Monday, June 28, 2021

Just when we thought it couldnt get any better!

 One more time, I awoke in the middle of the night in the condo built for my parents to enjoy as they got older. Of course, they divorced right after the completion of the dream spot on Miami Beach for them and their younger sons. 

It was shaking and an uncontrollable fear overwhelmed me. I accustomed to California and earthquakes picked up by personal belongings and the emergency suitcase in the closet and ran for the elevator.

I made it down to the lobby only to realize, this was not my first visit. I keep waking up since I was a teenager and my life went to hell in this place in the same nightmare.

The building is collapsing around me and i cant find my parents or my brothers. 

My sister had died before the building was completed and my brothers were allowed to come home only if Jim was not in the residence. 

He swore vengeance having been allowed to live with us instead of the real boys and then he turned 18 and was an adult.

He told others he was going to bring down the building and then go in as a rescuer and be my hero when he saved me.

Everyone told me the story in warning that he was going to kill me if he found me hurt or injured and my parents were dead if they brought their real sons home.

No one wanted to live in the building as my parents divorced and the boys were all put up for adoption.

I was the survivor who went to work school work college work and then could not get my career because a butch of mean little bitches kept showing up such kate middleton who is completely crazy.

She drove me more nuts then the others with her behavior and I do remember her born during finals in Spanish class.

Anyways, I often ended up trying to get away from her and others by living in one of the to=wo properties m y parents did own but others managed.

This time when the cops responded they wanted me to be treated for mental issues, involving being stalked by Jimmy and harrassed by a number of little girls. 

There was nothing I could do about the dreams or nightmares. Even my mother began to sit up at night in the condo on the top floor. She said she could also fell the floor shaking.

Years later, my mother died of brain cancer, kate got married to Prince William and I had a nervous breakdown from nothing at all except no one would leave me alone and everyone was lying to me about my job and housing.

In other words, they said it was their business, job, career, home, apartment, boat and what not.

Even my husband ran away with a girl to Espana and did not return him, meanwhile I cant get anything done because of one bad dream were I was ready for an emergency as we had all been trained in my young days.

One more time, the image of the building wavering in front of my eyes, Jimmys evil laugh and then the entire collapse of the condos out at Miami beach is in front of me. 

There is no jimmy to call nor the police because they have arrived. My nightmare came true, on the news is the very building we no longer went to because all of us began to become uneasy about it.

Others would do almost anything to get the keys from us to go to Florida, but we had stopped trying.

Here in front of me was the aftermath of all those visits to the doctor about migraines and hallucinations and nightmares.

The entire top floor was for our friends, everyone of those condos had people unknown at the time who had worked hard and deserved a retreat before they became famous.

Now they are scattered across America in retirement and my brothers long gone across the globe. 

Those poor souls who sub rented or stoled the condos on the top floors are now on the grounds under debris.

Fifty units collapsed at one time, the reason it took so long to move in, was someone altered the plans and we no longer faced the ocean but had to stand side wise and look out over the rest of the residents. 

A complete failure from underneath they said. They have found 10 bodies in four days time, 150 people are unaccounted for and no one knows how to extricate them from the cement at this time for identification as it is one big junk pile.


All I want for Christmas it Jimmys head on a platter....

Oh, and I am not crazy after all, just too nervous about the stories told to me by others about my stalker.

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