Friday, January 1, 2021

A man in a boat and a baby squalling

 Her whole life my mother squalled about everything. She even adopted grandchildren who were not hers and then sent them to the real family members in order betray them. 

She never could understand to betray her own father, cousin, brother, or anything else remotely related. Sadly, most of the men in her life wished not to be related to her at all and the little girls doing the damage should be shot on sight starting with Candance and following through with the blond blue eyed ones who look just like tipper gore once looked.

My mother of course has led a lie her whole life.  Her birthday is not the one listed on her drivers license, not that the drivers license is actually her drivers license. She failed every drivers test she ever took, including the one when I was 16 and she stoled mine in order to keep from being kept from driving, then she hid the car from me and I had to walk to school.

Hm, anyways, the man in the boat was my grandfather and his wife went into labor when they were traveling in Scandinavia. One of them got on the wrong boat, and she gave birth as they were entering Saint Petersburg then called Leningrad. 

She had just sent off a telegram to her parents announcing the birth as January 12 when her husband asked why they were not celebrating new years on thier boat and she of course new it was because it was the wrong boat. The difference in the west and east was 13 days in the calendars they used, so my mother was born on the 31 of December.

And so as they got close to port and she would have been registered in the USSR, my grandfather stoled a dingy and paddled out to sea with his new born daughter squalling. I am not sure he avoided the authorities with her noisy mouth. 

But he did make it to Stockholm, he was aiming for Copenhagen but got turned around. His in laws were not amused, they were in Copenhagen and very Danish a little bit old Russian, not Swedish.

She is listed as being born in Salt Lake City Utah, LDS style. The Mormons have a monopoly on their people, no matter where you are born or die, if a parent or grandparent is Mormon as in Rome, you get citizenship. 

So Jack also had to join his parents religion instead of staying neutral to his wives new found faith. What a trouble maker the little one was squalling for her mother who was hanging of some authorities arm explaining she did not know about the sound of a kitten nor where her husband had disappeared to nor where they spies just good old Christians, unfortunately not the right religion and she was almost sent to Siberia.

i on the ohter hand, always ended up in Siberia as my mother went in labor in route from Paris to California. They landed somewhere in the Artic, I had a Canadian passport. But my mother always put me down as Russian! Sigh, I might just execute someone if they approach the wrong person and claim to be related to me. 

After all, I survived COV 19 in an isolation unit without any medical staff, just me and my Thermator. And a phone in case my temperature went above 101. 

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