Friday, November 13, 2020

And another plague is upon us...

 Really, it is just like the bible stories of Egypt. All those years of bible school and treks to Isreal and summers going without the usual kid things. 

I grew up in a nation wanting change, unlike my mothers spoiled fifties generation, the seventies was about reconnecting and getting back in touch with god.

Anyways, we have a new worry, an actual alien invasion. A group of murderers was discovered. And yet another Asian bug coming to America. 

All those Pineapple expresses and easterly winds bringing menace across the Pacific towards us harmless folk on the West coast.

They have been tracking this group for awhile and even gave it a name. Just as a little while ago, we were all told to be fearful of the killer bees from Mexico, the Murder Hornets have arrived in the state of Washington.

They uncovered the first nest. And it is an invasion force. There were two hundred queens getting ready to be born. Just as a syfy-story of real aliens of outer space bringing their queens to us to ride us of our minds, these guys traveled across Asia to America and they were prepared. 

Two hundred queens in one nest. Usually there is only one queen or if there are two, a mother and daughter or sisters, they duke it out until there is only one. The reverse of the male dominate societies, the female is the breeder and the larger of the species.

The size is massive, a full size for a flying bug. Over two inches in length with a three inch wing span. And these guys fly in mass, remember those weird scenes in the Avenger movie of the strange wasp aliens. 

What do you think they were planning, setting up house in this fashion, having brought their entire network with them? Two hundred hives or nest for two hundred swarms? And the authorities seeking these tiny aliens only found one nest, what if there was a second or third as part of their plought to invade our country?

We would need an expert bee keeper or honey husbandry and the only ones I know are either dead, as in Mr. Jennings who used to sale his own honey brand and Mr. Freeman who kept the Hollywood hills beautiful.

Bees are needed to propagate or encourage the spring flowers which brings the fall harvest. In other words, this is not only a plague on humans being murdered by the stings of these particularly harmful bugs, but also an environmental disaster. 

The honey bee is needed to grow crops as well as flowers. If they are attacked by the Hornets which are quadruple their size then there will be serious harm to the crops in the North and Northwest. 

If the authorities have to use chemicals on these giant bugs or pest, then the entire community will be under harm, including the bees and other helpful things for the food growers of America. There is also the issue of breeding out or the hornets invading the nests of the bees and mating with them, causing mutations. It just looks like a horror story from the midnight movie listing.

We already talked about the mid west dumping milk because they might take offense to their votes not counting in the election. After all there are more of them in the middle than either the West or East and rich farmers and industrialist. 

Now we have a new worry, what if the authorities cant  keep back the tide, now that one colony has made its way and been successful in hatching two hundred queens. 

Not unlike Plymouth and Jamestown, the beginning is just the beginning. 

It looks as if Florida might be the best place to retire after all. I wonder if the Russiaa President  is still handing out free passports? After all, he has a reputation for keeping out unwanted guests.

10 plagues:

There were various smaller pests such as flies causing harm to humans, animals and plants alike. Pests.

There was the plague of frogs which invaded the homes and got into the ovens and other types of cooking places.

There were the snakes which killed all the good things which kept the bad things at bay. 

There were the locusts which swarmed over the entire land, turning it black or dark and eating all the cereals of the land. 

There was the Nile that turned to blood, not unlike the chemicals which are in our rivers or those oil spills!

Hail, Fire and Lightening struck the fields killing the animals and setting fire to the fields, or forests as we have seen all around the world including the Amazon and Siberia.

A few more I cant remember but there was the one that took there breath away in the middle of the night leaving every first born dead. Not unlike these breathing disease, where people get yelled at for having allergies and using the safer hand sanitizers than soap and water but contaminated sinks where there are more bugs of the disease kind.

Oh, and the one with boils and we also mentioned the plague arriving on the West coast presumably from the cargo ships from China.

Poor China, bad man out right now. I wonder if there was any religion which might have predicted or warned against this nation in the last two decades? All those wanna bees taking trips to visit already known deadly spots such as Mongolia and bringing back god knows what in their suitcase.

Where is Moses and Aaron to stop the course of these plagues? Is there any religion that is really carrying out the work anymore who have not taken advantage of others in order to benefit themselves financially and advance their own political agenda such as blaming one country or anther as the bad guy?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

As unpopular as the four horsemen ...

 Who wants an unpopular President or Mayor?

Really, this is America. We want to be comfortable and we want to have our way and we want it now!

All this hype of the voters fraud and ballot box stuffing. And then there are those delayed results.

