Thursday, January 28, 2021

Betty Whites Love Child and Hillary

 One of the better known actresses of the world is Betty White. She was born in 1922 and was petite.

She is better known for being  mouthy and sophisticated and before Golden Girls was also a regular of the game show circuit.

Although she was in a number of films from the early years of Hollywood, she is not remembered for them. She was twice married in the 1940s, one a talent agent and another a marine of some sort.

She does not say  much but she went a whole decade without getting remarried and then began to go through the game shows as a smart and sophisticated female bacherlotte board room member.

She was also being chased by Alan Ludden. He was a well known personality and his wife died of cancer in 1961. One entrance he is knocked over by her beauty as he enters, messing up his own introduction.

She refuses him, as I recall for two or three years, meanwhile, he shows up on a variety of things similar to the Love boat. In other words, wherever she went he would follow. 

We remember him before his death from cancer in 1981 as a very good looking man with grey hair and large attractive glasses making him look like a genius. His early days as one of the  main hosts for the game shows was a skinny freckled kid with glasses. 

Not unlike Charles Jennings, handsome Peter Jennings father who also did interviews prior to his sudden death in Central Park. The typical smart guy who still got the beauty.

Alec Trebec followed in his footsteps and was one of the better known successes of the genre of game show hosts. I am not sure his successor is going to make it except of sympathy.

Anyways, what if Betty White had had a love child?

It took a force of nature to get her to marry again after two unsuccessful marriages. During that decade of no marriage, what if she had had an affair? What would she have done? After all it was the era of no abortions and dont tell, in other words the child was put up for abortion.

I notice she has a long nose and a long chin with a quirky personality and death in those eyes if crossed. 

Lisa Kudrow actually matches her specifics, long nose, long chin, quirky personality and she was born in Los Angeles in 1963, just when Alen Ludden finally got her to agree to marry him.

Hmm, maybe they were already a couple and had to get married.

Or maybe, he could not divorce his wife and the result was a quiet relationship while waiting for her death.

As it is she said she had three lovely step children and meaning them no harm, how come there was not one more for the family?

On the other side of the road, where is Hillaries birth certificate? She is not also a love child brought home from WWII by dad to be inserted into the family home? Or maybe already present when he arrived after a long absence?

Maybe, she was his first wives child and the birth certificate is in another name such as Green? Maybe she is Russian and actually knows Mr. Putin or worse related to him.

Maybe, a love child does not have to be acknowledged or a person not forced to deal with publically with an out of date situation. Whatever, these two have a story to tell us as they are both alive. 

I am sure I will be scalded by both of them if they could read my personal blog.

But I am tired of turning on the television and seeing all of the children brought over to a young innocent reporter who also did some work in Hollywood as her grandmother was an internationally known radio reporter who became a Hollywood announcer during the war.

My mother was really bad with her mind deterioting and I am at the homicide stage with the two dozen plus girls who demand they have it on good authority I gave birth to them. I was on the news or in front a camera most of my adult life and adolescent. I was never pregnant. 

And my mother was considered crazy.

I want to know where all the birth certificates are, especially the big time celebrities. 

I want my revenge on being kept from having a love child as I was never allowed to go to far with any of my interviews and my colleagues were always risked off before I could get acquainted with them.

I was better known for beating off lesbians who insisted we had an agreement or being considered a bigamist with too many marriage licenses showing up, some of them with the same date. 

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