Tuesday, July 21, 2020

What is the world coming to?

Meagan nobody came out of nowhere and stooled the heart of Diane's son, eliminating all the others in the process, including the daughter of the President of the United States.

What is the world coming to, when an unknown with suspicious origins can waltz in with had extended and earn the right to call herself "princess"? Actually, she is only a Duchess, not a Princess. And she has no breeding nor pedigree. 

This things might not be important to most, but remember Diana was called a Commoner when Charles decided to marry her instead of some foreign princess or chiefs daughter. Her family the Spencer's are really upper nobility and now have titles, but she was only an honorable and not a Lady. 

On the other hand, this nobody became a millionaires overnight with a bad television show based on illegal actions of a convict who swindled his way into a job and then continued to lie, cheat and steal throughout the course of the nighttime soap opera. Her role is not worth mentioning except being paid extremely well for having earned not a single award nor even a college degree.

Her father is just a lighting specialist in Hollywood. Not someone you want to argue with in the Gloria Swanson style of getting on his wrong side and having your career ruined. But really, his Mexican background is not the same as say an American President.

The first African American ever elected to office and with a white mother and a wife who was once known for being a white mans daughter raised by her African American mother and step father. By the laws of genetics we should have seen a light completed male offspring, instead we got too very dark girls. One of which grew over 6 feet tall, unusual for a six foot plus man to have a daughter his size. Usually, a short  man would have issue if his daughter grew to his height.

Harry courted Malia for over three years while the family were in residence, but instead he ran off with a mixed race girl from Hollywood. I forget what Doria is supposed to be, but is definitely African colored. One sees her as a nurse in white garments instead of the sensational items she began to wear around the Royals. 

It is too bad the baby came out all white with no pigmentation whatsoever. Really, everyone was looking forward to a mixed race baby with some sort of coloring, either Mexican or African. Instead they got just blaw white as usual. And this after Doria was elegantly led down the aisle by Charles himself as a widower. 

What has become of the two first children ever to get white washed in the media while living at Pennsylvania avenue? Well, one claimed to be capable of getting into a good college, even though her mother had to have her scholarship handed to her as a well deserve attempt but she did not qualify but got to go anyway to  positive afirmament. 

She forgets to wear bottoms half the time, wearing shirts that don't quite cover her lower extremities. She enjoys playing with British guys who are taller than her, giving evidence of being immoral. Of course, the girls are no longer asked if they are offering sexual pleasures. Unlike Patricia Nixon who had to sit there entertaining Charles himself and then asked if she could cook, instead of did she, you know have sex with him.

Really, what is the world coming to, when a first family is passed over who have been given a blank check by the media and can do anything they want. While, the well known British Royals have had almost anything but peace after waging war against the evil Nazis. Even the last little Princess had to be married in secret. 

Instead, the large wedding which the common folk pay for through taxation such as the Billionaires Middleton or the Millionaire Markle. The so called spoiled second son who also went to war and won a battle or two has been discredited with sex reports. Not unlike Kate who willfully took off her top piece after her mega wedding to enjoy a spot of sun. She is now suing France over the photos, the same tyoe of photos that ended Fergie's marriage. 

They also indicate the type of lifestyle the young girl was accustomed to having as a rich girl with no morals. It is even suggested to ran off to Ireland to have someone's elses baby after having a tiff with the long suffering William. Meanwhile, Meagan is a divorced woman, with a Catholics background. No hint of annulment for the so called childless marriage. Nor abdication on the part of the unwanted redhead, whose grandmothers uncle had to conform to the standards of the day when he married his lady love. 

Meanwhile, the one daughter had a splashy wedding with her father doing all of the work. After having a decade long romance, was she held up waiting for her cousin to get married? Or is it typical of her mother who had a long relationship with a married man plus other well known affairs? Or was she just not wanted by the public because she did not look like a Movie star? 

Her sister switched lovers, and was set to marry a rich Italian after her allowance was cut off. Presumably because her father got in trouble of allegations, but was it really because she was no longer needed, now that a moviestar had moved into town? During this pandemic, it is anyone's guess what is really happening. 

She got caught getting married privately and at Windsor with her grandmas dress and tiara. She might not be as beautiful as Kate but was quite striking in the simplicity of the wedding with the flowers on the old Victorian chapel and the handsome groom. Whereas, Kate has taken to wearing grandma type outfits to cover her front. The neck line of her wedding dress dipping dangerously low to the navel. Now they are almost all around the neck to accommodate her anorexia. 

One wonders at the intelligence of the children being starved in her womb, since Diana was not know to be smart, having flunked almost everything except working as a child care provider. It looks as if the grandparents covered the cost of the wedding. At least, someone's family member is responsible. And that brings us to the last mentionable.

Why does Doria have to move in with her daughter? Is she mentally ill, since her child is not the correct color? Did she really expect on her wedding day to be told she was now the Queen? Or even a Princess of the realm? Harry, who followed his brother faithfully into everything, including dangerous sports has now left the British common wealth. He moved to Hollywood with his small family with no relatives nor visible friends to accompany him. And his mother in law has moved in! What does a man have to do, become President in order not to have poor homeless relatives move in on a good thing?

What is the world going to do with little Archie, anyways? Abandon him as white colored by product of the former slave industry, which was initiated by Britain before the Colonies fought for their Independence?  Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring nor who will be in power or even who will be around to care. Good luck in not being abducted at a Chinese New Years Parade and ending up in China!

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