I was stuck out in the rain yesterday for over two hours waiting with groceries along with a few others watching a stream of cars go by waving flags and shouting to the decision of Biden. 

I belive in the American system, overall we come out in the end. But it sometimes takes time. Like when the bus is going to come down the street with all the traffic.

It is not wrong of Biden and Harris wanting victory nor of Trump demanding he did nothing wrong when he accepted the results in the last election. After all, it appeared as if he had won and the electoral college is the deciding venue. 

Not popularity, such as just wanting the bus to come on time. Well, I had an appointment up on the hill as we know it, way above the marina district and the downtown area which was once the only place to see a parade. 

Now, they hide the parades or go up where there is no way of obstructing the local government offices. Which are closed for the most part anyways. Anyways, there was a long line of cars, waving flags, girls dancing in the streets, and rainbow land had come alive. 

The area was once known for it throwback to horses and hillbillies and cowboys. Trucks used to cruise down the main street called Washington on Saturday night with the girls in shorter skirts and families walking together, not afraid to the local restaurants. 

I did see a pair of purple cowboy boots on a man, wearing a cowboy hat with his arm around another man wearing a cowboy hat and jacket. It is now the LGBT community. They have rainbow flags and store clerks with particular attitudes. 

It is also where they built half a dozen hospitals before the epidemic of AIDS hit California. It is also where the major grocery stores are located. Most of downtown is now empty due to the misfortune of Horton Plaza cutting off the community. It is now being torn down, with just Ralphs quaking in its shade and a Ross dress store a few blocks over wishing it was not the only one left. 

Well, during the Pandemic, this community is one of the few still holding its head. Many of the business downtown are closed. And many of the Malls have not opened back up. It has an old smell of local people and the new community, is if not friendly, polite about us interlopers. It was also taken over by the hippies back in the seventies. 

I remember walking down the street with my new friend. Her mother was from India and I knew a few of the health

food store clerks and local music artists who had been to India. She was not as impressed with their trips as the ability to walk around with out the usual trouble as a mixed race as we know call it. I have always had a tan, and as a native american and Scandinavian I was always a little put out by the English and German comments towards myself. 

I actually got yelled at a few weeks ago to go back to England. It was not by a white person and I was having a hard time not crying. I have always been open, except to white supremist and fascist and others who just dont know not to keep asking a child to go back to the bathroom in school and wash her face again and again. It will still not be white when I returned but it was not as hard as the constant hand washing comments, honey, if your grandma had had hand sanitzer, she would not have bothered with soap and water.

Anyways, with the rain and the car rally and afternoon appointment only taking two minutes. I decided to head down to the shops and look around and then go to my favorite store which has glutten free products. I cant tolerate wheat products. And there it was a sign on the thrift store, closed due to festivities. The horn blowing and shouting and bell ringing continued all afternoon. 

Long after I got my groceries and my icecream had melted, it still went on and no buses in sight. One lady told  me she had to walk from the nearest blvd Park, and another lady called her neighbor to come get her. I was so tired I just sat there with my  head pounding watching silly blond girls waving their Kamala flags with tiny little smiles, and great big Mexican flags going by and thinking of the four horsemen. 

I got up when I saw the buses on the other side of the street begin to come down and got on one. I asked and he said they were diverted. The entire five mile blvd is the bus route! And they were diverted. In other words the other people sitting there with thier groceries were not getting home without walking or finding another way out of the hell the car rally had created. 

I managed to get him to let me off on the far corner of the blvd, he refused to stop at any of the other stops on the street and rain for a bus I saw loading passengers heading down hill. It came from the wrong direction but yes it was going downtown. I have a broken back and use a stick due to seizures and what not, running is not a good thing. 

It was dark when I got downtown and then could not do what I wanted, but had to take the two trolleys around the central core, since the Horton plaza stopped all flow of traffic and one has to circumvent which requires a trolley to one end or the other and another one to the other side, in this case the Marina. 

I was rained on a few times during the day and lost my sandal at least once or twice. I have swollen feet from being put on a walker instead of a wheel chair. It is my families old homestead, they inherited. There were other properties but this was the last and unwanted by the water, now it has access to a highway, a bridge to Coronado and other things. 

I was remembering as I walked the last portion in the dark, I started at noon, that Pocohantas had gone to England and died of Small pox, never returning. The Queen Victoria, made the Empress of India, never made a trip out of England or traveled to India. 

I was also wondering what my British friends and families would say about having a woman or man whose mother had come from India being elected? Of course, they have  a Turk sitting in as Prime Minister, having inherited the job when Mae was kicked out due to Brexit. During my trip on the trolley, there was a man from Mexico without his mask on, drinking out of an opened container of beer. 

