Saturday, March 20, 2021

Get, Got. Done!

 Did you get it done?

Got my jab!

The decision to be vaccinated was not an easy one. I was originally against it personally as I am auto immune and just simply get sick anyways.

I have been sick for awhile and they keep telling me I am not pneumonia but I just had a simple upper respitory.

Now everyone is supper sensitive to a sniffle which I am told is just me allergies or asthma.

Anyways, I went through hell this summer having been denied every thing human.

I was even attacked by a gang of thieves inside the civic center. I have long had a problem with children demanding to be my children. 

No matter where I went in the world, there was always a pair of feet following me home claiming they had been left behind.

I even got called into the White house, presumably to yelled at by the President, one of my former relatives that would stop by at our homes on the West Coast.

And here comes, Malia the White House bitch, I'm sorry they don't really get called Princesses, you know, to sit down next to me. She jabbed me with a needle she must have been provided from inside the security system and then told me, again she was my daughter, I was her real mother and she was tired of living with these people. 

She also kept me from talking to Mr. Obama, or at least I have no idea what the exchange of information was that we exchanged. I do know I never had sex with him and not even under drugs. 

This little midget actually came out of Ludmilla of all people. Jim was not my mothers son but the little bastard sent over to her at the Christmas party where she foolish attended after being informed her pregnancy's had been terminated.

In other words, she was carrying a dead child inside but could not deliver until 9 months due to the laws at the time. Instead a woman had to carry on as usual, in her case she did get the abortion conviction but not the sentence as it was proven she was seen by medical and it was not her fault. Or had attempted an abortion.

Sean or Shawn as everyone called him was not adorable and someone thought it unkind to send him over to entertain the crowd. He got one of those comments about exchanging places with her already dead infant but never got the sense of it as he showed up time and time again over the years.

An unfortunate beautiful young actress showed up in the same small town to give birth at the same time as my mothers miserable delivery of the dead born. Her life was already hellish and her one good husband ended badly after it was revealed she had had a child. 

It is not pleasant to find someone had been married before or has had a baby but she did her best, as I said, Jimmy as I call him insisted he was hers in order to get close to his victim.

This time, he was supposed to be 12 instead of 14 or 15 and just wanted to get married to his girl friend from Germany. I remember her as Sunny or Sonja, but now she is called Ludmilla. 

They had a fine wedding as they go without the big royal church, which is what they wanted. They also followed my family around as we were being given the Plymouth colony tour when we were better known as Jamestown. 

My mothers was always pregnant. She had a number of babies, most of whom she got rid of as fast as they were born. She had already developed Dementia, and had weird thoughts of going to prison or worse if caught with an infant.

I was tossed in the emergency room bucket as i came out blue and thought to be dead. I have often woken in a morgue with a bad heart. Something we often argued about as she would not acknowledge I was born at all but created from God's something or other.


Little Ludmilla, only 12 was desperate to prove her and the son of the family as she though he was, were also going to have a child. She went out searching one night and we are not sure when or where but it might have been in Kingston town as they say.

While my mother lay waiting for her last stages, she was supposed to care for the house but instead refused. We children did the chores when no one was looking so the grandparents would not get angry.

They did get angry and sent her packing, but  not before the littlest Judas was born. My mother betrayer she was going to offer. It did disappear and was mourned by all as my mothers last. It was  not. Her last nor lost, just not discussed.

Ludmilla went into labor, we found where she had gone to hid and it was right next door. She screamed murder, the baby was hanging out of her, with curly black hair and skin to match.

Her triumph was short lived of undoing the lady of the house. She got caught having given birth to a small African child. A midget is what she is, even shorter than her real mother. And certainly no where near Barack whom she insists is her real daddy. 

The young couple paraded around for a bit and were pardoned for being young until it was revealed who their real  parents were, which were not mine. 

