Friday, December 11, 2020

My Last will and testament

 December 5 2020 exactly fifteen years after my mother passed away from brain cancer, I was told I had tested positive to coronavirus. All this time I have complained and yet no one has given me results worth mentioning. 

On her anniversary I was whisked away as a criminal to an isolation unit where I am not allowed to stick my nose out the door until my 10 days are over. The man next door has already been removed without comment from staff. 

My mother left no will even though promising things to come to me for putting up with her behavioral. Instead, everyone else has run around claiming their own rights even though they are not related to her and I am done with the African children demanding I am their mother. 

I am Native American and French and Russian!

My last will and testament as I am of sound mind and soul.

I know I have a been tested positive to a deadly virus but show no signs of weakening and they are talking of vaccines after a full year from the inception of the  mutation. I am still wandering about the dormancy stage and how long this virus may have been around but not deadly.

I now I have had no children from my vagina despite the claims of amnesia by some and my doctor have confirmed this just recently. Therefore, I disinherit all of the two hundred so called children laying claim to me as mother, most of whom are in the social service filing fraudulent claims. 

I have no daughters at all, except the one who now refuses to speak to me, my cousins who was left behind by accident and then her mother died. Many have tried to pretend to be her, but only she runs away from me and makes no claim towards me so I would only like her children to be given a chance by her real family since I was never good enough for her but I personally have nothing left to provide as everything has been stolen.

I once was known as a bigamist, but my one husband left a decade ago for espana with a Jehovah Witness and has not even provided his retirement social security for me to use in my neglect. I can no longer find the marriage license, just a piece of paper I never did use as he preferred other types of women, such as motorcycle chicks and rock star singers.

He owes me property but is also a caretaker against Jim who still claims to be my spouse. Jim is not allowed to use my last name but continues to do so despite court orders. Now that his real father Captain Kangaroo, Robert James Keshan  has died, I have no one to confirm but he is not going to continue getting away with putting his Mexican in laws in place on property which was French before they killed Maximillian.

As for my personal belongings to go to no one at all, not  even a charity. I would prefer they be held in trust by a family friend where the greedy ones will stop pursuing me while alive for even a small item as a doll collected in my travels. I was collecting mementos of my families quest to recapture the promise of the life on the West coast but so many are good at getting locals to look the other way when an argument occurs that my entire family lost their property and personal belongings to the same set of criminals.

The trust family friend will not be the same set of criminals such as Candace Galiotto or her niece Janet or nephew Justin. Or any of the Pittzembargers, Battmartlers, Johnston's, Jaillets  and so forth of the group who claim to be this religion but who refuse to acknowledge the actual convictions on their heads. AS for Betty Adelman, well, even the Kremlin is interested in how she continues to function as a pretend KGB agent.

My personal intelligent property is also not up so grabs. This includes my work history as well as my current ancestry project. These should be held by the one chosen but not named in a law suit. Such as Rachelle Anne Dixon who is Ludmillas Putinas baby girl with Jim when they were married all those years ago. The midget is out of control in her desire to introduce herself to people. I know she has already been kicked out of Buckingham Palace and the Whitehouse and don't believe anyone else is interested in her thieving children. 

The Jehovah Witnesses group lied to my family about being a pure religion respecting god and authority. Instead they let an old man who sacrificed his life at their head quarters die in a nursing home with no one to care for his needs, while his family home where he was born was turned into a camp grounds just because the group wanted a playgrounds. This is why even though some of the family are shocked, none of them have been able to prevent the atrocities' done because there is no recourse to a group with no law accept themselves.

Therefore, I leave nothing to anyone except the knowledge to trust no one at all. Not even your wife, now that we are in a Pandemic. Your trusted toys will be thrown in the trash or given to your enemies children to play with or worse their dogs to chew on. And if there was anything of value someone such Alona will come along and rob your own grandmother during her funeral, just so she can wear a Russian fur hat and say she is a Romanov.

I leave to my dead twin sister the resurrection when she can get even with everyone by rising from the dead and looking just like me run around reclaiming everything she remembers. To my long lost siblings who were threatened  with loosing their manhood if they stayed in the house, I leave the idea of capturing Jim and removing his limp pride since he knows not where to plant it but instead uses it to continue to steal from them and myself. 

If I had had a child by another means, he would have been cared for through surrogacy since I am unable to produce children of my own and would know how to go about attaining the rights to his rightful inheritance once Jim is stripped of the idea of using my last name. 

As, for that first flame, he seems to have evaporated into thin air in this time or certainly Jim would not be not be nodding his head in my direction as a convicted stalker and harasser giving people the impression he is not the one with mental illness. 

To, Jim I leave his Arizona execution where he tripped over the cord on the way to the chair. That they replug it in, with him in the chair and pull the switch successfully this time, ending a lifetime of misery for my family. 

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