Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lightening does strike twice after all...

 The American legal system is built on trust on truthfulness. One of the things criminals use, is the once acquitted, one can not be tried a second time.

Not so for the President. One Impeachment trail is unusual, even though it was employed for Nixon for the first time, although he was not the first one they thought of kicking out of office, it is now a weapon for the mass media against those whom they don't like.

Really, what was the first one about if it wasn't about insurrection. He was accused of having the Russian President help him violate the voting system and giving him a position of power.

Now he is being spoken against for telling his people to walk up to the Capital and he would meet them there to speak for the people to the congress.

Instead, mass rioting ensued and shots were fired. Now they are claiming he entered the Capital himself  to give himself power over Congress.

At least it appears to be the same claim of his causing an insurrection to give him power. It did keep the Congress from addressing the issue of fair voting and what not.

He is being tried twice for the same thing, not being accepted even though he had the constitutional electoral college.

Unlike, Hillary who asked for the popularity to override the constitution. She did not change the law to allow the favorite to have the right to the Oval office and no matter which way the last election went it would appear to have been meddled with be insiders or outsiders.

It is not that we dislike Hillary, after all a half million of her people also marched on the Capital and entered without going through the screening. But in her case, no shots were fired.

What will historians make of these events? After all everyone eavesdrops on their neighbors, reporting the slightest sounds, while taping in public anyone who is having a bad day and then sharing their illegal gained footage on mass media sites.

Lightening can also have positive effects.

Surfing the online sites for interesting objects there are these things called action dolls.

Hillary and Kamala both have an action doll, in an appropriate suit of clothing and it can stand or walk and go through the motions of being in charge.

Barack has two different ones, one on a stool with a microphone, his favorite thing was to entertain the media with his wit. The other one shows him in his presidential suit and armed with a machine gun in one hand and a sword in the other. 

One wonders what he is battling? The harmless, karate clad Putin as his action hero comes attired. 

There is one of him standing next to his extra special car, a tank clad in shiny black. One wonders if it can turn into a helicopter as Bonds does in the films. 

President day is upon us, George Washington the father of our country and Lincoln, who kept it from falling apart during the Civil War. In his case, they shot him when they were done with him. 

What will Biden's action doll appear as, Captain America?

Action dolls for grown ups to buy, collect and hope not to be thrown out by the next of kin or the person impersonating the actual owner of the property.

When will I be down with yet one more phony relative showing up or a non biological daughter wanting her way with me, and not being allowed to be told by the American legal system they are not allowed to stalk and harrass me nor know whom i am talking too, or how I spend my money or time.

There is one little girl from Cuba whom Ludmilla forgot after the big trail to take home with her. Maybe the 45 year old midget could be asked not to have any more babies and actually get a life without following someone else around and introducing herself as if she is really a relative. 

Meanwhile, I am collecting the names of especially the actresses who were sent to juvenille detention but pretend they have never been convicted of anything at all. They want to smile and pretend the world is pretty when they themselves are not and dont even hide what they want, more and more of someone else life.

As in the news, the Queen is yet a grandmother again. Poor woman, who never had a childhood nor an adolescent. She went straight into war and marriage and then the burden of being the ruler thrust on her with her fathers early death.

Little no name is a boy and is Eugenie's newest effort at fitting into the royal house. Her mother was poorly suited for the job and her cousins have not fared much better in their choices of mates. 

At least, her husband comes from both English houses such as the Spencer's and the Butlers, as well as old American colony, such as Hudson and Ball. George Washington's wife was from the prestige's Ball family. 

The only thing better than his in laws would be a relationship to Betsy Ross, the real first lady of America, with her hand sewing and designing a national treasure as well as cultivating the military into action with something to fight for and hold on to hope.

 She was a widow as Washington's wive and remarried a number of times, leaving a trail of descendants throughout the East Coast and Appalachian. 

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