Sunday, July 4, 2021

Maybe it was a car bomb, something does not smell right about this incident

There was a boom said one of the residents and then the shudder as the building collapsed. Buildings don't usually fall straight down without provocation. I was told this building was going to come down and I have been thinking and thinking.

What would cause it to come straight down? If it was just hanging by a nail, the additional section, and the flooring gave way, would it not tilt? But if it was the pillars and they gave way all at the same time....

Maybe the garage pillars were not connected either, maybe it was designed to come down at sometime around someone's ears, just to embarrass them.

Maybe it was a car bomb like in eastern European movies, where the politician enters his car and boom, an explosion. What would happen if someone parked their car under the section that was never stable, and then waited, till the right moment.

Or maybe there was no right moment, the bomb could go off at any time. Twice i was asked to go to this building in order to have a residence instead of staying in a homeless shelter because everything on the West coast has been torn down, moved or occupied by someone else. 

I have even been carried out of my own place and put inside the wrong place and then told I owe the establishment money. I know i have bad headaches and some memory loss, but if a thing didn't occur then there is no memory, like not giving birth to someone else baby.

The rate of recovery has been agonizing, slow, slower, and slowest. Everyone wanted them to dig in and haul out living bodies, instead except for a few on top, no one has come out alive. 

The last section was not supposed to pancake on top of the mid section, it was supposed to remain standing. Maybe the hurricanes did rot away at its stability, but it blocked the obvious, why the mid section just suddenly collapsed straight down.

Almost no one has survived, one boy on top, and his mother dead. A few from the other buildings who could not get down but did tell us what we needed to hear. A boom, shuddering more than an earthquake, shaking building people tend to run, sleeping people stay put when it is sudden and without notice.

I had so many nightmares about this place. It was always the same dream, the building had come down. My parents were trapped, i had to rescue them and dig them out. My little brothers had been washed out to the ocean and i had to swim out to their bunk bed to get them. The last one, was of me sitting on a ledge holding my cats with vertigo and not being able to move. 

I was told Jimmy was going to kill me someday, i always thought it was my mother he wanted to kill instead. I thought he hated her and tormented  me to get at her. She had a complete mental breakdown. I was told over and over again, you are going to have a nervous breakdown.

I guess I did have a nervous breakdown, it felt more like being forced to stand and explain myself over and over again to my mother or someone else. Or watch her throw fits and have to act them out myself.

 Meanwhile, my brain has been on fire from an infection, a pinched nerve in my neck, too much pain from the auto accident no one wants to hear me talk about and way too much man handling by a bunch of kids who got accustomed to doing things for my mother, even the things she did not ask them to do for her, such as put me down on the ground.

I used to be forced to do brain exercises when i was little. I was a genius versus an imbecile. They wanted me to figure out how to get out of a situation. It was apparently thought I was going to be killed or tied up, I do remember being buried alive and crawling out of a grave, and other things that no child should have to know about but no one could stop this stalker from entering their lives.

I always thought it started when my mother was younger and those teenagers were playing out what their grandparents might have done. Some of them were bank robbers and safe crackers from before the war years. Others were part of the Nazi organization of gangs that went around bullying and bragging about being on the wrong side.

In America, blond and blue eyed meant innocence. But it also, does not mean that a person is of the wrong ethnic background whether it be Jewish or Indian. Too many of these girls played with my family using jimmy and him getting angry at my parents.

His dream according to his girlfriends and transferred on to his psychologist's was that he was going to destroy the building he could not step in because now he would be eighteen and no reason to stay with someone else parents. He also knew the younger boys were going to be coming home and wanted to get even, he had never fit into my parents lives, mainly due to his tormenting them.

He was supposed to walk in and rescue them from their beds, and then be their hero. Really, he was going to kill them and steal their kids. This is what everyone told me, and I knew it was true, he was going around to their schools even though i was not supposed to know where they were and interfering in their academics and my medical treatment.

I have spent time with therapist over this same dream, that alters with time and never been considered crazy nor schizophrenic but simply stressed or exhausted. There was no way around the nightmares as they knew it was true he had threatened us and then got quiet as my grandparents died mysteriously and  my father lost his battle with life itself. 

How many times did i flee down the stairs to the lobby seeking help? How many times did the group call the cops on me because they were trying to make me have a nervous breakdown. I now they were removing full grown adult men from the places with a needle in their neck. I also know how many times a guard went missing or was found down on the ground with a bullet.

These people were always dangerous and they used a once adolescent stalker who grew into a happy grandpa who trained a number of children's to continue his work as if they have the right to enter someone's residence and demand their possessions. My wallet is always under observation as well as my spending habits. 

Who would park a car and not report it missing. Someone removed or prevented going back for it. Who would wait decades to get even with someone in particular, an insane man who should never have been allowed to be deported and come back and come back until he finally killed his objective.

No one important has surfaced among the dead residents except the family with the two beautiful children, some grandpa is going to be angry and lets hope he is not a mafia or gang leader. 

As for the rest, pathetic Jewish people wanting retirement dreams. Who were they to dream of a life outside of Nazi hell. 

The Spanish residents are not the right type of clients for the original building list and makes one wonder if some mafia or drug lord moved in on a good thing, a damaged or condemned condo thinking they were going to be safe from those who are never pleased not to make others suffer. 

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