Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Where else but the White house would the President of the United States be told that his dog had to go!

Come on, its his house, home and office!

His dog is not welcomed. He was a rescue dog from the dog shelter or in other words homeless. 

And he has a bite to him, apparently he actually did bite someone and out the door he goes. 

Hmm, wonder whom he bit and where he bit the said individual?


Well, my cats Hansel and Gretel were not welcomed anywhere at all. No Pets was put up everywhere I went and after I checked in with my emotional support animal. 

I dont understand they allowed a Peacock to board an airplane as an emotional support animal. Are you aware of the length and breadth of their tail feathers?

And Amtrak allows small ponies as service animals for the blind and other. I still want to know where to park the animal, after all it does not where depends or anything and just does what it needs when and where it is, so is it in the same coach as the blind person or is it in the luggage compartment?

I sat in the luggage most of the time. The handicap are allowed the lower berth of about a dozen seats along with luggage racks inside and outside their door. And then there are the bathrooms in full view if the doors fly open while the occupants are busy.

My cats were not welcomed no matter where I went, no matter how much I paid, I even paid for a double room on the train all the way across the country and was almost tossed. There are no other ways of travel or another train to get on and the buses expect the animals to travel under the bus in the luggage where all the fumes.

I had to put them up for adoption and I hope the man who agreed to take them has been treating them well. It breaks my heart every time I think of them. I am not sure what to do because i have been staying in my own family properties but there seems to be no where to go as imposters began to arise awhile ago and insist they were the real relatives.

Tossed out is what the homeless are going to experience at the Convention center downtown near the Marina. 

They were forced to cohabitate with others during the worst of the Pandemic. Now there is simply no room for them anywhere.

Not like Meagan who is claiming she is being kicked out of the royal house. She is also still using the race card and mentioning her skin color.

It is Olive, dear, not chocolate. You are from the Middle east in ethnic background, perhaps Italian or Iraq. 

Not African nor American Indian nor even Mexican. 

Unlike, Kate who shows such beautiful Israeli or Jewish coloring as her grandmother was clearly a Hebrew origins. 

Wonder who either of them made it past the guards to meet the boys from Scotland? 

Probably the same way they made it through school without passing any class or understanding a single concept, by paying or sleeping their way through life.

One of their mothers, was an airline stewardess and the other a social worker. Both notorious low on the moral scale, sleeping their way and stealing what ever they could from their clients even if it is just information.

Neither girl shows much brains nor morals and the poor kids have no real future but to be tossed out themselves unless they can pay their way out of their own pocket somehow.


Not unlike a religion that gets too many criminals sitting inside of its walls.

Catholics for instance often have difficulties in the 20th century. 

The Mexican and Latinos are communist for the most part and don't understand they cant steal everything they can from you because you are stupid.

Whereas, the old Germans where Marxist and wanted to do away with all authority and rape their own daughters and go around looking for young girls to demand as their wives.

And then the Irish are socialist who want to do away with the monarchies. Their method is obvious to do with sex such as Kate who just had to loose her top on her honeymoon. 

She is not aware of whom is interested in her Irish roots or why her parents were involved with the Muslim extremist prior to 9/11.

As an airline controller, Middleton had access to many things and his wife new how to get into those cabins. How many of those deaths were their fault on their way up the social ladder of their little tart?

Tossed out her but, I bet was her real mother, a Jewish girl who spoke Spanish and whose mother was one of those Berkeley girls. 

If she was adopted that is and not the real and natural biological child of the Middleton's instead of a child inserted into a family in order to get access to her betters.

That was what the Berkeley crowd was about, getting into the upper class and then ruining everything for everybody else. One can almost see Kate as one of the FBI wanted list from the 1960's.

As for little Meagan, when is she going to stop crying about her skin color? 

Poor Oprah who had to make a movie about her nipples being sucked by grown up men who were also raping her due to her producing a child without a daddy.

There is no one who believes Dora is the real grandmother of Archie and everyone is now daring the expectant mother to produce a child who is really Harry's and not someone else just to prove something she is not, black.

Another adopted child tossed out of  her house over the wrong skin color? or one of those abducted children never returned to their real mothers because the person in charge keeps looking the other way for some reason.

I bet she and her black mother made appearances everywhere, even stalking the wrong woman. I imagine there were once police reports on her the mother for endangering the childs welfare by not having her raised inside her home instead of showing up somewhere else.

There is probably an explanation for Malia not appearing to match both of the Obamas either but then there were once interviews of Michelle's mother who acknowledged she had a white daddy but it was better for her to raised by her step father.

The experiment of an olive middle eastern child raised by a non biological black woman has failed and it is embarrassing for Diana's family to see the African issue brought up.

But then she got tossed out of the crowd for not producing a girl instead of another unwanted male.

Poor Champ, who has a bite to him and now has to wander the streets looking for love. 

Instead of Malia, who turned down Harry but has a boyfriend who cant afford his own hotel nor a real father who can afford dresses long enough to cover her body. 

A homeless grandmother who lost her house because she could not afford a tax bill of just one thousand dollars, Mrs. Robinson moved in to Pennsylvania avenue with her son in law. This was probably after it was discovered the girl had access to needles and drugs.

Well this goes back to the old days of those colored signs for the bathrooms.

The White people used the white bathrooms.

The colored ones used the other, or did they? Only African or black people applied to the sign.

Really, Indians, Asians and Jews were excluded from both bathrooms.

Wonder where they went? Outside in the bushes?

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