Thursday, October 22, 2020

Alois, Isreal and Leslie, who were you?

 Alois Schicklgruber is the real name of Adolf Hitler or Heidler, a Jewish bastard born to an unwed woman who was later allowed to use a pseudnym for his Marxist rise to power in order to get rid of his own group of racially inferior ethnic breed as the newer scientific thinking decreed. 

Vladimir Lenin is really Isreal Ulyanova, but used Lenin in order to hide his families Jewish roots and adopted the title "ruler" as  he ascended in his politics of Marxism and extreme racism towards his own ethnic background staging the removal of the Russian Jews in order not to get caught by any who might have known of his families origins. 

And then there was Leslie Lyn King, a good enough name for almost anyone but the President of the United States. We know him as President Gerald Rudolph Ford, his step fathers name. As a former CIA operative, perhaps he kept two separate passports as granted to him by the proper authorities or maybe no one in the press room was willing to call him Mr. King, President. 

Of Course, there are other Presidents with different names but real birth certificates, such as Bill Clinton. This is also his stepfathers last name, his father having died before he was born and named Blyth with Hayes as a family name as well. Does anyone think he might have traveled under a different passport? 

Then there were those Dukes from Bavaria on the battle field of the American Revolution. Captain David Walker and his son Private Jonathon Walker. They were really Ernst Frederick Saxe-Hildburghausen, Dukes of Bavaria, II and III. 

They fought on which side? It says the father had his assignment from the German Charles VII, Palatinates sent in to keep order against his British counterpart? The son seems to have taken up residence in Harmony Pennsylvania, known as Mennonite country in 1788 after his father died. 

Was this known to George Washington, also a possible stepson? His chief Body Guard had to route out three companions who were attempting an assassination's upon him. Or at least he was promoted to chief after the discovery, his name was Frederick Braun, also from Germany. He stayed behind in Pennsylvania and changed his name to Brown, my great great great grandfather, the head of what is now known as the Secret Service. 

How many others were adopted or given their stepfamilies name? Was it important, not unless they were committing a crime. Traveling under false documents versus those provided by the government is one thing, conspiring to steal someone's identity is another. 

I am dealing with the constant threat of a stolen identity, no work history and the misunderstanding i am responsible for more than two dozen born out of wedlock bastards brought to me on television or to my mother behind my back as abandoned. 

As for them, such as Meagan Markle who did show up at my door with her boyfriend to say one more time that I was her mother, they are terrorist or extortionist, attempting to gain an introduction to those they don't need to know. I am suspicious of any who continue to demand they know me and refuse to go their way without knowing whom I am related or acquaintances. 

For the last time, I cant give birth at all due to an injury when I was three. I have a collapsed pelvic bone which cant be forced open for a live birth. And I have no marks for surgeries according to the State doctor of California. I am also not known for being pregnant but prevented by my mentally ill mother from having a relationship of any kind. 

I also have not had sex with John F Kennedy jr, Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Andy Garcia, Benjamin Brat or even Prince Charles. I wonder who else I should add to my list, as most of the children claim i did not know I had sex due to amnesia, I do remember alot of head concussions and drugging as well as examinations proving that not only was I not raped under these circumstances as a journalist but that i had fibroids preventing pregnancies.

Now clearly, Meagan does not think Doria is her real mother and I wonder if Markle is her real father instead of a foster family raising her with permission to have her introduced to high society for some reason. I remember Connie Selleca loosing her baby daughter in the hospital to a thief and it was never returned, wonder if the two look alike are mother and daughter. 

We know have a Belgium Princess insisting daddy be made to acknowledge her, well he may have had a mistress but I did not have a lover and none of my daughters better be calling themselves princesses or i will  make sure they are either executed for treason or deported for extortion in order to extract terrorist information. 

Hmm, I wonder if anyone has claimed Mr President Vladimir Putin as their daddy. I get the impression he made sure he did not have real children as he was a KGB officer after very dangerous people who might have held someone hostage or substituted their child for his. 

I  wonder what his real name is, as Vladimir Lenins, Chef's grandson, he uses the name of Vladimir but also am told Pavel or Paul. There is a man I know named Paul Photenhauer who is similar in build and personality, a former white house correspondent who also gives elusive background information. His family are supposed to be from Germany and the Amazon. 

Hmm. I also know a man named Micheal Herdclotdz who is the spitting image of Vladimir Lenin. He wears an eye patch but otherwise the guys appearance is really similar and he annoys me every time I come in contact with him as an extortionist with German roots. 

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