Friday, November 13, 2020

And another plague is upon us...

 Really, it is just like the bible stories of Egypt. All those years of bible school and treks to Isreal and summers going without the usual kid things. 

I grew up in a nation wanting change, unlike my mothers spoiled fifties generation, the seventies was about reconnecting and getting back in touch with god.

Anyways, we have a new worry, an actual alien invasion. A group of murderers was discovered. And yet another Asian bug coming to America. 

All those Pineapple expresses and easterly winds bringing menace across the Pacific towards us harmless folk on the West coast.

They have been tracking this group for awhile and even gave it a name. Just as a little while ago, we were all told to be fearful of the killer bees from Mexico, the Murder Hornets have arrived in the state of Washington.

They uncovered the first nest. And it is an invasion force. There were two hundred queens getting ready to be born. Just as a syfy-story of real aliens of outer space bringing their queens to us to ride us of our minds, these guys traveled across Asia to America and they were prepared. 

Two hundred queens in one nest. Usually there is only one queen or if there are two, a mother and daughter or sisters, they duke it out until there is only one. The reverse of the male dominate societies, the female is the breeder and the larger of the species.

The size is massive, a full size for a flying bug. Over two inches in length with a three inch wing span. And these guys fly in mass, remember those weird scenes in the Avenger movie of the strange wasp aliens. 

What do you think they were planning, setting up house in this fashion, having brought their entire network with them? Two hundred hives or nest for two hundred swarms? And the authorities seeking these tiny aliens only found one nest, what if there was a second or third as part of their plought to invade our country?

We would need an expert bee keeper or honey husbandry and the only ones I know are either dead, as in Mr. Jennings who used to sale his own honey brand and Mr. Freeman who kept the Hollywood hills beautiful.

Bees are needed to propagate or encourage the spring flowers which brings the fall harvest. In other words, this is not only a plague on humans being murdered by the stings of these particularly harmful bugs, but also an environmental disaster. 

The honey bee is needed to grow crops as well as flowers. If they are attacked by the Hornets which are quadruple their size then there will be serious harm to the crops in the North and Northwest. 

If the authorities have to use chemicals on these giant bugs or pest, then the entire community will be under harm, including the bees and other helpful things for the food growers of America. There is also the issue of breeding out or the hornets invading the nests of the bees and mating with them, causing mutations. It just looks like a horror story from the midnight movie listing.

We already talked about the mid west dumping milk because they might take offense to their votes not counting in the election. After all there are more of them in the middle than either the West or East and rich farmers and industrialist. 

Now we have a new worry, what if the authorities cant  keep back the tide, now that one colony has made its way and been successful in hatching two hundred queens. 

Not unlike Plymouth and Jamestown, the beginning is just the beginning. 

It looks as if Florida might be the best place to retire after all. I wonder if the Russiaa President  is still handing out free passports? After all, he has a reputation for keeping out unwanted guests.

10 plagues:

There were various smaller pests such as flies causing harm to humans, animals and plants alike. Pests.

There was the plague of frogs which invaded the homes and got into the ovens and other types of cooking places.

There were the snakes which killed all the good things which kept the bad things at bay. 

There were the locusts which swarmed over the entire land, turning it black or dark and eating all the cereals of the land. 

There was the Nile that turned to blood, not unlike the chemicals which are in our rivers or those oil spills!

Hail, Fire and Lightening struck the fields killing the animals and setting fire to the fields, or forests as we have seen all around the world including the Amazon and Siberia.

A few more I cant remember but there was the one that took there breath away in the middle of the night leaving every first born dead. Not unlike these breathing disease, where people get yelled at for having allergies and using the safer hand sanitizers than soap and water but contaminated sinks where there are more bugs of the disease kind.

Oh, and the one with boils and we also mentioned the plague arriving on the West coast presumably from the cargo ships from China.

Poor China, bad man out right now. I wonder if there was any religion which might have predicted or warned against this nation in the last two decades? All those wanna bees taking trips to visit already known deadly spots such as Mongolia and bringing back god knows what in their suitcase.

Where is Moses and Aaron to stop the course of these plagues? Is there any religion that is really carrying out the work anymore who have not taken advantage of others in order to benefit themselves financially and advance their own political agenda such as blaming one country or anther as the bad guy?

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