Sunday, June 28, 2020

Is it over yet?

Is it safe to come out again? Into the sun shine? Or should we continue to hide inside ourselves pretending nothing unusual has happened?

I just watched a 100 million plus boat dock at my old families private dock before the city took the last piece of respectability from my own father. He was just an Indian anyways and it didn't really matter. Just like those historic registrar homes we used to live in and we were not allowed to modernize them, but now the city has abandoned property, they are either pulling them down for a cement building, moving them to a different location. acquiring the building for their own uses, or simply acting as if they are not over a hundred years old and putting in plyboard instead of real wood and painting or staining over virgin  original built. 

Then there was the million dollar speed boat already parked in the nearby area. It is said to belong to the really fancy boat with a swimming pool on the top deck, a full size jacuzzi on the inner bottom deck and a helipad on the front. Where did it come from? It wasn't towed behind them and it didn't come with them?

The city said they needed our property next to the trolley line. It was in direct line with the city hall, which they have just torn down. They needed the old house moved and the barn and other buildings destroyed so they could put in a dry park with a bunch of trees and a water pond where there was once a swimming pool and tennis court. 

There was also an original gas station and drive in on the other side of the lot, where once only those who could afford a car, parked it nearby and had it serviced by real mechanics. It is now a parking lot, and the streets in between the city hall and the once new federal building are high rise apartment buildings, not government offices. 

Instead they built a row of court houses made of glass and hall of justice along Broadway, just up from the train station which Amtrak services instead of the older Union one which is now part of a Hard Rock Hotel. 

Sometimes, my father would forget where he was and fall down in exhaustion at the old location. The new location was up the hill, and too much for his failing heart. He would also be arrested for trespassing on his property in either location, even though there was no bill of sale, nor a title either as the county clerk has a way of forgetting to file paper work.

Instead we were huddled into a modern temporary home, on the extension of the property, which was the water front. We collected taxes ferry fees and ferried people across the short expanse to Coronado. Then they built the bridge. We also collected fishing fees off the small island, which had a land bridge. Then they needed the property for yet another parking lot. Now they have gone from making a private farm, with a fishing pier to a public park serving burgers and bait, to a now enclosed outdoor amphitheater, without contacting the original owners. My grandparents were still alive when this began, but they were only war heroes from that dismissed WWII war. Not as exciting as the Vietnam one nor the much more well known Desert Storm. 

So, disembarking without a mask was a young blond girl with a small dog in her arms, and a couple of black SUVs and professional looking drivers. She seems to be related to someone very important. The new Hilton built some decades ago has been closed for the entire pandemic. She had her belongings unloaded and one wonders where she is going. The Crown and the Handley are being used as isolation units for the homeless and the ill. 

The Coronado just reopened, so maybe she is going to enjoy the haunted hotel built on top of someone else's property. One can tell, because they simply lifted the original houses up off the ground and built underneath them. They also added a few more from the beach, giving the infamous hotel an eclectic look. Along with the round barn building which is used as a ballroom. Round barns were also used as religious buildings in the old days. 

The area was once inhabited with Japanese, Russians and the French who did not deal with the Spanish Armada or the British Royal fleet. They left behind clues everywhere, and then the outlaws built missions at each point they felt threatened up the Baja and California coast. They would have made it up through Washington if they could have but got caught off guard by another bunch of lying thieves, the Bear Flag revolt, a bunch of men who held a family of women at gun point until the General Vallejo relinquished the Mexican hold over the French Napoleon owned lands to swine. 

Real estate thieves and land grabbers from the time of Daniel Boone, breaking international treaties for a bunch of homeless people who had nothing better to do, than steal from the locals. Then there was the infamous Pancho Villa who rose they said out of the hills and took over what was left of a French community to stage an independence from Mexico, causing a dozen teenagers to be murdered who were left guarding gates to the castle in Mexico city. 

Odd, that the US had to come to the aid of California, once the terrorist's took it away from a country which had stooled it from the already allocated land grants of another country, march on Mexico city for the Alamo, which was actually inside of Spain owned Mexico, and then encourage those who had not had enough of war with the civil war, to enter Mexico city to save it from another bunch of criminals who had shot the nephew of the French President/ Emperor. 

