Sunday, September 26, 2021

Dear Mr. Putin

 I hope you are feeling well, they said you had to go into quarantine due to staff members having tested positive. And this with all of your precautions, and the vaccine but then there was that trip to Siberia. You could be worn down with all the efforts to kill you, even if it is just in the news. 

And then there are all of those ill will people showing up and purposely getting themselves arrested or simply protesting. Too much stress, I notice you hair is not the same as when you were a young athletic Olympic hopeful. Don't worry you still have more than Prince William.

About those vacations, I notice you have quieted them down, instead of the fancy ones to the beach, or the expensive yachts, you go hiking and fishing. Your fireplace was amusing especially to your staff. I imagine you don't get much time to sit quietly next to the fireplace, as President Roosevelt did with his polio wracked body. 

I do wish you to feel better, with these latest elections keeping the wolf at bay and the known enemy in place as the expression goes. Canada decided to keep Trudeau and after his wife went and got the horrible Coronavirus. They did not throw the new Governor of California out over the idea his Pandemic control was too much. Gavin has done nothing more than others and has had as much trouble over his own personal style of dealing with his family and friends. 

Perhaps, Merkle could have used some help, it seems they are tired of supporting a middle age woman without a slender figure. Everyone said they had voted for Hillary, but then she did not win according to the limits of the Constitution. I wonder how they would have done with the former President becoming the first male partner?

Well, you take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. The world is counting on you not letting any of those nutty military guys running around with the thought of blowing up the world. They use that motif in the films, such as the Bond series and Mission Impossible. I am sure your men are accustomed to being thrown to the wolves and have taken precautions to not allow themselves to be eliminated. 

As for Afghanistan, I would stay away, not even for a weekend get away. Just cross it off your list. They retook the country so fast, those Taliban guys, they did not have time to acclimate at all. I understand, that just as Orthodox Jews, the Muslims are also not willing to vaccinate much less consider the consequences of social distancing at a minimal.

Really, they have been in hiding all of these years, and now they are out taking selfies of themselves. No hygiene policy for roughing it nor hiding in caves and as for dormitory living, well one would be better off in a hospital ward. Not really, they are dying like flies in America, don't go to an American hospital right now either.

Ten days to retake a country under American sanitary conditions. Did they even have a lock down in Afghanistan? Well, I am sure they have not built up the immunity needed for this deadly disease. It would be better for them to one of those poor penguins in South Africa, where the bees targeted their eyes, killing the whole community.

Maybe, there will be a quiet time ahead, where those not vaccinated nor have built up the immunity towards any disease, including the measles, which i hear came back to America with the refuges. It might just happen, they will begin to drop like flies, going around where the Americans were, wearing clothes that don't get washed or shared accommodations and what not.

It might just be possible that Biden did them a favor, withdrawing at the end of summer when the heat is highest. The next few months should be fruitful, maybe the dreadful disease will wipe them all out, at least those in the cities. Just like the Native Americans who had no built up immunity for the European common diseases, such as Chicken pox and Measles, just disappeared. 

Or at least that is what historians claim the reason for their removal and Manifest destiny, the abandoned land where it was free for those smart enough to be on hand to move in and squat. As many have returned to remote areas in your country assuming there was no harm. But many places have diseases such as remote communities. 

Time well tell, if the Afghanistan can withstand the onslaught of a disease they have taken no precautions. No vaccinations nor clean living, not that they are dirty. Take what happened in New York city with the Jewish community a few years ago with Measles outbreak and the refusal to vaccinate. It was a calamity they could not avoid due to religious beliefs. 

Myself, I was super sick prior to the outbreak. I kept being told I did not have pneumonia but just had upper raspatory virus. Everywhere I went, even DC I was told to go home and rest. I was frightened it might be something contagious but even on a Train was told I could not wear a scarf around my neck. It frightened the other passengers, and yet I kept coughing with out stopping. 

