Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Not out of the woods yet

 Damn, there goes another man down on the ground, accused shoplifter. And another dead body removed from the premises next door to my very not so nice 500 dollar a night room. The count keeps going up but there is no way of knowing of when it is going to stop.

Those who dont deserve any mercy are the ones robbing hope from others and the ones who could at least be offered a chance are whisked away out of sight.

I had ten days in isolation in a room without any way of opening the sliding door even though the one opened quite freely and frequently. All night long and this alternated with the hand washing, on and off goes the sink, what do you have a meth lab  up there? And then there was the little knocks, can I come in and keep you company? We are in isolation units, one each no sharing no intimacies!

Well, my room, had sharing, the spiders hanging down from the corners were wondering where I came from. I was wondering where the ants had come from and who they were planning to visit. Housekeeping! There is no housekeeping in these units. Just a box, with a door, a bed, a bathroom and a television, which did not get signal for anything but sports sports and sports. Felt like a prison cell, maybe?

And the food delivery, three times a day, the rap on the door and leave a bag of food with water bottles. I am on a glutton free diet, something if  I fail to mention leaves me with nothing but pasta and then there is nothing to eat. I had nothing to eat, they decided I did not need to eat if I could not eat their food.

I get diarrhea from the bread, pasta, pastries and other items which include wheat. This includes soy sauce and barbeque sauce and some dressings as well as pressed meat such as lunch sandwiches. I got instant oatmeal, which clearly had gluten and yes tummy troubles. I complained for three days and they switched me back to the cold scrambled eggs. 

They gave me a tiny ice berg lettuce salad which i could not chew because of my abscessed tooth. I ate the bag of potato chips for the salt content and the vegetable content. Until the last day when they withheld those as well. I went without breakfast half of the days and they would not replace it no  matter how many calls one made to the management team. 

As for the nurses a little starving is good for you, not when that is already you diet and the medicine eats \up your stomach. My last night they kept knocking on the door. I got pasta which I just tossed back out, I got a greek meat thing, and then a vegetarian meat thing. I am not sure of either of the last two were glutton free, as mixed meat are not glutton free such as the vegetarian burger. 

The next day I got no supper at all, this after I had to call for my morning coffee and had actually gotten it in the morning. Just deliver coffee to those on a list, no i have to call, hiss I want coffee and yes cream, not the tiny square but got used to black and it was watered down depending on the type of tantrum the staff was having over my argument of glutton free not being anything with bread of pasta. 

Just give me scrambled eggs for good sakes. I was told to exist on day 10 and at 9 am, I was packed and waiting to go, but got no phone call until 6 pm that my ride was waiting. I got other phone calls but I was not budging until I knew I had wheels under my feet since they had brought all of my luggage to me, or at least most of it. No meals were delivered at the usual hour even though there seemed to be only a few of us leaving.

When I arrived back where I started, they were taking away the meal wagon. I had to ask several times before they handed me a hotdog, which i regretted asking for, at least I had a bag of potato chips before I put myself to bed at 8 pm. 

I had to wait outside for the staff to come collect me, then I had to be inspected by the guards while the staff disappeared, then I had to call a new staff to be allowed in the medical unit, so I could so them my pretty letter which they rejected and they made a few phone calls. I have no clear symptoms except my asthmatic cough and I am not running a fever so they let it go. 

Then the night staff looked confuse when I walked into their hall but just told me to go to my bed. Which there was none. It was gone. I had to ask for them to find me a new cot to sleep on. My back still hurts from that bed. People with bad backs dont do well with just any mattress and that overused thing was not up to my spine. It will be while before it is adjusted. I dont want to hear about Jacuzzis either.

The quarantine is necessary for those who are seriously ill and those who have no place to go. My mother always put me in quarantine and threw parties for everyone else to enjoy my misery. The women really was mentally ill over every little detail  of her childhood. It is too bad her brain cancer could not have been treated, I have heard others say it should have been taken care of with a bullet.

I am still not considered out of the woods and now have to wait for the promised housing. I made it too my locker to keep it from being taken over by someone else. I had to endure the psych questions about my stability instead of the cooks staffs about their desire not to feed a sick individual. I did have a temperature of 101 but with my inflamed mouth and being kept outside in the cold it is hard to say if I really had the dreadful disease and passed through a bad week of chills and sweets or if I simply responded not to well to being locked up. 

Time will tell, but I did survive and have my letter to prove I went through my quarantine. My dream is to give jim one shot of the antivirus but keep him from ever getting the second one, he likes to sweat things out. It is the only retribution for taking my houses from me and keeping me busy with his children or girlfriends to allow him the pleasure of thinking he will be protected but that second shot never reaching him.

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