Mexico city is where they moved the Inquisition, after ridding Iberia of the Islamic alter rulers from the designated ones after Mohammed died. In Mexico, there is evidence of Jewish communities, who were called Conversos, those who had to give up their religion for the Catholic one in order to survive. They were apparently deported to the New Spain in order to rid Spain of any diseased mind or individuals. 

After having wrenched Texas from New Spain, they gave half of it to Independent Mexico, making the state appear to be a vagina, as Florida, a French held property was made to look like, well you know, a limp thing. They gave away Baja as well, something the Mexicans had still not entered, as it was a long ways from Mexico city and across a strip of water. The only ones living there were the Indians and the French. 

The Russians had outpost throughout upper California and perhaps Baja as well from the names of the religious sites meant to super impose a different religion upon the natives. Russia is the older Orthodox religion prior to a group of outcast making their way to what is now called the Vatican state. Not that they did not have to move to Avignon in France for a short while, while under siege from Germany and other nations bitter over the split from the original church in Constantinople. 

Thieves and criminals have a habit of stealing other peoples property. We are in the middle of a Pandemic, with important elections going on throughout the world. A young girl with a small dog disembarks without a mask or evidence of quarantine. Should we be suspicious? Should we think she is special? Or does she have the power to save the world.? Or is she from the right types of people, not Indians, nor pathetic old religion? 

Instead of all these people marching for injustice, which is nice but it is not unknown to have a case overthrown. And there is still a chance Michelle Obama might come off her high perch and mingle with her people. Especially those from her previous life, before her white daddy provided her with a cleaned slate and a free ride into an expensive college. 

This after the Indians took over a federal Civil War outpost, because they were told to go home during the holidays and not come back when they were given the impression they could go to school and get an education. 

Of course, most of those who protested peacefully sold out for careers made out of paper instead of real work, using others coat tails to get where they are without looking back at what they left behind. Familiar story. 

Well, is it safe to go outside yet? The EU is refusing access from Russia and US into their fragile countries after the worst of the pandemic, hoping the second wave wont hit them any harder than they already have been hit. It will, of course, as the nature of disease and the fallacy of humans, someone will sneak in, who has the infection. 

When will the rest of us be released from hell? Most people don't now what it means to live under military rule. Or see entire villages die of a single disease. Most don't realize how fortunate we are to have a governor and a government willing to deal with the people instead of squirreling away in their bunkers. The protestors have rights and so do the police. It is those who break the law on both sides who should not have rights, that includes falsely calling others insane or criminals or even that they have dirty hands. 

The disease is not coming from our hands, but the very air we breather which was contaminated at least six months earlier or even a few years, as the disease developed and mutated into a deadly virus instead of laying dormant for decades and reappearing again and again as the plague kept hitting Europe for almost four hundred years. 

Another reason, many boarded boats and simply slipped away to areas of the world uncharted and non-diseased prior to the actual crossing of Christopher Columbus who immediately libeled the natives that they spread disease, namely Syphilize. There is no evidence it did not exist previously, just no recorded information on the ship crew ailment of adultery's while not actually living in a Christian country. 

As a nation we are looking forward to a peaceful resolve of the issues of racism on both sides. For an honest civil force who attempt to work within the limits of the law. And for an end to a disease probably caused by some laboratory mistake, and then synthesized through some drug addicts poor hygiene habits. 

The rest of us, wash our hands usually, while watching people with the filthy habit of smoking and drug addicts still leave their used needles for others to pick up or too step upon. Those who are immune will survive, and those with low immunity will not. It is part of history from before Egyptian times, the real curse of the mummies, causing interlopers not to be able to breath.

Well, it will be over when it is over, and not before it takes as many with it as it can. The rules are always misapplied, but it is labeling others as disease carriers or spreaders or even murderers that will keep us as a people or at least a splintered cultural nation from moving forward. 

