Monday, July 6, 2020

Is it safe to come out and play, yet?

My childhood was not the normal one nor is the common one most children now have normal.

My family were not spys nor illegal aliens. We had modest inheritance and resources for what  most Americans had dreamed would be a normal life.

My great-grandparents followed their dream at the turn of the century, the nineteenth. They were Christian and married. They also could have chosen a different life.

Instead they came from Denmark and Russia before the world went to hell. My great grandfather could not understand why he could not say the property was his and not have someone else want it. They went to court, but every time they turned their heads or went on another trip, someone would come in and build or tear down.

They had a number of children who eventually joined the Mormon religion due to social economic issues. Niels died heart broken of his dream of America. His wife hung on for another quarter of a century. 

She also died, poisoned I believe, as I found her sitting downtown in a daze muttering. She had been an exceptional older adult. She knew the Latin names of all the plants and had seen much of the world because she worked and saved and made sure she did not spend her money wastefully on cigerates and alcohol or drugs as the normal common Americans do and then complain when they find their neighbors have something or have gone somewhere. 

She was 97 and not ready to go. The other great grandmother had died just before her, in her wheelchair, outside in the snow. Someone had locked her out of the house and she had frozen to death. She was also  in her nineties. She had the first electric wheelchair in the neighborhood, the law required her to use a horn when she went down the sidewalk and have a license. She brought her Siamese cat with her and it would yawl as they went along, warning anyone stupid enough not to notice her in the first place that she was coming. It was the cat she was looking for that day, someone had stolen it on purpose because it had it picture taken. 

My grandfathers were both war hero's and lived a modest life instead of a celebrity one as most of the modern Americans do upon returning home. Making more of a deal than their service and sacrifice. They knew how to get along and would have made a bigger bank account if they were alive today.

They both had worked with or were known to many of the then known politicians and others but were not movie stars themselves. We got invitations and they got awards. The jealously and envy of the modern kids is enormous. I feel as if these kids need to go to prison just for suggesting they are related to us because of their arrogance and ignorance. 

My one grandfather lost custody of his son because he was Indian and could not tell the authorities he was working on the Manhattan project. He got a Noble prize for writing a book on the subject. He had friends in foreign places but had the habit of marrying women with children who then stoled his opportunities making people believe they were his real children.

His last project, he was an inventor and scientist, went wrong due to it being put up for sale by those claiming to be related to him. I found him in a hospital in Mexico city where he almost died. He did not survive for long at home with his own family. He was just in his seventies. with more inventions in mind.

My other grandfather was from Canada and continued to work after breaking his back in a parachuting accident. He would have been a politician if not for my mothers mental illness. She had been abducted during the war and lead to believe her captures were her friends. She died believing this was true, that pearl harbor had not occurred nor the holocaust. 

He remarried after his well known radio wife was caught with the wrong man. Something he regretted as many of his crew were also lead to believe their wives were unfaithful instead of drugged and taken advantage.

He was found in my apartment with a bullet hole in his head. Probably from this Jimmy everyone loves to say is the real relative as he introduces himself and others to even people who never meet or knew my grandfather during the war. 

This was shortly after my grandmother who worked during the war years at everything and was one of the first female radio journalist. She introduced the Barrymore's, the Lindbergh and the Windsor's before they were famous. She also conducted one of the first interviews with a President or politician. Her life was destroyed with my mothers behavior as she got older and worse. 

My mother had brain cancer but this does not explain her horrible treatment of her own family. Always wanting others to be her real family or friends. My grandmother was found at the bottom of the stairs of her apartment house in Los angelos, she was probably pushed by the same mentally ill Jimmy.

Jimmy was a celebrity kid from the old days when people did not know who everyone looked like, but could get through the slim security and then reintroduce himself. He had lots of girlfriends and aunts, none of them worth mentioning. His real father died moaning about how his kid had turned out and kept him from going to prison even though convicted. 

My mother was never able to reason on anything at all, even though she had passed all the exams before she was 12. By the time she was 14 or 15 she had become completely insane about everything. She was later diagnosed with dementia and cancer. It is hard to say how much of it was her and how much the neighbor kids wanting her to misbehave for them to enjoy. 

She was 69 when she died, a fruitless life. She had made it as a journalist herself but threw the life away in order to not be responsible for anything at all. She refused to acknowledge any authority, pay taxes nor take care of her own children. I am the oldest of at least five, maybe more if the stories are to be believed. 

She had refused her cancer treatment or was denied it by those she had adopted. She preferred to sit in parks claiming to be homeless, purposely lose her purse or take the money out and throw it in the streets. She would adopt people to be her real family, taking them to meet the president and the queen alike. 

I now have  more than two dozen children I have not given birth, her insist on defrauding, swindling, threatening me and are awaiting their convictions as terrorists or stalker and spend the rest of their lives in prison. I am determined each and everyone of them face the reality of life. They are at least manslayers ass they never took care of her and at worst, inciting mischief and mayhem to the point of others dying. 

My younger sister died because my mother refused to acknowledge she had two of us. She would not come to the emergency the night she died. She wanted only one of us and only one of us survived. Not the one she wanted, the calm, practical one, who fought for the others. 

She gave up her third child, her first son for this Jimmy who never looked like her nor did anything for her. She suffocated her last night in the nursing home, probably from him visiting her without my permission. 

Her oldest son is now fifty years old and still not allowed to speak to me without permission and her youngest in his thirties, having spent most of his life in foster care. Her own relatives were never safe either from the constant presence of those who just wanted to have their way.

Many of them had strange accidents, plane accidents and boating accidents. There have been a lot of suicides in the family. The last two of the fourteen children my great-grandparents had died in nursing homes. I could have taken care of them, but the oldest girl and youngest boy died without children and were buried Mormon style which was not their religion.

Where will it all end? Are we being targeted or is it just that we had a real American dream? Everyone else just wants to eat and enjoy themselves without working or paying for anything. They all now claim to be my sisters even though my mother only had the two and probably killed anymore that were born due to her not being able to deal with women. 

Or they insist they are my daughters even though I have not given birth to anything at all. They are all going to go to prison or hell when I get done with this situation where I am surrounded by criminals who pretend to be staff, clients or work in the  medical field. 

Meanwhile I am surrounded by Jimmy lookalikes and others who came out of the Germany that did not realize they had lost the war. They just kept on working corruption and sabotage everywhere they go. They are probably responisbile for the election stuff, removing the women's votes from important elections, and the Islamic encouragement towards hatred of Americans as well as spreading the virus or any other disease through their Chinese friends which all are military trained. 

As for any respectable African American who has gained the ablity to overthrow any government authority without considering what their grandchildren will be facing, it is sad. The Native Americans gave out to movie roles instead of real role models for their children. They are now either too rich to help out or to poor to be considered worthy. 

More and more Muslims are pretending to be catholic mexicans so they can have an illegal status so they can steal from a people who were never theirs. Mexico never owned California, it is a lie they tell in the history books. 

Most good Mexicans are or were communist not democrats and continue to act as if they are going to control America, while Russia is no longer communist but instead completely Capitalist through their vices and lack of self control to the point of their elected President complaining. 
Is it safe to play outside now? Are the Germans over ruining our communities? Or is their more strife through their new friends of their enemies? Or are we going to all become good Buddhist, not doing anything until it is too late?

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