Thursday, June 27, 2024

Honey? What happened?


The Pandas are coming

They are coming back

The Pandas are going

To be back home

In my zoo

Just like the old days

Before it all went wrong!

What happened?


Watching the debate

Between the two men

Who should never be

In the same room

Not all men get

Along and not need

To shake hands.

Have you ever been

In a group setting

And had a child

Lay down on the floor

And put her feet 

In your lap?

Kate Middleton

Did that to me

On Good Morning America

In the middle of my 

Discussion this bitch

Walk in and lays down

In front of me

While the cameras 

Were rolling

Then she screamed at me

That I was really her mother

Not only am I not 

Her mother

I am not going to get over it

How many times

Have I told them

Dont get me stuck

With someone like her

Because I am going to 

End up killing her!

The judge told her no!

And she took it out

On my father!

She showed up 

On the west coast

Took my father

Out of a Veterans hospital

Rolled him into the corner

Of a Walmart shopping center

And told him a few things

All because she was born

To a heroin addict

The real mother even

Appeared on GMA

With her newborn daughter

But that is not good enough

Put up for adoption

To a couple who became

Rich overnight

Probably by stealing 

Someone's life in order

To afford a life

They have wasted

Was it is the worth

Of having that bitch

Sit at home and refuse

To speak to the Japanese?

Someone should teach

One of her houses

To act like a dog

And jump on top 

Of her like Annes

Horse must have

Or is that what really happened?

A concussion is a serious thing

It does not make her mentally handipcapped

But it will hinder her progress

So convenient just when

Anyways I will never understand

Why that witch is being

Told by everyone that she

Is going to be the next queen!

There is no reason to lie

To her she is never going

To be a queen but the Kings

Bitch who doesnt deserve

Anything at all

Shame on everyone 

Who have no respect

For what Charles has gone through.

Have you ever woke up

With a naked man

Laying in bed next to you?

I have and he was not my husband

That is what it feels like

To see this bitch

Keep up her demand

To be more special 

Than anyone else

Not unlike her mother

Who used her to get

Into art school!

My mother was so ill

So ill that she refused

To eat anything 

When she was pregnant

With me!

I have one of those 

Rare diseases

It is caused by 


My body has never

Gotten enough nutrients

I was born with black hair

Just like my fathers

There are pictures

Of me with my father

Where I have dark hair

My hair has lost its color

I am not a true redhead

But an honorary one

My hair got lighter

As I grew older

And now it is not changing

Not my fault

As is my wieght

I am sorry to those men

Who are not given

The correct information

Ahead of time

It is that thyroid medicine

That my mother kept giving away

When I was a working professional

Even Kate had to have

Her way with that

Standing there screaming at me

When she first got married

And insisted she had to come

To California as if she had 

Not been here before

She made a mess of my life

In fact I have had such

A bad time that one

Can only consider it being

The fault of someone who

Allowed it to go to her head

Who thinks sitting down

And shoving their feet

Into someone's vagina

Is going to be taken seriously

They are called tumors

Get over it

I have not myself

But you need to understand

Starving is not going

To make a difference

Look at little Charlotte

She is so malformed

That it is obvious

This mean bitch

Called Kate has had her 

On a diet just like mine

Kate will never be well enough

To make decisions

And her children show 

Her mental illness

She was born addicted

To Heroin for those

Who recall the show

Where her mother introduced

To America the concept

Of Heroin babies

So tiny that they cant 

Handle going dry

They have to have their

Little needle jabs

Or they will die

Poor suffering things

She has never learned

What it means to be a real person

Meanwhile I am in pain

Every day and every hour

But I am not allowed to get

A little bit upset at times

I am not dangerous

Nor confrontational

But I am not able

To get my neighbors 

From stealing from me

Just because Jimmy

Thinks it is funny!

Keeping someone under

Mind numbing drugs

So funny, just funny!


What happened?

We had each others back

You were never going

To allow jimmy to win

But it is that mean bitch

Named Kate

Who is ruining everyone's life

What can I do to get

Her on committing treason

Against the crown of England

Just so we can watch

Her head come off?

Really the thing is a

Complete bitch

Look at the way 

She wont leave 

Little Louis alone.

Anyways why dont you

Go introduce yourself

To Mr. Putin

And tell him he is your 

Daddy just because I once

Interviewed him.

He is not your daddy

I bet it is Brent

Who got your mother

Pregnant and then refused

To marry her

Just his type of thing

When he is not showing

Up with a knife in his hand....


He is from that type

Of family 

OH Kate!

Dont step foot on my property

Because I will not get over it

That you have threatened

Me your entire life

Demanding you have to be

My child instead of the woman

Who first showed you off!

The first heroin addicted baby

In the world

Not special enough

And what you did 

To my father

Is unforgivable


The world does not 

Revolve around you

There are Pandas 

Coming home to our

Town for diplomacy

I was once a graduate

Of one of those

Special programs

International relations

They called it

One of my many degrees

And yet I get reported

Every time I go out

By those bastard 

Named jimmy

His poor real sister....

Get lost Kate

And don't come back!


What happened?

I am innocent  

Whatever it is 

That I am being blamed

For this time....

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