Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Well the squatters finally left

 How many times my family found squatters on our property. 

In fact, most of the places we paid taxes on our being squatted on and I have no access and my father was being arrested for trespassing and he was the legal owner according to the court but not the local police. 

Just a matter of opinion it seems. Who is the legal owner and who are the squatters.

In this case, we are talking of the Trumps. He won the electoral college and was invited inside and even given the keys to the place and yet he was seen as a squatter on someone elses place.

It seems Hillary never took her civics course because she never did concede she did not win the election. Of course, she never has come forward with a birth certificate either. She was the first one to claim Barack did not have one and that was because he was African and not seen as naturalized to this country. 

As it is his mother is part Native American whereas hers is supposed to have stepped of the boat from Germany. A search of available public records has not brought forward a birth certificate for Hillary Rodham.

Unless, it is in another name, perhaps Green. My non brother Jim loved this woman and said he had a zillionaire and other things, he also used the name of Green. Her father seems to have had two wives, one said the name was green or zillany in Russian. It appears to be Greenburg or Greenhill and of Jewish origins.

Imagine that, Hillary with a Russian connection. I wonder if she ever went out with the young Vladimir before either of them married?

As I said I did not vote against Hillary and actually did work in New York. I am not unfriendly to either party but did think the vultures were whether obvious.

Such as Jenifer Lopez, now she looks like something other than African or Latino. I notice the catholic communist Mexican community has embraced Biden. I do hope they don't expect that wall to come down because there are issues with collaborating with criminals to be dealt with in high court. 

As for the coup, not since Rutherford Hayes who succeeded Ulysses Grant has something but so staged. Remember, the south refused to accept Abraham Lincoln and staged an insurrection. They then arranged his assassination's and his successor Johnson was Impeached. Grants administration was full of corruption and scandal and he left disgraced. While his successor had to forestall a filibuster in order to get his electoral college votes accepted.

I am still not sure why Hillary's march on the Capital which included an invasion of the capital has gone unnoticed but then she is a woman and has had the kid glove treatment by the media who grew up worshiping her. 

I would like to know why the tradition of the President stealing away in the middle of the night is not accepted by the media. After all, only Washington who was elegant enough to accept the Presidency after resigning his commission of Commander and Chief and they did not immediately install him as President rode through town with his successor. 

Adams, left town in the middle of the night and his son left the night before. In fact there have been about one in four or five Presidents who have not made it to their successors inauguration which seems natural. 

Does it not?


I have had a number of people knock on my door and claim to be related to me. 

This includes the Captain Kangaroo look alike kid who claims his name is James Wheat and there is no  birth certificate for this name at all. 

Jenifer Lopez has also shown up before she was famous and said she was my families long lost child. My parents had a number of children. I am the oldest, the first born died in embryo stage or still born. 

In 1969, they had a boy whom they called Jesus, but he calls himself by the British equivalent of Hugh. Not uncommon to change that particular name. 

Sorry Jennifer and Kate, by the way who also claims to be the blond white girl from 69. It was really a boy and not a girl. 

In fact, they were all boys after my twin sister was born and died with my face. But not until after she had convinced people she was me and even got some to give her the title of Princess. I hate to hear people argue about this title and who they are bastards born out of wedlock but came out of my vagina and they are little princesses. 

Hmm, Jim tried a fast one back in 1973/74 when he married a girl at the age of 12. I remember her being called Sonja or Sonny but we all know her as Ludmilla. The former Putina, was an airline stewardess who had a husband in every major city and could not get a marriage license with this one guy named Putin but then he was a KGB agent.

Anyways, their baby was going to oust my sister and I and the little brother was being abducted and threatened and finally raised on the other side of the world. Their kid came out all black, apparently, Shawns or Keshan's wife walked into a room blindfolded and did not know her impotent husband was suddenly a man. Maybe she got Jimmy Hendrix of Seattle where we were living for awhile.

The roach as we call her shows up still on my doorstep, not five feet high in heels and always with a baby carriage. This seems to be the best form of extortion that her baby needs my money food stamps and anything else she can think of or spy and she always cashes my checks with my name on it as her mother used to do and probably still does. 

After all Camille and Ludmilla are the same name? Cash  checking companies are strange they will cash checks for the wrong people but not the correct ones who have called the bank.

But then all those illegal aliens who are white and from Germany have not been asked to return after their wall was torn down. They kept crying about it, their wall and how they were separated from their families but they never went back. They are also Catholic and communist. 

Good Luck Kamala and Best Wishes on not being called Camel but Lotus flower! 

Really, I am being nice....

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