Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A complete fraud, One Vladimir Lenin

 How many times have we been told that a great leader is really a puppet for someone else or just a complete fraud?

Most of our presidents come out smelling of roses or at least smelling.

As for those who considered worse than worst, well there are a few of them worth noting.

Napoleon for instance put on much bravado and might have been mistaken for a mad man.

But as for Hitler, he was definitely a puppet for others to deploy their devices on humanity.

Now Lenin, on the other hand was a self made man and one who was a complete fraud. 

For instance, I once saw a photo of him with his wife, dated December 1917. This was just after October revolution of 1917 and right in the middle of the great war. He was in Switzerland at a spa or nursing home but the elegant ones with lawns and fancy dress. 

Anyways, he was standing there with his wife smiling and right behind him was a nurse who was very pregnant looking. Next to them was another group of women of whom most were Russians and wealthy ones. He had no problem associating with them nor having a joke on his aristocratic wife who felt slighted over her family loosing their money and blaming the Tsar or the Romanovs.

Included in the photo is also a young woman and a small boy just the other side. It is hard to tell if they are part of the group or sitting nearby. She is one of my great grandmothers who is never spoken of due to the fact she was listed as dead and not found for a whole decade. During this time her husband had been encouraged to remarry immediately as he still had small children. 

The news used to be shown at the old film theaters, in between the main film and the comedy. The old going to the theaters included about six different items to be viewed and took hours to watch. One of the girls of the family sat fascinated during the news showing the new ruler of the new Russia. She also noticed the young woman turn her head and the boy was about the right age for her having been pregnant. 

She had been thrown from the train they were riding on while her husband had been giving lectures on his designs of race cars. She was listed as dead and he never was able to get the body. She had amnesia they said and could only remember certain things. She knew her husband when he arrived but not the other members of the family. He did go to her, when he was shown the film but she did not come home. He died a decade later having finally put her to rest in Europe in the middle of a world war.

I have meet a man who looks just like Vladimir Lenin, his name is Michael Herdklotz and he is very annoying. He thinks of himself as handsome, but he does have the same resemblance. Tall, skinny, geeky in style and throws himself at women but does not have a good way of dealing with his own wives. 

As for Mister Vladimir Lenin, that is not his name. The family name is Ulyanov, they dropped the U and ov and got Lenin. His grandfather was a doctor who converted to Christianity from Judaism so he could practice. His name was Isreal, and one imagines the grandsons was as well, but he used a variety of nick names. There is no birth certificate and he went to Unversity where he got his strange ideals from Marxist which had already begun to destroy British society and would later undermine Americas democracy. 

His genealogy read like a whos who of the wealthy and the famous of Europe. He has a very strong line of Jewish family which at the middle ages was not uncommon as they were the ones who had freedom of travel as well as access to money or money lenders. We call them bankers today and traveling merchants or antique specialist.

Christians were required to stay within the confines of their community or have a really good reason for going somewhere else. In other words, they were under suspicion if they went to the theater or plays in another town much less the market and most were not the arts types.

Remember they began to burn the bible in Europe and almost no icons were allowed outside the church. Therefore, the Hebrews and Muslims had more freedom of movement but were also kept at a distance by the real Christians. Scientist or Doctors had a similar problem of being allowed freedoms but also not seen as real Christians, it depended on the community, the ones in Eastern Europe were more mixed.

As for the others, he has some really old Russian families which are upper class, such as princes and counts. He also had some relatives who married into the Romanovs and the German courts. There is a mixture of upper Irish or Scottish names and men who were known to the King of England, as well as the German families of fame and fortune. 

It is surprising that he did not have any American relatives but perhaps he did. He seems to have been well versed and seemed to know how to get others to go along with his philosophy. He married above his Jewish station, meaning royalty but he was also related to royalty. His family had money and he had no need to work in the factories nor the fields. 

The Tsars had had a bad run of late, and two were assassinated. Perhaps he had a help from places many did not expect. Enough of the upper class made it to France and Switzerland where he seems to have connections.

The peasants were starving in  the fields from lack of agricultural knowledge, the town suffered disease from lack of doctors, and the factories had no where to go after the long hours but whoring. The cities had the same follies but not with the same decorum.

Moscow was burned down so many times, it is difficult not to wonder why it was built where it was, except it was far away from Kiev and Berlin. They may have been Islam as many of their names and Tatars which he had a few great uncles were more from the wider Eastern Culture than the Western domination of the Catholic church. 

His influence is still felt, but as a poor man from nothing, this is not true, nor was he a Christian man. Nor a moral man, nor an honest man, he was deemed a great leader which is what Vladimir means. 

What would his wife say if she saw this herdklotz or saw his real ancestor list. Would she have married him, would she have stayed married to him? Would it have mattered if he was unmarried, or was she part of the bargain, the sophisticated aristocrat willing to give up everything for the poor Buffon who was inspirational in his speeches and his application of Marxism into Communism? 

How quickly everything slide into the secret police and the inquisition and the forced allegiance to a power without knowing where it was going, and a blond future at that, just as Germany wanted blond blue eyed children, not dark eyed Jews nor Muslims. 

A fraud at the least and a terrorist at the most, converting an entire country into atheisms and then demanding the neighbors be in fear if they went to one of the hated Orthodox, onion domed churches. Fear of being caught as  a Jew himself after they were expelled, or of loosing his control over the hidden Islam descendants of the original Tatars turned tsars?

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