Monday, July 20, 2020

dont they just go back to where they came from

There are so many applicants for immigration but there are more illegals than one knows how to handle. Especially the multiple ones who keep  claiming to be relatives. 
Personally, I wish to thank the customs department for having more than two dozen non children who just wont leave me alone, because they have been given it on good authority that I am their mother and just cant remember!

I have Africans who look like Oprah who call themselves Gwen and Muslims pretending to be Mexicans who call themselves Gemini and America. 
What they usually have in common is a person who is in charge claiming they raised the child for me after I abandoned it. They are usually provided the information and an income to do so, why me I do wonder?

I was once in the way of considering myself a journalist but those days have been overtaken with watching the media itself, the watchers of the political world, white wash the Obamas to the point everyone thinks they are white and not multiracial, look at Megan and who white baby!

Where did it start?
With the conquistadors who arrived after their was obvious settlements by other nations such as the Russians and French. Notice both houses had executions of those at the top who would have the information and the means to prove their were prior contact with the lost continent.

Actually the Americas were probably never lost, just a means of exiling some and covering for others. An adventure for the rich and a penal colony for the very dangerous. Perhaps.

Well, there were others here already or the Spanish who had just successfully put the Islamic extremist out of their Iberian country and then promptly marched on a city with gold. They burned all the books, not uncommon, the  Moors did the same thing along the Atlantic, in France and Ireland monasteries. 

Covering the tracks of whom do you believe? 
Is it possible, that not aliens from another galaxy but from other areas of the world were not only aware of the Americas but were residing successfully? 

This is not to say the Native Americans are the original inhabitants nor have the legal right to the land. They may have come from Siberia or the Aryan race. And they might be a mixture of those who passed through the land. Their DNA is distinctive and is a genuine block to those who claim they should just be exterminated so they can have the land for themselves. 

The real losers were the Spanish monks themselves. After enduring the Muslims who were themselves forced out of Arabia over dissention and inheritance rights. They began an inquisition which followed them to America where upon everyone came under suspicion, including themselves. 
They were forced out of Mexico city and told to get out of Mexico, they also could not return to Spain as outlaws and outcast. 

They were the ones, who fled their own countries get even policies towards the Pacific and unknown chartered land. What they found was evidence of prior occupation. Out of fear they began to build Missions from the tip of Baja upwards towards San Francisco. They stopped just short of the last Russian fort in Northern California.

They claimed they were built for the Indians and not for the Spanish. They said it was their duty in order to provide a Christian belief system for the people. It was not meant to be part of the Mexican system but outside of it.

It also caused an issue of land rights. Those already here also left behind evidence of occupation. Everyone takes the word of slanted historians who said there was no one here and the missions were to save the people. they interfered in politics and kept on building with no backing from Spain foreign lodgings for themselves and enslaved the locals to do their bidding. 

Each Catholic mission had an equal Orthodox fort or establishment along the coast. While everyone was busy fighting the Revolution on both sides of the Atlantic, some continued to become residences themselves. 

The French had already overtaken the East coast and Napoleon as the conqueror of Mexico, sold the rights of Louisiana to Jefferson. He did not bother with the Wests coast establishments of the Russians who had also lived in the north as well as the Vikings. 
The Mexicans executed his Nephew and celebrate it as a victory, claiming rights to areas they don't own. For instance California which they never settled nor stepped foot into until after the Spanish American war, which the Untied States won. It was fought over the outlaws and illegal turf wars. 

Odd, even Texas which was borrowed or on loan from Mexico as too far north for Mexico city to inhabit, and then set upon at the Alamo where only one blind woman and some children walked out. This after a number of rugged frontiersmen could not fight after all the so called Indian attacks they had survived. Davy Crockett and Bowie were completely useless against the regimes of the Mexican landlord. 

Even the Texans gave up more than half of their won territory towards the Sierras in order to have peace. There were no real occupants there except the last of the roaming Indians forced out of their known areas from diseases primarily. They were not the ones who spread disease as so many falsely claim but the recipients of diseases they had never encountered before and that includes the seaman's syphilis.

Why don't we send them all back! All the illegals to Mexico from where they come crawling like cowards not able to stand their own environment in order to murder the rest of us with their filth. Or better to Spain and its predecessor the Arabian nomads whom Muhammad conquered to easily? 
After all most Mexicans are just dirty Muslims not Catholics who have no place to go and keep lying about their origins. 

Too bad for those who actually believed in the religion fever of Muhammad but chose to destroy the world instead of bringing peace. But really, these people who claim to be relatives such as the non sister in law Teresa with her wanting everything of mine for herself because she was born poor. Or her boys who keep breeding their unintelligence and then dumping their unwanted offspring on my doorstep. 

There was a reason, that Jefferson gently recommended returning the slaves to their real home of Africa or providing them an opportunity of colonizing the area south of Oklahoma which was uninhabited by the Mexicans.  to get them out of harms way of the greedy illegals and outlaws who keep arriving from places such as Germany and still don't know they have lost every war raged against them from before the Roman invasion of Europe. 

Just go home!

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