How I wish I still had a boat to crawl onto, instead of a collective homeless shelter. Not unlike the refugee sanctuaries or even the hospitals and monasteries of the past. Going native, I believe is the correct political term. What would we do without millionaires coming to our common shores and spreading their wealth? Nothing at all, but perhaps die from unemployment and other unmentionables. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Born a slave

Many are protesting slavery and bondage. Many are correct in not understanding the need to enslave someone else. Those who were sold into slavery from Africa to the Caribbean were part of an old European, in particular German preoccupation with enforced labor. 

Germany had made itself into a Holy Empire, ending the system of feudal lords who allowed their people to own land and work as they wanted, but required protection pay with either military service or other types of services. Germany moved many into cities, leaving the county to poorer to care for itself and then enforcing a system which created a cause for  later Marxist of no food for the workers themselves.

The African were tired of the influence and wanted to get rid of those not part of their own community. There were once many communities and even Mandela and Obama are sons or grandsons of chiefs from local communities as Europe was once a smaller condensed continent of differing nationalities, not all German.

The System of slavery is still under inspection, but what the southern states in particular did was unusual cruelty of all of it is true. Even some of it is too much for most to stomach. don't forget the Indians were the first enforced slaves or laborers in the new country. 

The pilgrims might have been made welcome by those in the surrounding areas. America is full of stories of Indian attacks that were not Indians at all. And the types of cruelty met out to a people not seen to be modern or civilized was unmentionable. Not unknown, but not worth the paper it was written upon. 

The current situation of brutal treatment of any who appear to have broken the law is a throw back to the old inquisition days and bible burning days that drove many to America for freedom. It is a sad thing that any woman needs to be handcuffed or that any many must lay down on the ground due to the unrest of the police towards being attacked.

Many officers are killed in many different ways, some even committing suicide due to the stress of dealing with all of the problems of the community they live. this includes the railroading of those who are natives but are not part of the inner working of the current owners of businesses or other types of groups who run any given city or community. 

When a chief has an expired license and is brutally beat up because he is seen as a threat to the local police it is more than an eyeful. But it did not set a protest march across Canada not unknown for burning cars with those inside who were simply proclaiming an unpopular message. 

As for those born in slavery, it is interesting what types of laws there are in people mind. Some still believe those of the old aristocracy don't deserve to be born and if they are to be kept from ever attaining any significant job except for stud.

Such as Prince Philip Mountbatten, one of the last of the Romanovs, wrongly accused of bringing the entire Russian nation too its knees of starvation when the next group were not much better. Only the last few rulers have attempted to modernize a country that had gone all industry, the main cause of the Marxist uprising. 

As for Prince Philip, also a contender for a Greek or Danish title and real job has done nothing more than go hunting, fishing and breeding with the pretty princess with German roots. Her children are quite a handful, some better than others, but the grandchildren! Talk of being born into slavery, the way the make them work for a living and they still marry out, rich enough to afford to be put up with despite having no pedigree and worse not even producing children recognizable to those they are now in laws. 

As for little Miss Heming's, it is interesting it says her children were born into slavery when she herself was not. The records state her father was a sea captain and not a slave, more than likely white. It is her mother who was born in Africa and married in Barbados with a real license to a man who accepted her. It is uncertain if she was bought and then wed as some did in order to own the rights to the woman.

Unlike, Miss Robinson's mothers line which goes back to a Shields, family of Ireland, not it seems to Brooke Shields. It states the woman was brought to the family farm, seen in pictures as quite a small building and sold as a slave. He seems to have acknowledged his offspring a big man who was known as a minister of god, but not born into slavery. 

As for the Thomas Jefferson question, he was also related to the Randolph's, a family of royal lineage, which both Churchill, and Patricia Hearst were related. There is a marriage license for the girl to a Randolph who appears to be both the nephew of Mr. Jefferson and also his son in law. His daughter who grew up with both appears to have married afterwards and lived apart from her husband. 

