Monday, August 31, 2020

Where do they all come from?

The worst possible situation has developed. The kids of shown up and in force. The past life I lead was full of travel and hardship. I was a daughter of civil engineer needed in other areas of the world and a granddaughter of war heroes. I was also a photographer and journalist before my medical condition prevented me from being able to be comfortable in any situation. 

The children began arriving before I was old enough to have children. Sometimes they claimed to be my siblings or insisted I was not the real daughter. My siblings and I took turns being abducted, not for our pleasure but those who already begun to stalk and harrass my grandparents over other issues. 

For the most part, they wanted not money but access to certain types of things such as citizenship and easy home ownership. Money was often part of the bargain and my family paid dearly, including an umber of bank robberies. In fact, there were so many bank robberies the government was wondering who was doing what, but my mother was the unlucky owner of a brain going bad and usually gave her plans away ahead of time.

Then there were the kids that were born before I could menustrate. I now have 45 year olds threatening me when I am not much over 50 myself. I also have a mouse trap, a broken pelvic bone. I was almost sawn in half when I was three. My sister had just been born, and those holding me left me in a pencil factory close to where my parents were staying but no one was supposed to know. The blade slipped between my legs and stopped when it meet bone.

It still shows on my x-rays, a straight cut right through the pelvic bone. It has a habit of collapsing or inverting. Snap, into a  mouse trap, very painful but also not capable of having a natural child birth even if I had gotten pregnant. I am also one of those women, who have irregular periods, and even now I have fibroids which develop as fast as they are removed. If I had my ovaries removed, they would still grow, so I  have gone through radiation and other things, but am waiting for the real doctor to do the proper procedure. 

Ironically, I am considered too old to have children since I have never had any, at least not out of my vagina. My husband and I attempted the artificial lab rat route, but the surrogate mother indicated she had decided to keep the embryo which was not hers but mine. It is a longer story than todays limit.

The issues are that everywhere I went, a child would be lead over to me to take my hand and my wallet. Or plopped down on me to distract me from what was going on around me. I have been hit on the head, kicked in the head, punched in the head and jabbed with needles and by very small children. All of whom were told I was their mother. 

They were lied to and did not make into my regular life, except to show up at my house of worship to get me in trouble, each and everyone of them. It became ridiculous to the point a judge brought me to explain why their were twenty plus children with me listed as their mother. I complained it was more, closer to two hundred. 

We had the children explained I was not their mother, in some cases proving who their parent was or had counselors brought in to speak to the parents and the children about the emotional situation developing. None of it worked. They all took money and my career. My mother died of brain cancer, never treated due to the game of keeping us from guessing what they were after. A decade after her death and after I have been denied entrance to each and every family property or business I once worked they have arrived in mass.

They pretend they do not know each other but they are not good enough to not show off their aggression when not given into about being allowed access to myself. They come in different colors and sizes, small midgets and dwarfs which it is impossible for me to produce as I am over the average short range but not tall enough to produce a 6 foot daughter. They are often African with no bearing as to whom their father would be and I have no idea. Or even Asians, Philippines, and Muslims who pretend to be Mexicans. 

They will not give in that I am not their mother and they have no right to me as a person. Nor is it allowed, even by the Catholic charities to be stalked and harrassed about being born out of wedlock. I was married and my husband was neither Asian nor African. They don't seem to understand anything at all and I am going to begin criminal proceedings against them and the agencies that gave my location away.

I am not joking of the hostilities showed towards me and often the group threat of me conforming. This is what caused my mother to have a mental breakdown. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown, but I am not imagining these people exist and they are often present when I begin to get upset about some of the things I went through. Frustration, Exhaustion and nerve damage from the many injuries I sustained are the answer not a crazy ward.

AS for those who abducted my mother and claimed they had her living with them, I did have a surviving sibling who was also concerned as to why mom wasn't with him since our one sister died to the situation. My grandparents died early deaths and my father was murdered by the same group who had been following us around. A strange situation when the kids claiming to be in school with you are also the children of those who want revenge on your grandparents for the war years. 

I am bringing charges of abduction and false imprisonment on my mother as she had obvious dementia. Wrongful death or manslaughter for those who interfered in her behalf but provided no medical. As for the little stalkers I am going to send the little ones to prison or foster care where they will not be falsely told I am grandma and insist they want presents of my own personal belongings. The adults can be deported because even the white ones were more than likely born in Germany or Mexico since they have no real birth certificate and cant seem to be positively identified. 

Good bye and good riddance is my answer to the multiple grown ups who want nothing m ore than references to my own relatives and introductions to those I know. It is against the law to create a setting where they can get close enough to cause trouble and accept from others monies and other things but not even attempt to show a person humanity which they have not. 

They don't want me to be their friend or parent but for me to provide for their bastards and allow them a life of fantasy such as Meagan fell into, falling on her face, doing a belly flop by producing a baby which does not look like either of her parents if they were in fact her real parents. 

They are one and all disinherited, denied access to my personal papers and other belongings, rejected for not showing up sooner or attempting to get married, a job, an education or anything at all. All they do is that annoying head bounce up and down to my no and offer nothing but pure hatred. They have been told in front of a judge and in my presence that I am not their mother but instead they have brought their children in for more of the fun game that developed in denying my mother the right to know which one of the children was her real daughter and what not.

I hope this makes other feel happy because I am not going to be drugged the rest of my life and when the phony sibling who also says he is my spouse or my papa has the guts to show up without me having a needle mark I will have him arrested, convicted and excuted for the benefit of all the little ones who have no place to go because they had no one in the beginning. An abortion would have been better than raising one and all to continue the obvious threat to a family who were nothing more than old American stock. 

Where did they come from anyway? Not my belly nor my vagina nor my husband, but the imagination of a crazy man and a woman lost to her own friends. Sad when some need help and others want nothing more than to shame the group they are identified with, the lack of adulthood and maturity is greatest among the staff who clearly have no real training and continue to label medical problems with mental ones as they themselves never got the paid for welfare checks and psychologist visits they were supposed to be forced to attend. 

Maybe Homeland security can make a statement as to why their are so many of them and in the same facility and none of them about to give in to the trueness of me not being their mother. I am not going to tolerate any my abuse towards myself and those who cant understand where babies don't come from, can either go back to the their country of origin or spend their life in a mental ward. 

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