Thursday, November 5, 2020

Oh SIGH, as my mother would say

 What are they doing out there?

Has anyone heard of jerrymandering or jerry rigging?

It is so obvious from the map of the votes that there is a huge problem. I dont think I have ever seen the entire West coast vote for one candidate nor the entire Midwest not get their man.

The richest millionaires are in the farming and industry business. For instance, the Walmart family have quite a lot more money than the Trumps. And the Wyoming construction guy who turned shipping magnate had two 150 million plus yachts parked in San Diego at the same time. His yachts alone were worth more than most can imagine, even in New York city.

If only the old guys were here such as Cronkite and Jennings. What are we supposed to do with this map?

Even Maine, my mothers favorite state only has the coastal counties for Biden. The whole rest of the state has voted for Trump, but they are only giving him one count and the other three for Biden. 

Some of the states are over 25 electorate votes or more and have sided with Trump but it is not enough to override Biden. 

I remember Reagan, the former movie actor and radio announcer during WWII who made the California Governor when his kids were small come riding in out of nowhere and blowing Carter out of the water. I don't believe he carried the whole West Coast. 

It looks as if someone just splashed paint against the Map. Whole sections have gone either one way or the other. It is usually individual states.

Even Nevada, which is Republican has only two of its counties voting for Biden. The one with Reno in it, Washoe and Clark, the one with Las Vegas in it. The two gambling towns have all gone for the other guy with the rest of the state, going, huh? How are they going to divide its spoils up? Six votes, all for one guy or are they going to give even one tiny vote for Trump?


This is all about the original colonies being seen as separate but equal in the original documents. They were originally, different countries, religions and established for different reasons.

They came together to fight the big bad guy King George. Even Germany sent in troops to help fight his cousin and France offered a few things such as ships and money. 

Then they sat there and yelled at each other for a decade. From the signing of the Declaration to the ratification of the Constitution it was 13 years. The Federalist papers and the additional amendments had to become part of the law before the entire country would accept the idea they were one country.

Out of this came the electoral college. They did not want the poor common man to have the right to decide who would be their leader. Not that they did not trust them, but they had their own interest. 

For the most part, those who governed already had experience and money to support them and their causes. The rest were just along for the ride.

Really, each state wanted to decide how to view their populations cast of votes. Unlike in Russia and Germany or any other Western European country were they take the votes straight to the government and the guy with the most wins, the US had to be different.

In America, each states decides how many votes each guy gets at the end. It is based on popularity but also on supposed wisdom and foresight. 

The point is to keep one guy from having too many votes, making everyone suspicious. It is also to make sure it is a fair fight and no unfair practices such as jerry rigging or falsely reporting. 

Overall, it is meant to keep the popular guy from taking the important seat when there is more qualified guy sitting there who has the expertise.

In the end, the electoral college is meant to  keep the poor farmer from deciding international policy and to allow a more fair system of government than a monarch or a puppet.

What do you think we are going to get? 

I like Biden and Kamala, I am not against Trump. I even liked Hillary. But this has gone to far, change the law or get over it and lets proceed as the founding fathers wanted. 

Or change the law and we can also be just like the Russian President, who votes in the guy with the most votes no matter how he gets them. Although, he is limited in his powers, the government is attempting to alter the way his appointments of his chiefs of staff such as the Prime Minister, he has to be given the right by the lower house. 

What a shock to get the seat of power and then not have your best friend sit there but have to work with what the others want, not always a good thing nor a bad decision based on the kinds of problems the past few administrations have had to deal with since there is always a deal on the table.

Heh, they are attempting to change the law just as the founding fathers had to alter their concept of a united states versus a set of states in unification. 

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