Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Beauty and the Beast

 There is a bear in town as part of a show of force. Politics is never sure, the sweet guy becomes sour and vice versa. There is no magic pill to make it all go away in the world of the I wants and the they wants.

The campaign is being run by Cox one of the oldest names in America and he has classified himself as a beast and has a bear to ride around with, a real live California Brown bear. 

I cant remember the last time I have seen such a show and I had to see it on television. I am usually out and about and I should have been going towards Shelter Island yesterday but I am still waiting for xrays from my foot and stayed closer to home.

How is it this guy thinks having a real bear is going to get him elected and he is trying to run the other guy out of town. 

The beauty is Newsom, the young handsome, former Mayor of San Francisco. He has four cute kids and a pretty wife and looks like Boxleitner. He sounds like the old Jerry Brown when he talks and is not unfamiliar, his father was a Judge.

He is on the pretty side and he seems to have the perfect life. What though is the issue? The world wide Pandemic that no one can do anything about? The wildfires that have ravaged much of the areas around housing that should not have been built in the first place? 

Or is it closer to home? I am not sure as I am no longer following the inside line of the California politics. I am an old Brown family member of Pat and Jerry, they were California, and I liked this guy as a close match to them.

Not that I did not like Pete Wilson nor Ronald Reagan as home grown boys, but really showing up in town with a live bear, that is like the guy in Russia being seen riding a bear, after his airline stewardess wife leaves him and his brobuddy gets in trouble over not giving up his chair to the lady with Russian relatives. 

I still like Hillary and I appreciate her health care reform as well as her international State relations to developed during her husbands administration and the past President. 

But really, did Putin deserve to be put off his horse riding in the wilds of Siberia to a Russia bear? 

California state animal is a bear as is the Russian official one is a bear. 

Not that I am comparing the two men, nor am I saying the guy is wrong, I just don't know what the recall campaign is about. He is probably a nice guy, and the Newsom have been in California from the beginning of statehood and also have Plymouth colony ties. 

Now comparing California and Russia, well that is also another issue. After all, this is still considered Russia America. The Russians stepped foot on the West coast before the Declaration of Independence on the East Coast.

They later had a Fur trade company everyone knows as going belly up out of starvation, but that was later when the Spanish followed the outlaw monks who built missions to get out of the Inquisition and were unable to go home to Spain. 

In other words, Baja was never part of Mexico, in fact it was invaded a number of times. Even a Civil war Veteran named Walker invaded and won the right to call himself President of Baja and Sonora. 

Too bad, he did not stay, but moved on to Nicaragua. Baja was simply walked into by a number of poor individuals form foreign countries just as most of the Californios who took Vallejo's family hostage, were ship jumpers, not even fulfilling their contract to complete the work on board a ship.

There are so many illegal aliens in Mexico it is funny that America and California except undocumented persons. Most of them are also illegal in Mexico such as from some Muslim nation as Morocco or even Iraq and Iran. 

When things go bad, people move on but have little ways of proving whom they are and were they came from only where they want to go.

The Wall should be built to protect America from invasion form these foreign powers from overseas, now that America is pulling out. But short sided ones, only wanted to see one version of the turth and i am sorry for Hillary but Trump was not wrong about the wall.

As for Russia, it is also been overrun by foreigners and has been invaded a number of times. In fact, the Romanovs were not the original rulers, but the Rurik's in what is now called Ukraine. Even they had problems in keeping their rulership.

The stories of the Tsars, who also had to deal with Muslims as did Iberia or Spain, were well known. Drugging, beating, robbing, rapping and duplicity was used throughout and many wonder, if there was any real descendants.

The last two tsars were assassinated and their daughters supposedly raped, while Prince Philip was one of the last Romanov, I am afraid little Archie's DNA will not match despite what Meghan has to say about skin color it is the blood type that is important. 

Well, Putin's grandfather was the chef for the Lenin's, a Jewish family of unknown origins. Ruling among a primary Muslim eastern group of people and a Western group of Orthodox Christians. They outlawed religion, making themselves atheist with their Marxist belief system which only excepts White people with Intelligence above most athletes and celebrities, which would exclude almost anyone with money in California.

As for California, Vallejo's, spouse's family the Carrillo's were descendants of Moctezuma and had a right to Mexico but not California, which had been populated on and off for a thousand years by a variety of sea goers, including the Japanese and the Russians. 

There is probably even some Romanov and Rurik blood running through the veins of some Californians.

However, this does not help the current campaign of the Beauty and the Beast. What ever, the recall is about, I hope it turns out right. I did not dislike Arnold, but Grey was also a nice guy. 

Most of the politicians who make it to that level, have got what it takes, it is the those who get caught before the big league who have real issues. 

Most of the movie stars in Hollywood on the other hand, could use a push back to where they came from. Such as Gal Gadot, and Lily James not mention a few of the others who are clearly crazy but get jobs because they are good in bed and not on screen. 

I bet most of them claim a heritage which is not real and have no way of proving it except by forcing a situation with the use of needles and cameras to give the appearance of having won the right to sit down next to some one, when in fact they already have convictions and have violated their probation. 

This mans they have also violated their agreement with America, either as visitors or as naturalized citizens and could even be considered harmful as well as unhealthly to be around. 

I wonder how many of those beautiful people are really beast inside and should be excluded from intelligent conversations as well as any government employment but allow themselves the right to create an atmosphere where they have to have access to training in special facilities in order to present themselves as something they are not, healthy sane individuals with real paper work and actual relatives instead of imaginary "I am the real princess" behind your back routine?

Best to the Beast or to the Beauty, may the best bear win as long as it is good for California, which has always been to easily accessed by foreign powers. 

Shiver to all those conversos forced out of Spain into Mexico, even the Conquistadors, appear to have abandoned their religion of Jewish in order to survive prosecution. 

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