He was the Governor of Virginia, and night time carriage rides to the Governors Mansion or even a Ball might have occurred, while hiding inside the Jefferson Mansion are all the unknown qualities of the nature of what the real south was like in the old days, when most either accepted their stations in life or behaved as animals, even if the owner of the property. 

Why were her children said to be born in slavery, when she herself was not born into slavery? Her mother was not said to be a slave but the wife of a captain and accepted in the community as a mixed race couple with a daughter allowed to be occupied in land home and taken on trips to Europe from whence her own fathers family might have been.

It seems her heritage needs more investigation as to what the reality was of her own particular situation which might not have been so particular but not like some of the others who appear to have become obnoxious in their behavior of their own, as many of the so called slaves were also now related to someone in the house or community through no fault of their own. 

Born into slavery has many suggestions, such as being married to someone who needs a spouse but not a partner in the family business. Or being given the impression the inheritance is going to go to someone else such as  a White boy who keeps telling people he is related to the family of the name he is using and then selling them out of everything to the point that buildings are being torn down that once belonged to others who no longer come home to see what is going on, because the locals cant keep order when there are too many wrongful accusations and false arrests. 

Never being allowed the freedom to live and breath as your ancestors or accept your own background despite what might have happened to your family during the years after the Civil war or even the American revolution. 

Not being able to go to a bank and cash a check or to a grocery store and purchase or return merchandize. Not to be able to send or receive mail because someone has burdened the locals into believing the person is not a real human being. 

These were the marks of those once to far away from real law officers and why a protest was made towards voting rights and either civil liberties. But burning banks and raiding stores is not part of the answer to those who no longer have a concept of slavery but just an injustice which might never be righted, such as a woman never acknowledged by her husband or his family due to the circumstances of the politics of the time. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How did one man eating a sandwhich change the world?

The whole world was altered permantely by one man eating a sandwich. The assination of an obscure Duke in the defunct part of Europe known as Austro Hungarian empire became the starting point of the Great War to end all wars.

The Duke may have been related to many in Europe but he was no longer a ruling monarch such as the former Holy Roman empire of Germany or Great Britain as it became known. 

Was it his death which litterely launched a million plus individuals to their own deaths? Or was it the fact he was assinated in a public street like a dog that caused the uproar? Or was it he was in the way of something more powerful? 

A simple man eating a sandwich pulled out a gun and shot at his car as it went through town. He was what is called a Marxist or communist. The factory or industrialized workers wanted to alter their own world. 

The problem was in the past, people wanted to live on the land even as farm laborer whether than the larger cities. The crime and disregard for human life was well documented from before the Roman republic and the Egyptian slave days. 

They could at least eat and hunt to survive unless a pandemic or epidemic occurred causing there to be no food available. 

Why many who migrated to the cities then did not want to deal with city life is a mystery. As it is the revolutions of Russia and China made a huge deal of farm life and the ways farm equipment was created for their ease, while those in the cities still starved while standing in long lines for handouts of bread.

The Kaiser of Germany was also an issue, the British discarded their own titles in their disgust for his particular way of dealing and ruling. He was related to many of them as well as the Russian Tsar who was about to be murdered. 

Queen Victoria was from Germany even though born in England, the Hanover's and married a German Prince. She is said to be the grandmother of Europe with her broad of children marrying into every ruling family. 

The man who shot the Duke could afford to be a sandwich and a gun and therefore was not poor. His end result was not a better world but one ruled by the Facist, who were racist, murdering those not qualified to be human and later the Socialist or communist who took from those at the top for those in the middle. 

The ones on the bottom were still on the bottom and many died because he did not enjoy his sandwich. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

One, Two, EXHALE...

Exhale, its all over now. The world survived and most of us can return to normal in just a little while.

Our daily lives have been disrupted but there is a chance some of us will never have to live through this again. I have heard my grandparents stories of the Spanish influenza and read of the outbreaks during the civil war of measles and rubella occurring in our various families.

Life was never really good, but it was bearable. Wasn't it? We all got along pretty well and went to school or work. We all looked forward to the weekends and holidays. We never thought of life without sit in services at restaurants or not visiting the sick or family.

