Sunday, June 6, 2021

Culture versus Ethnic background

 Once upon a time people used to tell others where they came from, sometimes a location such as the Midwest or deep south would explain themselves to others. 

Others would say, oh I am from Germany, I don't know any better, I am not American.

Then there were the proud days of being Italian when really the family were a little further east such as Turkey or Iraq and did not want to acknowledge they were Muslim. 

Or that they were not Indian descendants, and almost all of the old money on the East Coast married young chiefs daughters in order to be on the safe side, of the land ownership laws. 

Then the days of all the blonds saying they were the real Indian descendants or the white women who married Indian men claiming their families were the real owners of the land or wanted to make decisions for everyone else due to their men coming from these families.

Now it is the Africans Americans who want to have the right to have everything that belong to other people including the Indian rights. 

Native Americans still are waiting reimbursement for the use of their lands, for enslavement of their peoples, for rape of their women, for forcible removal from their legal owned properties and yet the younger African population now wants to own the right to say they are Pocahontas descendants as well and treat themselves as Queens. 

The younger African Americans are a different culture and want to jump up and down about the slavery issue without fully understanding what actually took place. All they want is free pizza, and more free pizza the rest of their days.

One woman who wants Judge Judy to go to Prison for giving her the impression she does not have to acknowledge the court decision by continuing her denying me my civic rights based on my religion not being the same as the judges, actually showed up again with a second set of kids. 

She stooled my avocado for my salad since I am on a special diet and have no way of getting the regulated meal plan to except additional options for those of us with special needs. Her baby daughter salad the thing whole including the pit. When the police arrived over a stolen avocado they had to perform emergency spanking to get the kid to cough it up 

She also demanded I hand over my food stamps to her rights and then and said it was because she was Barack's daughter and she got to have anything she wanted. The police thought she was joking about the parentage but she was not, she long ago decided a child had given birth to her and insisted on hunting me down demanding everything of mine and then destroying whatever it was she got her hands upon.

Her children took me outside and explained to me what it means to be black and from a slave class, after they pulled out a needle with some sort of date drug. Girls with memory loss drugs for themselves or the boys while they watch the other girl? 

Anyways, the new culture is to scream about the slavery issue even though it was only a few plantations which were as bad as those seen in the movies. The slave issue was a problem because the whole community feel into the pattern of refusing any assistance to those who were innocent of needed not to be taken advantage.

Instead, we now know more about what really went on in those old days. It was not pretty but neither is the modern equivalent of the get even skims these girls have concocted. 

The Barack's could even be seen as culprits if the whole thing went to court, as he is from Kenya or at least his daddy. His father was a Chief son who was proudly brought home by a white woman to meet her parents in the 1960's when shock value was normal. 

She seemed to actually like her son, unlike many who produced mixed race children and put them up for adoption or worse, he came out a fine example of what is allowed when the right values are addressed.

Remember the slaves came from Africa, mainly captured by other tribes and then sold to others for their usage, the Germans in particular needed them for their farms. Along came the Britain, who wanted them for their plantations in the Pacific. It seemed a nice way to get rid of their enemy, instead of killing them or burning down their villages as is still being down today.

The Jamaica and Barbados places needed quick hands and strong backs. Many from the British prisons had already been sent over, and except for the military men captured in battle and sold as slave instead of killed, the thieves and murders where weaklings.

Hence, the African trade routes grew up with the need of labor as all nations before them had needed strong hands. Before this, the Romans had enforced mainly the white populations of Europe to do their forced labor and fight in battles until they were dead. Their only other choice was to have their entire villages burnt down and their people hunted down like animals, many accepted their fate, including the raping which was expected.

It is not being said that the rape was necessary nor normal as the Puritans had taken over a new generation of people. But some with bad motives continued to arrive in the new country with old ideas and spread their wrath against humanity.

Therefore, all who cooperated could be held accountable, including the Chiefs of Kenya and other neighbors, who if anything, did nothing in the human trafficking. 

So, claiming she is Barack's daughter and she get to have anything she wants and steal anything and demand anything including someone else meager portions is not going to qualify as they say in this modern age. 

But the modern culture is different then the old ethnic background. For instance, complaining that a free phone is being denied even though the Lifeline representative says you qualify but the vendor guy wants to get paid for his time does not even muster anything. I said, he wants 40 dollars! 

(And the guy is looking at me, pay the dude, you are disrespecting him, look with chin out! Instead, he is ripping us all off, and committing a crime and getting us to collaborate with his skim causing us to also get jail time, but no that is not the expression I am getting from the guy who just wants to know why I don't have a phone.)

