Saturday, June 19, 2021

Its all over now, so why dont you all go back home!

 The date has come when we can take off our masks. We have all been hiding under the masks buy now our faces can be seen again.

It is not a pretty sight after a year of fear and isolation, people are willing to kill each other.

They have actually been killing each other. There have been shootings everywhere, more deaths.

It is all unnecessary, the virus and the fear as well as the anger and animosity.

Early last year i was yelled at continuously about things not true and every time i went to the bathroom.

I was reported for everything i had not done and even had to hear about washing my own but. 

I was suspected of being contagious by a while woman who kept after others of color to keep after me in their own fashion to show their own fear and racism.

It culminated in being told to get back in my boat and return to England. I'm native American not African nor white.

I was polite when I told her in line that we walked across a piece of ice to get to America. My people did not have boats.

She did not understand what I was talking about and the same white woman happened by, so I asked her if she had swam or flown to the united states. 

She was offended and refused to answer at first, I know she Suzanna is from Berlin, and not England. She made the mistake of talking about the Pilgrims and would not answer the question.

She claims to be from the south but has too much twang in her drawl, something they teach in Germany, the southern or Texas drawl.

The next day I was asked, so your people did not have boats? Very unpolite and again in an argument and with hatred. 

All of this because I don't have the same skin color as everyone else. 

Well, life goes on and for the survivors of the 2020 deadly virus, most of us are tainted. Some will always hate others and some will never give you the same service they provided prior, having been forced to deal with suspicious people all year, but having a job.

Next year, is another story, it remains to be seen if this virus is at an end or if another version of it is going to spread. 

The clever men went to England for their summit without inviting the outcast the one guy who is probably innocent. 

Then Geneva was used for the Presidents of the US and Russia to congratulate each other on surviving being in isolation and pretending they were not affected by the terrible deaths. 

They at least were talking, meanwhile the ousted Trump faces more problems and the CVD was not even his fault!

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