Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A family


A family there was once
A family with real parents
And children

Also, grandparents
We even were blessed
With great-grandmothers

Widowed and not wanting
To stay with their sons' wives
My father managed

To handle it all
Until his own wife
Betrayed him

All over those 
Damn ties
They come in all 

Ties for the grown ups
Men who had endured

The war of Europe
Loosing their youth
To fighting for the freedom

Of the world
Only to come home
To a world that was lost

The same criminals
Followed them home
In fact, they had arrived

First before D-day
Knowing in advance
About plan B

To steal the life's
Of those who wanted
The world not to be ruled

By a single maniac
Such as Jimmy
We wanted to be fair

As Americans
Give everyone the right
To go to church

On Sunday 
And decide if they wanted
To be Christians

Jimmy never wanted
To go to church
His granddaddy

Was a southern Baptist
Who expected him to be clean

Even behind the ears
Which is why he sat
There fingering his penis

At least it was not his toes
He did that as well
When he got older

Just to annoy us
Who had thier lives
Sold by all those 

Who did not want
To be good democrats

They wanted to be
Neighbors who told on each other
And not stand in line

But sneak in at the last moment
They were there the whole time
Eating other peoples food

Just because they are German
And not normal humans
My family once had a place

In the community 
They went to church
And they did their own

And washing
Some hired girls 

To do the housework
But they were not slaves
Instead, these girls

Decided to be greedy
Such as Anne Marie
Who could not stand

That there was a generation
Where women were given
Presents by their men

When the men got their jobs
Completed and they were paid
Once and not every week

They paid their bills
And brought home 
Things for the women 

And children
Not always for their 

But when they got paid
Christmas came at any time
When the money was there

We were not poor
But we were seen
As too rich

For these peasanst
Who keep claiming other
Peoples children as their own

Just so they can steal
From them
I have as many mothers

As daughters 
Who want nothing more
Than to keep me from

Having an education
A career 
Or even a hobby

Much less an income
They want for themselves
All I wanted for my graduation

Was my father and brothers
To show up and go out
To supper as we once did

As a family
Instead of all those 

Who ruined my fathers life
And kept the grandpas
From completing their jobs

The war did not end for some
Some continued to protect the world
Through their various projects

Which candace could not handle
When she was born
Even Satan the devil

Cried for shame
One of his own
So greedy and conceited

The kids went to school
And did not think
About why there was 

A crazy retard with a knife
Hiding in the bushes
Nor why the garage

Was always being opened
By Gary and Mike
Two gay men who thought

They were werewolf's
Who had to marry women
They did not love

Now there are no more
Memories of those days
The boys don't even

Mention them
All they talk about
Is why Herklotz

Showed up at their 
Foster homes
Asking for them

To shake their hand
And tell them what
Rotten bastards they were

And by the way
He needs access to their 
Bank accounts

The look alike Lenin
Wants to only have
His life as easy

As they promised 
Those stupid people
During the war

Betray your own
And you will be paid
Of course, they money

Was not in their banks
But in our banks
When they were told

About plan B
To invade America
Through their needs

Setting their own cities
On fire just to get
Americans to pay for the rebuilding

All they want is to empty
Our bank accounts
To have us Americans

Have nothing at all
The jealousy is so severe
That they turn red

When told they 
Cant possibly need more
When are these fascist

Going to be satisfied
They want to enter 

Your religion
And throw it all away
All those hard earned awards

And if one gets rewarded
They will just put their
Name down instead

Like Joey gets all of my stuff
Just because she was a street
Prostitute instead of a hippy

Or look at Sarah Pittz
She is still claiming
A child of six

Gave birth to her
And wont tell me
To my face

What she is doing
Even though the judge
Told her mother

She would go to prison
Instead I have to reminded
Of how many times

We regrouped
Over the years 
And then have that

Place taken away from us
As well
Until all there were

Were two dead great grandmother
Two frustrated grandfathers
With the wrong grandchildren

A divided house
Were dad was supposed 
To raise me so she 

Could have her boys
And take them to church
On sundays

And to school
On mondays
To ball games

On Saturdays
And no days left
For me and dad

Instead the bastard
Wanted to wine
About how he never

Got to go to church
He was not allowed
To know god

He knew god alright
Who is still waiting
For his people to do

Something instead
Of sit on their buts
And pay all those

Pretty girls
Hush money
To not tell about

Thier youth
Isnt that right
Norman? and Don?

My poor little brothers
Who were going to great
Athletes someday

And they managed to get
Through the coursework
In a foreign language

Were allowed to visit
Only as long as I did not 
Know about it

Pulling out those little ties
To put on their shirts
Which were either 

Too small or dragging
As the clothes
Were never the same

Somone was always 
Taking their clothes
And dumping them

In some charity
Jimmy had all my best
And some of the others

Which he gave to me
For my 16th birthday
After making everyone

Be mean to me
Unless I went to visit him
Being dropped off

At a familiar house
Only to find him
And then have him 

Yell at me as usual
Only to be forced
Out at some park

And dumping bags 
Of clothes I had not seen
In a long time

But had been worn
By all those unchristian
Girls in the halls

Who just don't get
Not to wear someone 
Elses clothes 

Satan knows them
Isn't that right
Alona and Anita?

No matter what they wear
As his disciples
There was a world once

Where people believed
In the truth
Which did not include

People claiming they 
Gave birth to someone's
Elses child

Or that a six year old boy
Had the right to say
He was the daddy

Just because he cant
Why his father

Was Captain Kangaroo
Instead of a war hero
All he wants is to

Destroy the world
And then sit there
With no subjects

As everyone will die
With his plan
Of paradise

Where or where
Are those little ties
For those little bros?

Someone else has them
And now they are all
Six feet tall 

While my parents
Are six feet under

Understand mother
It is going to take
That many years

In the millenium
To remember 
Where I buried you

In order for you
To be resurrected!
Making me the mother

At six of all the worlds
Spoiled celebrities kids
And don't think those ties

Are going to know
Where I put you
Since we are no longer

Allowed to communicate
I will just sit with my cat
While they enjoy themselves

And wait 
For that moment 
Of truth...

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