There was a time though most Americans went through this type of life. Before WWI most did not travel except occasionally, they stayed at home in the city or on the farm. Only a few went to work outside or even college. 

After WWII, there was a surge in going out every day to the stores and to libraries or museums. Work was essential and school mandatory. Life was provided for us through the films and shows of normalcy of having a job and a home. 

Most people don't realize this was also a dream, but alot of people lived it anyways. The reality was waking up one day and being told we had to stay at home and rest. Relax was not one of the words used, but get rest. Rest for what? Walking all day to work and back or finding all the transport gone?

At least we had food deliveries and bottled water. Some even got their coffee everyday, even if they had to walk through a forest to the local place. There was a time standing in line at a store outside was also normal. Getting groceries was never really normal until the expansion of the credit card system allowed the universe to act as if money was not an issue.

Now I wonder if it is being printed for our amusement with a future expectation of receiving back what was put out. Daily thermometer checks and being yelled at if one stands to close is not going to go away, but carelessness is an issue we will all have to decide in the near future.

For some, hand washing was a new idea. For others, they had discovered hand sanitizer as an answer not to spend too much time in the toilet area as it was just to crowded and dirty. Carrying extra masks in our purses or wallets should also not be discontinued. 

There will be another wave, even if is not noticed. Diseases have a way of lying dormant for years and then reappearing as if they had not gone away. Exposure has already occurred for the world and it is only a matter of time before all experience this novel virus, even if it is just a sniffle and a light cough.

When should an economy take the kind of hit, the world did in December and January?
The virus was already being treated in China as early as August, and immediate deaths outside China were also reported. 

They waited to the last moment to keep us all from falling into the types of collapse that previous cultures have been forced to disappear. Sudden widespread disease are one of the main causes for a culture or country to just up and die, not just in the Americas but also in the parts of the world, archaeologists are just now finding evidence of existing.

So lets exhale and take in the fact wee survived with the knowledge there is more to come but perhaps without taking someone's else's life bot physically and emotionally. Too many families have no way of knowing where they will be next year or when they will face the same types of hatred now being provided even in a shopping trip. 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Life just got more wonderful

How much more can go wrong?

Just as everything was beginning to return to a new normalcy, war breaks out.
A street war is going outside and they have announced we are in protest mode.
If the protestors who have already taken down the main center with their demonstrations and broken windows and spray tagged the buildings begin to mount against the convention center where we are now, they will shut the doors.

Lock down with more than 2000 others in a homeless shelter situation where a few years ago I was still living in family homes, I am now stuck inside with a bunch of people who might not like being locked inside.

It started with everyone going stir crazy, they cant handle being told to stay at home, to wear face masks or not be allowed to their favorite spots. The riots at stores as they are just opening is one thing but the over reaction of a particular store caused a man to be put down on the ground.

He died by accident and the officers fired but instead everyone is angry and tired of being told to stay at home, at least they had a home to stay inside.

Now they have taken down the particular community it started, burning and pillaging.
And then they moved on across the country. The local San Diego is a nicer city to live in but it also had a street march last night.
I was inside  a store buying a few things when the locked the doors. I barely squeezed out, not knowing why we were being locked inside. It was appearent as I stepped outside and the streets just in front of me were alive with people in protest mode.
They broke windows and entered stores and left behind their mark where ever they could. The store windows were boarded today, every single glass window with huge plyboards.

I did my few errands and returned home early to see what was going on inside the shelter. We are told to stay inside and not go out except to smoke and walk our dog. Just a few feet away, and we have been told they will be locking the doors in case there is a problem with the protestors.

Those outside will have to remain outside. We are already in a situation where we were promised rehousing last year and having been working through the system in order to get the housing while dealing with medical issues and attempting the disability settlement.

There are those who don't return until the 8 pm bed check. They might not be able to enter tonight. And the non essential staff have been sent home. No janitors, clean toilets and what about breakfast?

Wonderful, a nice safe place to self isolate and not get contaminated by others with the virus and now lock down situation due to the concerns of those who just cant stay home and not harm others.

How much more can go wrong?

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...