Monday, July 1, 2024

Three times loser


Seen as the leader

Of the pack

Le Pen 

Who has already

Lost three times

With those fickle French

Has been seen as the

Front runner of the latest

Round of ballots

But there is one more 

Voting by those 

Not so dumb ones

After all they managed

To keep the Germans

At bay throughout 

That last war

What do they

Really want anyways?

More vacation time

Another lunch hour?

They have been systematically

Burning Paris with their


But who has been causing it?

The opposition setting seeds

Of distress amongst the populace?

Remember the Olympics

Only comes once a century

This is not a good time

No fun if the city gets

Shut down during the games

A forced removal of the

Man in power

Will result in more

Trouble than they want

Military lock down

Will be more than likely

While all those tourist

Set to sit inside those

Expensive hotel rooms

Except for their shuttles

To their paid performances

They will have no where to go

That is if the games are not

Canceled as in Japan

We all want freedoms

For other peoples

To enjoy

And ourselves

The right to decide for

Ourselves if we are going

To do this or that

Such as college or not

We all want better

Breathing air

For our lungs to enjoy

And not more rubber tires

Set on fire by the neighbors 

Or clean food from the farmers

Who aren't dousing diesel

Into the environment 

Or pouring milk down

The gutters 

Domestic issues


Foreign policy

They just got the

President of the United states

To visit them and gave him

A parade down the important

Avenues of Paris

Where other great men

Where also given parades

They are expecting the 

Worlds leaders to show up

In a safe Paris

Without having to wear 

Bullet proof vests

In order to hand out

Those little gold things

Or do they want

A toe tapping clown

To come to them

Now that he no longer has

An elected Presidency

Zelensky the former

Stand up comic 

Keeps asking for more things

From other peoples budget

While he himself has not been

Re elected at all

Maybe you want him

To step over

And start asking for money

To pay off all those bills

Encured by this century thing

Called the Olympics...


The new pets 

Of Putin are called

Pungsan Korean hunting dogs

They have been bred

Half wolf and half dog

To hunt lions

And trained to go for 

The throat

They bring down their prey

By going for the jugular!

Imagine that

Specially bred and trained

To bring down the worst

Enemy a man can have

A man eating feline

Poor babies

It is all they now

They have not been given

Anything else to do

But hunt down those

Silly things walking

Around on two instead of four

Really what do you expect

If you leave yourself open

For attack

Attack they will!

Biden and Boris

Were good guys

Giving these guy

A chance and now they

Are trapped by their own


While Boris was forced to concede

Biden has gotten progressively 

Worse in his delivery

I bet he does not sleep

Enough for his nervous system

To recover from the thought

Of having set off 

A domino effect

Of taking on the really 

Big guy next door

Who easily rewon his own


There is a story here 

Isn't there?

Biden is running

For reelection

And Macron 

Has until 2027

Before his presidency

Comes to an end

Unless the do that

French thing

There are no more

Guillotines left 

In the country

Are there?

Like Auroras

Hew and cry

Over spinning wheels

Which had to be collected

And destroyed before

The witch got to have her way

Like Betty Adelhead

She was not on the guest list

And was forced to threaten

Everyone with her wrath

Why would Betty

Wake up with her feet

Hanging out of one of those

Pizza ovens in town?

Because I put her in one

So tired of having

Her inform the politicians

That she was my real mother

When she was only about 

Eight at the time of my birth

I made sure the thing

Was unplugged 

This time but next time

I will make sure it is 

An electrical chair

With the Governor 

Himself throwing the switch!

By the way leave the boy

Alone! I have decided

To reject Zelensky

As my son

And adopt Macron

I like the name 


It means who is like god?

With my own name

On some lost

French passport


It is fitting

The kid has done 

His best despite

Having everything thrown 

At him except a hurricane

Or the Vikings landing...

His wife's family

Has a chocolate business

They cant be bad people!

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...