Anyways, Thomas Jefferson went down as a slave owner when in fact he was well known for wanting to free the slaves and send them home. Something they were horrified over, go home! His wives half sister lived with them and had a marriage license but was instead hiding in his basement out of fear of her life because the times had changed and the view points of being allowed an open marriage no longer available.

Something else, the history books don't mention. There were marriages between the classes and the races, at least in the north. And sometimes relationships were known and children's were acknowledge, even though someone was listed as a slave or servant.

There have been many men of the old days, some senators who married their servants, as young as 14 or 15, the legal age. Others, made arrangements for their sons to have property and giving them a free status, something which was required.

The early days, was all about accounting. How many head of children are you bringing with you on the voyage to the new world, not all the children belonged to the same family. How many cattle or chattel as the old European expression was  known which covered humans to be used as laborers. 

We mightn't be pleased but then look around at the homeless and think of what to do with them, put them in forced labor camps? Or let them continuing causing business to fall victim to clients not wanting to frequent certain neighborhoods?

They have no place to go and many will never get work, unlike the old hobo days when a man could get work as in the Steinbeck books of the Great Depression.

Anyways, Jamaica was a freer society with the expected mixture. Kamala's white family came from higher classes wanting to make their mark and used what was the normal, but also kept their family names. Her White family go back to England, and some of them were in the British Parliament, the Jamaican House as well as the early colony House of Burgess. 

Then there was Henry Clay, a prominent Senator and a mouth which spoke rebel. He was born as the Revolution took over his parents new nation and continued their work throughout his long lineage. 

He caused a number of things to happen and his descendant, Cassius Marcellus Clay, served in the House of Representatives and as Minister to Russia where he helped arranged the purchase of Alaska and married one of their women bringing home a son. 

He also had another direct heir or descendant. Prior to his marriage to his white wife, he had an acknowledged relationship with a Winnie Freeman. She is listed as a Free person as was necessary, as was stated, accounting, one was either a slave or not a slave, a free person or not a free person. Her son is listed as Jesse Clay and he is listed as a owning real estate or as a land owner. 

Therefore, it was not only an acknowledged relationship, maybe a marriage license but certainly one which benefited the woman and the son. He did not hold back from providing for his offspring, Mr. Clay.

This was more normal and expected in the Eighteenth century. In the Nineteenth century, the tide turned, except for a few families in the north, the south wanted nothing to do with accountability.

The few white women who had sons of the other color, kept them close to them inside the house while the men found the rights of the women violated being addressed out in the fields. The uprisings were not  pleasant nor was it necessary to have them murdered, but it had gotten out of hand.

Hence, the white grandchildren did not always adhere to the wishes of Grandpa, and put out the actual owners of the land in both Jamaica, those who had been born to the Big House but had to live in small huts and those in the East. 

Just as the Native Americans, including those who had married into the nations after the time limit had arrived, were force to remove themselves from their own lands, land owners were denied access to their own properties or lied to about property titles.

One of the poorer descendants of Henry Clay, the son Jesse who had been a land owner, but now his family lived in poverty, never having been slaves at all, was another Cassius Clay. 

He is better known as Mohammed Ali, the boxer who took the world by storm and turned Muslim out of the stories of his ethnics hardships. He fought during the Civic rights for equality and provided for those in his community once he was a rich man.

As a Muslim, he also attempted to inspire other athletes as well as those in his community to live better lives and not take advantage of others but to work at bettering themselves. 

His family might have thought of themselves as poor and as a slave class, but they were not born into slavery and they were land owners from the start and considered a Free people long before the Emancipation act.

Sally Hemmings was also not born a slave, but the daughter and granddaughter of White Ships Captains, who married what they wanted. She also had a marriage license and a certificate of freedom for her children. 

Kamala's, family might have arrived on slave ships, but they married into the white plantation owner families, some worked the lands and others did other things, but they also arrived in America to get educated and work at something instead of feeding off of others. 

As for Barack, him and Nelson Mandela, were the grandsons of Chiefs, who went with the time's. They protected their own and may or may not have been involved in the turmoil that keeps a village or community safe. 

There is no direct involvement with the slave trade even though they come from the privileged Black or African class of their countries and both were educated and both elected Presidents.

These people have made their mark on society and not as slave descendants. Others, such as Martin Luther King Jr, and Rosa Park also made their mark. 

They did with dignity and working with the system, it needs to be said, that threats, insults on both sides cause anarchy and unrest.

The young such as Malia and Mehgan don't know what it means to be a slave descendant because they are not. They also don't know what it means to be to poor to eat but still have to walk to work, because it will never happen in their time.

What will the others do though,  keep on demanding to on the rights to peoples wallets, purses, food stores, and closets as we just went through a Pandemic, which might not be over yet?

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