The little girl was given a princess life by them and not allowed to suffer at all, at the expense of others. My sister died in this time period and my younger brother had been abducted and then sent elsewhere to get him away from the maniac. 

I of course was also held hostage and had a few other things go wrong. When I got home, I found my parents no longer knew who they were. The fraud they had exposed was now living with them, Jimmy. 

This did not last long either. My parents decided to separate and then divorce and then go their separate ways. I was left to pick up the pieces and did not understand when people tried to prevent me from doing so.

There were many pretenders of her having other daughters. There was just the tow identical sisters, one of which was not buried but still in the morgue. The rest were boys. I still see some of the girls presenting themselves and yet the boys are now grown and not hidden away.

Most of them are probably criminal children inserted to benefit from a once honest family which had the means of travel and then denied the rights due to a change on politics of protecting them as Christians versus communists who got all the protection they wanted as long as they said they were defectors. 

Ludmilla's daughter also pretended to be younger than her years and got my mother to adopt her as her granddaughter. The judge forbade my mother because she had had another boy whom she was refusing to care for but would not acknowledge him either until she got her way with me.

As I said, her brain had gone already. The girl then systematically went through the stages of extortion to even demanding my birthdate from my mother and then tried to kill me. 

She did it again recently. She created a scenario where she arrived at  my last place, a shelter, I had gone to a domestic abuse place to get surgery and privacy. I which I got neither. 

Her methods are obvious and basic, especially the blatant stare. 

Her daughter jabbed me with a needle and told me I was going to do what they wanted. I was kicked down the stairs and stomped on by the little one when I complained of her taking my wallet and my expensive doll I had found and was simply put out in the all female room in order staff off the complaints of my being anti Christmas.

My family always had deaths and what not during Christmas. We did not see family until it was over with and what not as is not  unusual. 

She had called Jimmy to  make me do her bidding but I was not allowed to argue, in other words I was drugged and then informed of what he wanted which had been the deaths of my grandparents and then the deaths of my parents. 

He threatened my life and anyone who is really related to me. 

She also called my dead mother and had a long conversation with her, while the police arrived about her children who had been given a huge Christmas by the Mayor himself about being allowed to have anything and everything of mine including apiece of jewelry she had been told I had acquired. 

And then she caught me speaking to a man who had told me to sit down. He had spoken to me in the past and we were not unknown to now each other in a business sense. 

In this he wanted me to see some pictures, which I immediately identified as the girl in question, now 40 years old. She flew down the stairs while he was speaking and had me drugged that fast as she introduced herself as my daughter upon which her daughter went to steal his wallet.

This was one of Ludmilla's many husbands and the Russian one who was not to be toyed. She is deadly herself, Ludmilla, and tried to kill Jimmy and at least one other man who got in her way. 

They were now divorced and her real mother was dead. I am not sure where I went that night but the girls were not going to stop and in the end I woke up in my bed after a hostage situation occurred.

Jimmy used to take over planes in route to Europe, holding a gun to the flight attendants head, Ludmilla's his wives. 

I am missing money and memory but she is also not in the Royal house as is Meghan, another one of the spoiled girls' who are not my daughters. I have no daughters at all, except an orphans from my cousin who was taken away from me repeatedly.

Meghan is mentally ill, and also leaves bruises and I believe I have had a close encounter with her. I wonder who has taught them all to use needles in order to subdue a trained federal agent? 

Only someone treasonous would have done so and would continue to allow it to continue.

It is the first day of Spring and my Grandmothers Hazels birthday, who fell done the stairs. 

I got my vaccination out of concern for many reasons including the idea we might all need a card in order to travel in the near future. 

If I have to flee  my own community and country due to Jimmy being a well known illegal alien stalker who has done nothing but used force and extortion, well I got it done. 

Please, please, dear Meghan stay the Hell away from me! I have had enough of your kind of person who don't listen to the American Judges. You want to play the race card, I want to see the photos between your young African ones and your adolescent Latino ones. 

I don't believe you! 

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