyptian slave days. 

They could at least eat and hunt to survive unless a pandemic or epidemic occurred causing there to be no food available. 

Why many who migrated to the cities then did not want to deal with city life is a mystery. As it is the revolutions of Russia and China made a huge deal of farm life and the ways farm equipment was created for their ease, while those in the cities still starved while standing in long lines for handouts of bread.

The Kaiser of Germany was also an issue, the British discarded their own titles in their disgust for his particular way of dealing and ruling. He was related to many of them as well as the Russian Tsar who was about to be murdered. 

Queen Victoria was from Germany even though born in England, the Hanover's and married a German Prince. She is said to be the grandmother of Europe with her broad of children marrying into every ruling family. 

The man who shot the Duke could afford to be a sandwich and a gun and therefore was not poor. His end result was not a better world but one ruled by the Facist, who were racist, murdering those not qualified to be human and later the Socialist or communist who took from those at the top for those in the middle. 

The ones on the bottom were still on the bottom and many died because he did not enjoy his sandwich. 

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