Friday, March 8, 2024

International sports woman day


March 8
The day to remember
The women of sports

Do you remember them?
Do you even know
Thier names?

We know was the first
Or was she?

And what about
Mary Lou
Was she the first?

It all depends upon
The record books
Some of them forget

Among those who
Keep the records.

It is about what is 
In the now
And convenient

To recall a persons
Personal triumphs
And tragedies.

Another Olympics
Is in the offering
And I have yet

To clear myself 
Enough to be able
To travel towards

My ultimate goal
Of living in Paris

I started life
There where my mother
Had been caught

Attempting to starve
Me out of her.
Abortion laws applied

And it was not her first
She was forced onto 

A plane while in the 
First of her labor
Held her legs 

As long as she could
Before with her screams
Jarring the pilots cabin

She was given a sedative
And one of the first 
C sections was performed.

Another first for a woman
She did not want a child
Not a female who would

Become the new focal point
Of her families life.
Ever envious of others

She had to made to have
The baby she had gotten
Pregnant with on purpose.

There was the so called
First test tube baby
In America

Elizabth Carr
To celebrate women's health
I still am unable 

To have the right over
My own body
No man is going to stick

His penis on top 
Of my head
Or a female

Calling it love
When she wants to put
Her finger into my vagina.

Not lesbian at all
They are all crazy.
As for America

Carr was not the first
Just that America had not caught up
And I want my uterus

No more Hysterectomy
Nonsense talk from any doctor
Just because Carol Burnetts

Daughter had panic attacks
Every time I went into her class
On Chinese art

I still wanted to know
Why I was taking her course
Instead of the one I had signed up

But those are other stories.
Women being allowed
To decide on their own health.

Tumors not being allowed
To grow just because one is past
The usual age when there are other

Options available
I want my ovaries 
To be left alone.

By the way
You know you and I

Have a history
Especially after your

Stabbed me with a needle
And told me she did not
Want me speaking to her parents

And now has a job
In Hollywood as a writer
I was a writer

In most places
I was published
In a number of print things

I might have written
For Hollywood
But some bitch

From Montana
Or was it Wyoming
Came screaming down here

With her ugly daughter
And told everyone
Some strange story

About her ugly duckling
Anyways I notice 
There are a whole lot 

Of stories 
Which appear to be straight
From the confidential files

From the Pentagon
Those janitors
Cant trust them 

Not to read the trash
Nor sell it to the highest bidder.
Anyways Lavaughn

And i go way back
To Robinson street
And first street

Here in San Diego
Did you know
That house is no longer

Standing nor anything else
Meanwhile a guy named

Probably short for
Tells me you have given

No actually have been

Rape of all females
Who don't understand
That your men have the right

To our vaginas
Thats right 
The ugly truth about

Your religion
Of hate towards whites
Is that we don't have the right

Not to submit to your men
These kids keep showing up
Such as Lindsay Davis

Waving their little hands
That it was already taken care of
Our vaginas were to be taken

By force if necessary
And she is sure her black daddy
Well, it is called rape

In any other country
And don't you think
I have not been followed

Down the street 
With a man yelling at me
About why his black daddy

Is not walking me home
From a simple dinner
He ended up knifed

In the park
Meanwhile i have had
Men slide in next to me

And explain what kind
Of food they want me to make
Now that we are sharing

This after Candy removed
Me one more time from

My home town
After jimmy was allowed
To attack me and refuse me

The right to live in my city
Just because his Mexican wife
Thinks she owns everything

And her little bastard
Has been running around
Removing evidence

Of any occupation
Except Mexicans 
By tearing down one hundred

Year old houses
Who have already been given
The impression they had the right

To stay upright.
Have you heard about
The three strikes law

In California 
When a person goes to the limit
Of three times arrested and convicted

They are not given 
A second chance
Because they have already used it.

Those handcuffs
Would look better on you
Than poor old Walle

Who does not know
To follow me to my home town
And get a job

Where he can control me.
Have you ever heard

Of Cuba?
Oh that's right
You and your mother

Were the first Americans
To go visit 
When Mr. Obama

Lifted the barrier
On them.
Now that they are nice

I seem to remember
That is where you were born

Your mother had gone over
Before you were born

And got caught
Up in a little riot

She could not leave
Once they rebelled
On all avenues

Were shut to returning
Went into labor

Not i Paris
But Havanna
Even had pictures

Of the woman
And her little one
On the news

Andy Rooney
Went in person
To help you and your mother

What a wonderful world
It is to have two birthdays

And two different 
Birth certificates
That is what

You will need by the way
The next time 

You say you should
Be running for President
Instead of your husbands

Choice of Mr. Biden
Who does get tired
After an hour of speaking

His job is not to outlast
The journalist
But to still be cognitive

Of his ability 
Of sitting behind that oval desk
And able to make decisions

No longer able to run
But he can still walk

Used a wheelchair
He might not be long winded
But he has been in the game

Longer than most
29 years old
When he was first elected

And still knows
How to shake hands.
Our elected are not always

The best but the ones
Who know how to get 
The job done.

Off to the races
Until November
We have the summer

To look forward
I will have to be satisfied
With watching

Since someone shoved
Me out of the way
When I was first dealing

With menopause
And buckets of blood
Were oozing out 

Everywhere I went
If only I had been treated 
Fairly then instead of allowing

Meghan to knock 
On my door
With her new boyfriend

Who then caused
Such an uproar
Over her black mother

Not being allowed
To assume the thrown
Of England

That the Queen 
Had to have tea 
With Paddington

Instead of Kate and Louis
Another one who just thought
I bet she is already 

Calling herself 
Too late

That is my honor
And not hers.
Just an airline stewardess

Loot found in the 
Lost and found
And with someone's elses

Together she became
A billionare overnight

Wonder whom she robbed?
I will not be raped
Without removing the offending

Object just as the bible says
If a limb is causing harm
Remove it.

And if your eye strays
And is coveting someone else's....
Then remove it!

Forget about becoming
The first female president
Not only have you already

Made yourself over 
Into Queen
But America is not ready

Truely they are not
Even Hillary 
Was questionable

America does not want
A female executive officer
Even the military

Forgets those fallen
Into the hands of thieves
Than protect their own

Young men with cell phones
Are dangerous
When they think

That a flick of the thumb
Makes them into gods.
Another  surprising one at that.

One hundred year
Viva la France!

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