Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Crusaders to Old West lawmen turned gang of thieves

 The Dalton gang they were called and about as notorious as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. There were actually a number of gangs during the Old West days. Easy access to banks and trains among other things made them famous for their robberies.

But where did they come from? For the most part, good families not known for being outlaws, not like the Hatfields and Mccoys.

Unlike the Thirties and Forties robbers who also made history, these people had to deal with horses and Marshalls in order to get away with their crimes. Hideouts and traveling to places such as Mexico or South America was their only way of escape.

The Daltons, who are not related to the film actor of the same name. By the way, Bond is protrayed as a type of rogue agent, acting outside the law, but he usually does not rob a bank but is usually being seen returning the money in the end to show his honesty after all the rules he has broken.

This family were Reverends and law men with a good standing in the community. There was a family of about ten boys, but only four of them became out laws. And this was after they did work as law men but felt short changed. 

Maybe the system did not give them what they deserved. Maybe at the time it appeared that they were being swindled by the big money. Railroads for instance were greedy and also did not look out for the care of their employees.

Just as banks were also said to be defrauding people and causing people to loose their farms or homesteads after all the work and then having no place to go. Many immigrants came in and took from others without much outlet for how to keep the family farm much less get rid of the new comers.

The Daltons arrived in America before the American Revolution and probably fought for the Union during the Civil War. They had a history of being Americans and not illegals. 

They descend from a line of Crusaders. Crusaders were sent originally to the Holy land in order to get Jerusalem out of the hands of the infidels or Islam's who had decided to make it their home.

The Crusaders were many things, including honorable men and thieves. They also robbed ancient sites in order to preserve the artifacts for history. 

But there were some who also took money although considered spoils of war, it is still an issue when comparing how the Old West began to take matters into their own hands and out siders were often simply working against the system. 

These Daltons can trace their lineage back to at least the 14 th century and had titles of knighthood attributed to them. 

Their female line  goes right up to the year 1000. They are listed as coming out of France which was common, Britain was ruled from France for awhile, especially during the Viking invasions. 

They have famous surnames such as Fitzalan and  Griffith in their lineage. Common thieves descended from the great Crusaders' of lore? Who might have rescued a maiden or two or might have been related to royalty at some point. 

The Old West and its lawmen and its outlaws. Who is to say whom was a better man Kit Carson who hunted down wild Indians as if they were animals or Jesse James who continued to live among those whom he stoled or those who ran off to other countries or the Wyatt Earp gang who were also lawmen but got into a spot of trouble such as gambling. 

Not like the modern thieves who use your bank accounts and even steal your cats in order to get even on a personal agenda. Swindlers and fraudulent observers abound giving a person a bad name for nothing at all but someone else whispering, shoplifter.

Meanwhile, one of the more notorious Thirty Mobster type Al Capone has spawned not only a son but three granddaughters. One of them has written a book about his family life and is currently putting at auction a number of his personal items that his family enjoyed.

The Crusaders were not unknown to become rich after their holy quests nor were their accommodations poor shacks in the desert but huge estates from which we get many of the politicians today who might not be considered lawful.

Still we would not want to be on a train such as Amtrak and have gunfire break out nor experience a robbery at a bank, where our money is no longer considered good.

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