Sunday, September 6, 2020

I'm the other daughter

The other daughter who nevers gets anything she wants at all. My mother denied me the right to life and always removed anything of mine for herself to own. She thought she had the right to own the right to my  lap and my nipples, insisting on choosing and placing the wrong child on my lap.
She wanted me not to have children of my own, always sold my boyfriends to other girls, insisted on having lesbian relationships for me. She wanted to be the male head of house, she wanted to be the male head of house. The dominate male owner of a woman's body and soul.

She refused to leave it alone of having retarded men assigned to me, so she could be the male who made the decisions. Stupid idiots, who wanted to keep grabbing my left hand and nodding their head up and down. Because she had already given them the right to my possessions and that included my personal knowledge and thoughts inside my head. 

She also wanted to go around and tell my work mates and former school friends that her daughter was a whore. She would than present a African black child as evidence her daughter did not know what she was doing. After all, she had produced the wrong race, and she clearly wasn't capable of understanding what an African man wanted nor needed nor expected. Hence they were abandoned children.

Really they were her little friends children who did not know not go out with her non son of the family named Jim. He did it every time as an imp sterile bastard of some other woman. Her son was not handsome but he was blond and blue eyed. And every one of his girlfriends produced a black colored child. Whom she would then demand to own the right to place on my lap and insist I could not remember giving birth.

As it was if one listened she was telling the truth, I could not remember because it had not occurred. I did not know the experience of the erotic African male, because it had never happened.
The racism went on and on with her mind twisted by the illegal alien German rejects who arrived in America not to become good citizens but to corrupt us as communists with no regrets.

Her dementia was noted early and she kept after her own husband who was her childhood sweetheart about having black hair and not being white. He was a mixture of old east coast Dutch and native American. She was  herself brown as a French descendant with Scandinavian relatives. 

What would John Kennedy have done if he had lived and watched his son who was not blond and blue eyed as himself not get a single girl of his own, but one who had already had a baby out of wedlock? 
This idea of the blue eyed blond male being a demi god with no intelligence but only the ability to nod his stupid head up and down. Stare or eyeball someone and demand he has the right to you and then not even have the ability to work nor make an income nor anything else except a limp dick and a bad attitude towards women in particular. 

As for the black children, it does not take a genius to understand the mother is being mean and cruel. The girls such as Melissa Sue Anderson and Kim Basinger who made it public that they were either married or carrying the child of one Jim, have no reason to misunderstand that their daughters do look like them, even if they are a different color.

How much control does a mother need over her daughter that even when she is size zero, the same people who just wanted her to drop her weight actually be given a chance at life, instead of an auto accident that left her handicap and with no hope of ever getting rid of the memories of the years of harassments of the no dead mother who it turned out to have brain cancer and was probably not responsible for anything she did.

For the last time, I did not have sex with John Kennedy jr, nor Barack Obama. I would appreciate each and every African child who does not understand that I am not their mother nor any of the black haired girls, to keep showing up expecting me to provide them with anything at all, including a pedigree. 
My ancestry is mine and I am native American, I am not sharing this with anyone of a different color. I am the other daughter, my younger sister died leaving me with a mess, a woman who never did know which girl I was nor how to handle her own biological son, who was dark haired.

When does it stop the constant decry of illegal alien's in this country who think they can simply own the right to your and your possessions? Or the right to keep approaching someone else and saying they are related to you? Or just thinking they are going to move in on something of someone else?

If I had a son, I would not have the daughter of Demi Moore have a casual relationship, Demi is a prime example of everything that goes wrong in the world. She moved in on Bruce Willis, wont leave him alone, even in lockdown where he had to wear matching pajamas with her and her new spouse. Meanwhile, her multitude of children probably have different fathers and just seem to think they actually deserve someone else husband or show the young children that they are nothing to them, because of course she can just have more to replace them as my mother tried to do with myself, the first born of a  bunch of unfortunate dark haired children. 

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