Tuesday, February 23, 2021

And yet one more year has gone by

 Another year and another birthday. I am officially another year older, and now I qualify for the early middle age of 55 discounts for seniors.


Where did the last fifty years go?

It went to taking care of a sick old lady with mental illness from teh abuse she suffered at the hands of those inside her house of worship. 

Unfortunately, they were not the same religion as her parents and so on in getting the issue resolved but I am tired of seeing the third generation showing up.

Janet actually attacked me in Ensenada and an attempt on the life of the guy who saved me was made as well as the other guy did in fact in up dead at my feet in Mexico.

As for Justin, why would a construction worker steal someone's suit and walk into the Whitehouse introducing himself as something or other of importance.

I might be having a nervous breakdown or simply a recovery of all the hardships heaped on me from my mothers inability to reason well enough to get out of her own misery but these others are more than just criminals they are insane and quite frankly terrorists!

Did I ever tell you the story of being lost in India with a small infant I could not nurse? My cousin had called me and told me she could not get through to anyone else. I flew instantly over to Indonesia where she was as I was familiar.

A little to familiar, we could not get through the airport in Japan, where I had once modeled but also gone to school with thieves wanting to get connected with American mafia.

Why me?

Any ways, we were on our ways eastward away from Hawaii as a storm was brewing and got side wacked by another one with a huge tsunami. We ended up on a mountain top of some sort with other survivors and a guy going crazy over not getting the correct information. He was the weather guy and general warner of the area and was responsible to provide a sound warning, which he did in the form of everything he had but was swept away before the locals could hear it.

Among the survivors was a rich guy who was able to get a private transport with a dozen seats, lots were drawn. The two women were selected but at the last minute I got excluded due to my becoming a journalist and being too well known.

My cousin took my passport as she had none, the reason she had not returned home and now had an infant, which is why she was on the helicopter. I ended up with the wrong bag and got the baby which would not stop crying for milk.

I was eventually booted off the bus in India where I found they don't sell cows milk and she did not like goat milk at all!

When we made it to Paris as refugees, I found the helicopter had gone done with all aboard in the storm and only had a burned body to identify as my cousin and no passport papers. I lost my Canada citizenship that day and had to rely on my mothers word that I was her daughter, which she revoked as often as she could.

The baby went into an orphanage as it was proven not to be mine by my mother. She was brought to me later when I was not ready to raise her but tried to do so, despite the fact she had no way of knowing her own family.

Again my mother kept after me, removing her and inserting teh wrong child all the time. She apparently was raised in Tijuana by Jim's wife Teresa. I found that out recently.

All the years I went to court and provided money and jim sitting there counting money out in front of me while his wife talked of her neice. Another stolen life and wasted time on my mothers rehabilitation from the world Jim had lead her into.

She now has a number of children, Jaime and Maria are her two oldest with a remarkable resemblance to my cousin. She wont speak to me nor even sit on the same trolley with me. She probably is involved in his drug smuggling empire of which he was well known, getting even his girls such as Kim Basinger and Rebecca Diborane arrested in foreign countries.

So I don't have any daughters to speak of and have been proved time and again I have not given birth to anything at all  by my own mother.

Instead there are at least three actresses from 1988 who have made it plain they dont understand the words non biological.

I recall coming home from Saigon in 1974, I was a skinny child girl with scraggly hair and no teeth. I had been missing, and was on the milk carton at school when I went back to school at the third grade instead of the sixth grade.

Jim never passed the sixth grade and I was never allowed to go through the sixth grade, no really, i went to several different schools that year I turned twelve. I never completed the course work but was allowed to advance because I passed the exams necessary to become a junior high student.

 As I said, I remember coming home, in 1974 where I had been abducted and held hostage by Jim and his girlfriends. They got the FBI to offer an award, but found out it was phony money and then had me transported to a foreign country so I would not talk.

My sister had died in 1973 where we were often switched back and forth so no one would no that one of us was missing but causing us both to be confused at times. My mother was expecting a baby in 1973 and it disappeared while my younger brother whom I had found buried alive was deported because jimmy had taken up residence inside my family.

Keeping an eye on his victim the rest of her life. My parents seemed to have gone through some sort of counceling and were now being told Jimmy was their son. They had gone on a trip to Afghanistan and I am not sure what happened but the world was turned upside down for them after that.

It was also the main source of the drugs coming through Mexico where we owned a French land grand homestead now in the hands of a Jewish family from Egypt who say they are Mexican.

Lost little girl found her way to the last spot on earth where there were known to be friendly American military, Viet nam, and was brought home saafely to find she had no home left to belong. My parents divorced within five years even though they had another sone born to them. 

He was also taken away from them by Jimmy who would not allow them to have anything but teh one thing that they did not sire or give birth.

I have also been told since that I have at least six different daughters from 1974, half of whom are actresses who should know better than expect a child to acdept she gave birth to them. I was in the care of military's and medical for the most part of the year and have no way of believing these stories of delusions of grandeur such ones as Zoe put out that shoe wont be told I am not her mother.

I notice I am now the non biological considered mother of at least 100 different children who have been raised to insist on raping me in order to prove they came out of my broken pelvic bones and robbing me of everything including dignity. 

As they always show up with needles and lies to tell teh public but not a single shred of truth and my mother has now been dead for more than a decade with no remorse from Jim who set my father on fire in front of me but got no jail time what so eever. 

For birthday presents please,  the deportation of the frauds such as Alicia Vikander and Felicity Jones as well as the acknowledgement that I had neither an African lover nor a Chinese husband by mail order.

I once had a man who signed a marriage license but even her wont allow me to live on our shared property. Another year has gone by and Jimmy is still running the show because it is his birthday party!

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