Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Has it been that long already?

 Time goes by fast when wants it too or way too slowly when one is not ready for the prospects in front of one. This last month has seemed an eternity, hasn't it?

It has been just thirty days since the elections and yet we seem to have gone around the moon and back with the results and the court refusals and the public rebuttals. 

One wonders if you can remember what you were doing just last month? I was walking to get my monthly bus pass and cursing myself afterwards when I saw the free ride sign on the buses due to it being voting day. I've had two important doctors visits since then, with a few follow-ups and still waiting for the right answers. I have an absessed tooth due to lack of real dentistry, the little fiends called hygienists want their money before one can see the dentist where the insurance kicks in to pay for the specialist. 

Well, that and my EEG which came back without the stroke signs and the well known aneurism I have grown up with, what a waste of my time, sitting on bus stop benches and walking past demonstrators. 

I do know it has been fifteen years since my lay dying in a hospital in San Diego and no one came to visit her at all. Not even the hated Jim, nor his family. He always made himself known to everyone and everyone asked for my mother to visit them. 

But on the day she was dying of brain cancer and complications of a broken heart, not even Jim nor any of his family came. I was left to walk done the street from the bus stop to the cheap hotel someone had rented from the Hospice, after  my father was elected a mayor of south county and I had made it through the system in the city council as well to support our local city which had our family name still listed on one of the old townships, Winthers.

Jim is not a Wheat nor a Winters nor is he even a Windsor as he often decorates his ego with other peoples names. He is just a Keshan, the son of a celebrity or at least he is supposed to be the same boy that was born to the man and his first wife before he became famous. 

Often, I have thought he was exchanged at birth or later on with someone elses bastard. Really, though on the Christmas special in 1959, he was a toddler being allowed to have all of the Christmas presents meant for my mother who showed up married and with child. 

Except her child was not born yet and it was already known to be dead. It would be delivered in May to a woman distraught and uncapable of knowing the correct way of dealing with herself, her husband or this little weasel. She would also go through the process of being convicted of the crime of an abortion as it was called when the fetus came out not alive. 

Her life was shaped by this Christmas and we never had a nice one, especially after my twin sister born two years after me died. It was December and as I said I was forced to walk in the dark with the last bus as the hospital refused to let me stay in her room at night after my hotel room had closed for renovations and the Jims family had decided we could not stay for  the holidays with him. 

We had not come for the holidays but for the medical treatment she had been promised and the old friends who were supposed to be in town. Everyone seems to have moved out and who is to blame with all the building going downtown. 

I was awoken at two in the morning with a phone call asking for resuscitation, which I said yes to and then teh phone went dead. The phone in the room was not working nor the phone booth outside and the night bell did not seem to work either. Talk about a black out of technology. I had to wait for the light of day and walk a mile to a different bus stop to go up the hill on a Sunday to the hospital to be shown my mother in the morgue as they had not resuscitated her when I had asked in advance since I was not allowed to stay with her due to their increased holiday traffic. 

The one family I did see during this time was the family from India who used to run a hotel next to the older property near the homestead which also had a town named Winters. They claimed the property and our house and now they are living down here and are also running several hotels. They are no relation to Kamala Harris of India although. 

For fifteen years I have wandered back and forth among the properties I spent my first fifteen years knowing my family had ownership. I know my family had difficulty but they never lost their properties but were swindled a number of times and  never got the court orders executed. The place in Ensenada is a French land grant from Napoleon days and the crazy woman thinks she is native American instead of Jewish as her family claimed when they immigrated from Egypt. 

I came close a number of times in getting my way, but got removed repeatedly, sometimes by force. Actually carried out by varies members of the Christian congregation who have arrest warrants but no scruples who still cause trouble because they dont know any better. They have also enlisted over two dozen children to cause trouble for my father and my self insisting on being the real relative.

Many of these are surprising now celebrities such as alica Vikander or felicity jones, in fact almost every new major movie star has come from jims penis which has no sperm and used to have no balls, hence the suggestion he was replaced by aliens, and they have this witch thing going where they get to do what they want no matter how awful it is to someone else. 

Hence, a number of house have been torn down or dont exist anymore, a number of mexican men have sat in front of me and acted as if they are lords, when in fact they are just bastards. A number of deaths have occurred at everyone of these houses where the Mexicans have no idea they are probably Muslim after thoughts of the build up towards 9/11. 

Anyways, I had to give up my cats Hansel and Gretel and live in a shelter to get medical treatment due to the unfairness of some unjust social workers, judges, and others in the services such as bank tellers who simply lie about things just to stay off the streets. I crossed paths with the one girl I tried to adopt but she wont talk to me as jim abducted her and a number of other children. 

Meanwhile, i am being stalked and harressed by a number of Barack wanna a bes, all Africans with no sense and no resemblance except the skin tone. Poor man, I am not going to say he drugged me and forced me to have sex, no matter what the little vixens claim.

I was a good girl who got married at 15 to a respectable man from the other side in Europe who was then told I was not 17, my paper work was wrong, I was deported and tried again a few years later with another friend of the family only to loose all hope of ever getting away from jim's fury nor my mothers mental inabilities.

Well, it has been a long month, and Mr. Wilson walked right back to his spot near Horton Plaza and is standing frozen in time after disappearing for the voting. He was the other Mayor, my father and him were joint mayors when they decided to incorporate the entire city. Unfortunately, as in politics one man had to go down and they chose my father due to Jim primarily being a pain in everyone's face. 

Fifteen year olds feel things very deeply and dont like being forced out nor refused when the obstacle is finally removed nor does an absence of fifteen years in a person life mean much when that person was a force to be reckoned with. One wonders what happened to everyone else during the last decade and a half?

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