It seems this victory for the first female Vice President who is honestly of both Jamaican or African ancestry and Indian ancestry unlike Meagan Markle who is clearly making up a story of some kind with little white China slanted eyed man. That the main people who are celebrating are the Mexicans who have never owned California nor won a war against America. 

Poncho Villa, a terrorist shot up a few towns, the Mexican shot Maximillian, Napoleons Nephew, but the Americans did march on Mexico City, capturing its grasshopper hill and royal residence. Just as the British came back after the American Revolution in 1812 and burnt down the Presidents mansion and much of the District of Columbia. 

But.  the Mexicans seem to think they are going to be allowed to continue to swindle white people and claim to be their heirs, stealing their property and their possessions. I am tired of being told my non sister in law Teresa gets my grandmothers fur coat and her sons my last name even though Jim is not a Wheat and in turn my bank accounts and now the property that was the LDS or Mormon families possessions. 

In other words, they have no inclination to go back to where they came from, Spain or Arabia as most were muslim before the Catholic king and queen made them all convert and then deported them to Mexico. It is also appearant, that many of the young women have no idea as what is ahead. Nancy has already been elected to the third chair, and in case Number one and two should die, would have become President. 

The Vice President is very important and I am proud of someone who did work to get where she did. I am also sad for so many who dont try nor care for anything but defrauded and swindling. I still have too many non children threatening me on the trolley or following me through stores. I was also an elected government person and worked for the government. I was hit on the head and had my purse stolen and was told I owed these children a life and a life of luxury. 

My family were both original inhabitants and immigrants who worked at what they owned. These girls just want to make you sweat out what is not thiers. I would whether give them abortions now that they are full grown and have done nothing but sending them to prison will not teach them a lesson. 

Sending them back to where they come from which is probably, Mexico, Cuba, Bahamas and Berlin would make a mark but only if they were not allowed to return as Jim did repeatedly, using my families name until no one can remember a time they complained he was not allowed inside their homes or the US.

I am never going to acknowledge something I did not do and my mother is never going to grow up. That is what I was told, just wait for Armageddon when everyone will have a chance. It would have been better if my mother had been put out of her brain cancer illness and these unwanted threatening terrorist were executed before too much more goes wrong.

As for the four horseman, the White one came first or so we are told. he was given a crown. Some say he is Christ and some say he is death. The Red one is mentioned next with a sword to bring injustice and torment to the innocent. Often seen as a sign against Christians who had a long battle agains all the other nations including Isreal.

Then there is the one with the scales and expressions about food and money. Then the pale green horse perceived as death or pandemics and plagues as we have all been told would occur. And following him is the grave as most have rendered the terms, which by that time were being written in a combination of original Hebrew, Aramaic and newer Greek. 

It is hard to say which terms are accurate but we all can see our modern history of war and blood bath. Terrorist and home grown bombers. Domestic abuse even among daughters who want their mothers to pay for their children's groceries out of her food stamps or mothers who want to steal their daughters retirement fund before she is ready to retire. 

Being left with nothing at all, not even evidence of being an employee at any time in any recognized position makes it difficult not to have a nervous breakdown. I can tell you about spilt milk and cow dung slinging. There is human excrement on the streets. In fact, in San Francisco, the tourist were taking pictures of men who were just doing it on the streets without caring who saw them.

This hand washing nonsense is good for those with basic life expectancies. Those hit hard in New York and other places had probable other reasons for not surviving although that is not always true. It is just most of us who have been sick and survive assume we did not catch the virus. I am still testing non positive and yet feel terrible.

The food shortages have already been described but it is what is to come that is going to be interesting as to which horse came first or last. The Pandemic has caused enormous amounts of death. It has also caused joblessness and business to close. The economics are bad, especially when the American people wont except their own system.

Either change the law and be as Russia is where the most popular wins or accept the states decision, good or bad as to how they are going to spend the votes of the people. Now we have an entire Midwest where the most millionaires and food is grown not receiving anything for their hard work. They all voted for Trump, the entire Midwest, from Texas through Idaho and Wyoming and the Mississippi 

It is not unknown for spilt milk or for the  milk industry to dump their product in order to get better prices. They are know in possession of the food and the scales of justice or food or commodity prices are in their hands. They make most of the breads and cereals of the land, they produce most of the beef and pork of the land. They also have the vegetable gardens and even the soy products of the land in their backyards, this includes legumes, beans and peanuts. 