I did not test positive to the mutated virus until after i was vaccinated, and with the Johnson and Johnson one shot. Then I tested positive and after i was quarantined several times under suspicion of having the symptoms. Now I am back to coughing and wheezing but cant even get a chest x-ray due to being listed on the CVD21 list. 

Well, the neighbors are going to have to get used to my coughing as there is nothing I can do about it. They already give the impression of listening too much to my activates inside my own room. Reminds me of the old days where we told as travelers not speak out loud nor leave anything out we did not want stolen or spoken to about in customs lines.

Now if there was one person i would wish to just get it over with and die, it would be my non relative Jim who keeps using my last name. He was listed as a stalker once a long time ago, but he has done it so long, that even my distant relatives believe he is who he says he is. The problem is he uses women and has moved on to a new wife, using my last name of course. I just wonder what happen to the last one, as they are living in the same house, I notice that she once lived in the same neighborhood in teh last city. 

I bet she is one of his old girlfriends. Which mean I should be worried about his former wife, even though i did not like her either. I get tired of being told I am not whom I say i am because of his insistence. I hope she was not in the Florida condo collapse, nor one those trapped in Mexico during this shutdown on the border. But where would she go as an illegal alien? Maybe I should ask for the backyard to be torn up.

Anyways, I was once a Journalist and not a bad one. I got edged out by all the newbies, and well was not up to the same games as the other women. My grandmother survived the London Blitzes as a radio announcer. She even got to introduce the Windsor's, the parents of the current Queen and a few Presidents as well. The world forget she even existed as I have no recognition no at all.

As for your trips, just be careful, because at least Presidents are still needed in this modern society. The young think they can run things themselves or just ignore the government or religion as they choose. I do hope your dogs are also under care as it sometimes transfers between animal to human. My cats are gone to another family as my accommodations changed due to no longer being needed as an expert researcher and interviewer. 

You however, need to remember you image will survive forever, just don't go to Afghanistan or even Mexico. Especially don't drink their water, or maybe this is where it all started, not in a Chinese laboratory . But in the non sanitary conditions of countries who put religion first and not the welfare of their residents. We shall see, if the Taliban survive, it will be because they either got vaccinated in secret or were the source of the disease in the first place. 

All of those military and news people going in and out of their county and all points elsewhere. It certainly spread fast enough throughout the entire globe. Siberia is a nice place when it is not snowed in, I once had a cat from there, she liked to catch bats instead of rats. No more running yourself into exhaustion, keep up those exercises and good healthy living as your videos show. 

Best Wishes on your next decade and non too late. We are need to know our back are being guarded, especially the so called enemy keeping their distance and making sure their borders are not converged upon by complete strangers. 

This reminds me of the decision to hold a live political symposium which resulted in the German people getting it into their head, they had the right to walk out of their barricaded city. The Berlin wall came down the same day as a politician misspoke and the whole city took to the streets on 11/9. Wish those of 9/11 could have just walked out of their building but without elevators they did not know what to do except jump. 

All those new building interfering with the weather patterns. And still no way down, except by jumping, and now they need oxygen tanks as those buildings have grown too high, even with a parachute to survive. Best to them as well, I am not going up an elevator nor a plane any time in the near future. 

Keep to your standards and your avoidance of being assassinated, someday we will all wake up grateful to an earth returned to normalcy. Even the President of America will be happy not to have to crack open his codes for weapons. Maybe, your daughters will visit you, unlike myself who has no daughters at all, just a few godsons, who have not bothered phoning.

Children, good luck in the next election and be easy on that French guy, he is not doing a bad job. God knows who will replace him. Oh, and is it not your Day of being born? I still get confused over the old 13 day difference. Well, be careful who you spend it with but be ready not to move too quickly if Biden should get fidgety, it is probably nothing to worry about. 

Good Health and a Long Life to you. 

Now an unknown former Journalist who covered the world for her God father Mr. Jennings. 

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