Sunday, July 25, 2021

And so we made it to another olympics...

 The Olympics were suspended during the Nazi era of invasion and domination of Europe. They were intended to exclude nationalism and racism but promote excellence of form and figure.

Instead they became a national measure of government and popularity.

The Russians have faced more discipline than any other country even more so than Germany.

The Germans and the Chinese are not unknowns to want their way in getting awards and prominence.

While we have seen personally how the Africans have fought for their place at the games, there are also those who have kept others from having any hope at all. Simply taking a spot in order eliminate others.

The end results of the Tokyo games should be about the world pandemic coming under control. Their opening was beautiful and sympathetic but it still lacked the something else some of us are still awaiting.

They dealt with many issues including the past killing of actual competitions and hostage taking during the games. The pandemic was also dealt with and the amusement of their emojis developed during the 1964 was charming.

It is sad though to see some athletes still demanding to have their way despite being allowed to even the board. Instead of wanting an even chance with others they want to dominate and have many of the privilege's not giving to other athletes.

Why some of a certain race or background deem it necessary to keep up the animosity long after tit should be put down. The native Americans and Latinos were told to put it to a rest when they were allowed to mingle with the others, when are the Africans going to stop lying about their troubles and get with the program of belonging to the same human race?

As for the pandemic it is far from over, and another person has died from the Plague that challenged Medieval Europe and is now creeping through America so quietly many don't even notice.

Plague is deadly and highly contagious and has been present at the same time as this mutant virus.

It is interesting it has been killing white people primarily. It was known as a Chinese disease as it was supposed to have been brought to Italy and Turkey through the ships from China. 

Spread by rats and fleas. They say any of those small rodent type can carry the fleas and they can continue to bred. I know the fires of the West have caused a lot of harm to US and California but they have also rid us of the undergrowth where these little varmints live.

What did Europe look like before the primarily white population found itself with a disease they did not understand. They had given up the old ways in order to become Christian. It was the Crusades that brought back the concept of hospitals. 

It is isolation that was practiced that saved communities from spreading the disease to other communities. I wish the same could be said of those taking Opioids or other Psychotics drugs altering their minds.

When will everyone get along? Certainly not as long as they keep pulling out guns and shooting strangers. 

It is sad what happened to the Oklahomans who moved into Native American territory as Africans. Their community suffered a calamity that is unusual in that the descriptions are more in house in the way many of those Africans died.

Many can not get along in their own communities, including their own race or religion. It is noted that many approve of Barack but his family had several flaws, even if his own programs did not.

His father was from Kenya and from a Chief family. They were the ones at war with their own neighbors and were the ones saleing them to the slave traders who took them to Jamaica and then to America. 

It was better than the modern day of genocide of killings everyone in the village or the entire country. 

I am not saying his family were personally involved nor blaming him if they were, it was a different time and necessity met the needs of the community. They were not to know what would happen once they arrived in a new location.

I just wonder why there are so many rich Africans who don't at least go back to their roots and help a village or two financially instead of having all the white programs take care of them. 

It is a two way street they say, what takes also has to give at some point.

All this blame of people instead of individuals. All this hatred of a profession instead of compliance with civil law.

Neither the ones during segregation nor the ones living off of welfare know producing more babies than they want and putting them off on others because they feel it would be better.

Perhaps the old monarchies are not bad after all, at least they have a sense of stability.

As for people such as Meghan who believe they can walk in and claim to be something they are not. Dora is clearly a court appointed foster parent of a drug addict or juvenile delinquent who spent little time attending class. 

Her words hurt more than the old man who had already suffered his own childhood during the Nazi era, his family had to leave Greece, move to South Africa, and then marry into the Nazi in order to survive. His mother went into a nut house, his marrying an unwanted female in England was extraordinary and he deserved more than he got from a child who is unable to understand what mix race is or what it means to buy a husband but is still not a royal nor a princess.

The pandemic is not over nor is the world itself. The games are meant to bring the nations together not separate out the unpopular ones from the fold. We need everyone cooperating in order to complete the task of survival not of the fittest but of the human race.

Perhaps Meghan can consider why her personal belongings were removed from her premises in London as she choice to run away from trouble instead of facing it down side by side with her husband.

Or perhaps she should not make false statements or try to cause trouble by fueling a fire that was supposed to be put out by the Obamas. 

Maybe Kamala and her family can help bring the world back together. Or perhaps Archie can raise his fist and demand a DNA test to see what race he really is much less who his real parents.

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