What is next? An unpopular President due to his perceived not understanding the law gave him the Presidency in the electoral college, remember Pelosi did not win the Impeachment charges on voter fraud, nor has it been proven Putin had anything to do with it personally. 

Now we have a possible unfavorable first female of uncertain heritage taking the second seat. It will be interesting, in the middle of a Pandemic with lower jobs available and higher prices in the supermarkets for food to see who can withstand the constant change of the world markets and local disputes of who wants what and now and not when it is convenient for everyone. 

Will it be the scales of justice, food shortage, no jobs and income, panic and or pandemic which will cripple a nation and bring about death and the early grave? Or are the horsemen riding to something else we cant see coming at us, instead of the usual back lash, when not everyone gets what they want?

I want to have my way in court and to have those told I am not their mother not to threaten me because I dont care what thier skin color is, i am not responsible nor am I going to do anything but attempt to get them into a small pine box since their mothers choice to lie to them instead of aborting them.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Oh SIGH, as my mother would say

 What are they doing out there?

Has anyone heard of jerrymandering or jerry rigging?

It is so obvious from the map of the votes that there is a huge problem. I dont think I have ever seen the entire West coast vote for one candidate nor the entire Midwest not get their man.

The richest millionaires are in the farming and industry business. For instance, the Walmart family have quite a lot more money than the Trumps. And the Wyoming construction guy who turned shipping magnate had two 150 million plus yachts parked in San Diego at the same time. His yachts alone were worth more than most can imagine, even in New York city.

If only the old guys were here such as Cronkite and Jennings. What are we supposed to do with this map?

Even Maine, my mothers favorite state only has the coastal counties for Biden. The whole rest of the state has voted for Trump, but they are only giving him one count and the other three for Biden. 

Some of the states are over 25 electorate votes or more and have sided with Trump but it is not enough to override Biden. 

I remember Reagan, the former movie actor and radio announcer during WWII who made the California Governor when his kids were small come riding in out of nowhere and blowing Carter out of the water. I don't believe he carried the whole West Coast. 

It looks as if someone just splashed paint against the Map. Whole sections have gone either one way or the other. It is usually individual states.

Even Nevada, which is Republican has only two of its counties voting for Biden. The one with Reno in it, Washoe and Clark, the one with Las Vegas in it. The two gambling towns have all gone for the other guy with the rest of the state, going, huh? How are they going to divide its spoils up? Six votes, all for one guy or are they going to give even one tiny vote for Trump?


This is all about the original colonies being seen as separate but equal in the original documents. They were originally, different countries, religions and established for different reasons.

They came together to fight the big bad guy King George. Even Germany sent in troops to help fight his cousin and France offered a few things such as ships and money. 

Then they sat there and yelled at each other for a decade. From the signing of the Declaration to the ratification of the Constitution it was 13 years. The Federalist papers and the additional amendments had to become part of the law before the entire country would accept the idea they were one country.

Out of this came the electoral college. They did not want the poor common man to have the right to decide who would be their leader. Not that they did not trust them, but they had their own interest. 

For the most part, those who governed already had experience and money to support them and their causes. The rest were just along for the ride.

Really, each state wanted to decide how to view their populations cast of votes. Unlike in Russia and Germany or any other Western European country were they take the votes straight to the government and the guy with the most wins, the US had to be different.

In America, each states decides how many votes each guy gets at the end. It is based on popularity but also on supposed wisdom and foresight. 

The point is to keep one guy from having too many votes, making everyone suspicious. It is also to make sure it is a fair fight and no unfair practices such as jerry rigging or falsely reporting. 

Overall, it is meant to keep the popular guy from taking the important seat when there is more qualified guy sitting there who has the expertise.

In the end, the electoral college is meant to  keep the poor farmer from deciding international policy and to allow a more fair system of government than a monarch or a puppet.

What do you think we are going to get? 

I like Biden and Kamala, I am not against Trump. I even liked Hillary. But this has gone to far, change the law or get over it and lets proceed as the founding fathers wanted. 

Or change the law and we can also be just like the Russian President, who votes in the guy with the most votes no matter how he gets them. Although, he is limited in his powers, the government is attempting to alter the way his appointments of his chiefs of staff such as the Prime Minister, he has to be given the right by the lower house. 

What a shock to get the seat of power and then not have your best friend sit there but have to work with what the others want, not always a good thing nor a bad decision based on the kinds of problems the past few administrations have had to deal with since there is always a deal on the table.

Heh, they are attempting to change the law just as the founding fathers had to alter their concept of a united states versus a set of states in unification. 

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...