Sunday, April 4, 2021

Another Easter

 Where were you last year?

The local news were going through the routine of staying at home as if they were afraid of the authorities.

A law onto themselves is what they have  become and I was once one of them.

Too many children showed up demanding i had amnesia and had forgotten them and now they want to control me and demand to know who it is I know. 

How many of these news girls are actually terrorists? 

It used to be the question of the men of whom was a KGB agent or a member of the KKK.

These children are not of god and not trained to do anything but use extortion as they sit there demanding they are going to control someone else life.

This entire pandemic, not one of those children of the more than two dozen known to have destroyed my award winning journalist career have offered me anything but contrivances. They sit there congratulating themselves on how clever they are and how much they adore themselves but not one of them has moved out of the house they have stolen or returned the bank account they are using.

They cant give me back my parents nor the children I might have had with a man of my choice. They especially did not want me to marry at all as I would not acknowledge them. Amnesia is not what caused to be born without a mother who loved them but themselves so unwilling to be loved.

These creatures did not deserve the life they have had and now squeeze the life out of others and still sit there going through their routine despite having been convicted, including the ones in front of the cameras have convictions as juvenile delinquents. 

The news agencies now this but continue to use them, even the Jehovah Witness girls are given priorty over someone who was never more than willing to be an observer herself. Most of these girls in the acting field don't even try to hide their contempt for society and they work hand in hand with the ones in the news agencies. 

Where did they come from? Most of them are Muslims from the deserts brought to America as mexicans or Jewish orphans. Most of them used the Kingdom Halls in order to have their way with a popular or well known female reporter.

The fact is all of them are children of drug dealers such as that Rodriguez girl on the Furious series, she is probably even related to El  Chapo. As for Gadot, her cohort, she actually tried to put my head in the toilet and say she was born there and why did I not remember?

Because it did not happen, she is now an American citizen with her pathetic Wonder Woman part. What she does is use my voice most of the time from my journalist assignments having been allowed to have access to the recordings. It is scary to see this type of stalking going on while the media sits there and does nothing at all. They should both be sharing a jail cell in Mexico or Morocco!

I am going to continue refusing to be the mother of all of these little girls who keep bringing me forward without even a place to stay. I ended up in a homeless shelter situation because I was not given the male right to say to no to them and I even had evidence I cant give birth due to my medical condition.

Emily Wickersham is tired of hearing about my broken pelvic bone as well as all the other NCIS children, including the newest ones who have already challenged the local authorities and demand because they are black and I am not they are going to call the shots.

Michelle's take over of America is what has occurred. Her culture is white hatred, since the day she was a girl living in Southern California wanting to have a grand life until her white daddy arrived and told his wife to move and start over because he was not going to tolerate what they had done. He is dead now and there is no control of her kind. 

Too bad, the men who stood up for equality such as the Kennedys did not know these girls did not what a chance to be given an American lifestyle but an African queenship where they get to have their way. One of their own died under mysterious circumstances last year, and this because she was one of the Catholic charity workers who thought she could enter soup kitchens and other places as part of her efforts to give to the community without it affecting her own family. 

She was wrong, they always follow you home, the bad one. 

I was physically attacked again by an African midget not even five feet tall who claims to be Barack Obamas daughter. She has spent forty years making my life difficult and I am not even old enough to be her mother. She has been convicted. 

And yet she is back with a new set of children. She wanted me to give them my food stamps, she gets almost a thousand dollars a month plus cash for her and her non father children. She also wants to meet anyone who did come forward to help but could not get past the needles which left me in a drug state.

Waking with a bad headache and wondering why I was still where I was became and issue as I was having all the symptoms of a nervous breakdown which might have been from my early days of being an abducted child and forced to live a woman who would not accept me as her own daughter once I came home.

Any ways, this one Rachelle the roach likes polyester clothes and plastic toys. She broke all of my grandmothers porcelain china dishes and dolls when she was little demanding Barbie's and such things.

This time I was attacked on the stairs and kicked in the face by her new set of children who then wanted me to pick out toys for them from a catalog, which I refused. They got them anyways, claiming grandma had bought them for them. 

I don't know where the money came from but I do know when the police where called, she first called my dead mothers and used elder abuse on her to demand I be forced to give her everything of mine, including my purse and suitcase as I was again refusing to acknowledge her, I have had her convicted in the past of attempted murder.

She told the police shew as Barracks daughter and got everything she wanted. When I suggested they call him, I was slammed against the wall while they dealt with her tirade. I was not taken to the hospital for my injuries and my migraines are not only real, but she is going to have to explain them from Mexico where I know she was born when this Pandemic comes to a close.

Her culture is different than the ethnic background of MLK and some of the older ones who are still going thought he motions of being born in between a bad period of slavery where half the country was resisting their way of life and this newer take over of Africa on our soil.

It is too bad, because Africans are not bad people but they have bad governments. Communisms began I Germany or Poland and spread into Russia and throughout all the countries resisting Democracy and now as the scriptures say it has a over run its enemy. 

The news media should have come to realize these girls are cooperating with each other in a scary fashion and it is extortion and a form of terrorisms.

The little weather girl who took over my computer when I was working for the American government as a journalist but not a spy but a research and expert in my field does nothing but show her convict shelf as if it is a badge of honor to be a convict.

How many more people need to die of plague or disease in order for the authorities to right themselves?

It might not be them but us the media who continue to tolerate the lies of those who want to be Americans but instead corrupt the system with Christmas gifts and birthday demands.

Instead the media has been promoting the concept that America has no control of their own world. There was a time, every journalist would never have acknowledged that their voting system could be hacked by any foreign government.

My non biologicals children have already been informed of my determination to send them to prison just for suggesting I am their mother. 

I would like them to be deported to their point of origin as well to face criminal charges of espionage or treason because they lying little mouths and constant attempts to prevent anyone from speaking is obvious more than normal wanting to know their own mother instead of performing the necessary tasks of say a drug lord or what we call a Muslim extremist group. 

So, where were you last year? Petting your cat or mourning your mother who went crazy trying to prove the impossible while ignoring her own natural kids? 

How many of us have not seen a dead body of a neighbor or just an unknown person lying on the sidewalk?

May Jehovah god bless all of the world except those insiders who knew ahead of time and did nothing to prevent this pandemic. 

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