Sunday, August 8, 2021

Jasmine rice for sale

Jasmine rice for sale, sang out the little tiny voice. It was coming from among the other large items at the pier in Hong Kong. 

The small child was covered head to toe with Jade items. She was standing next to a bag of Jasmine rice. Just as the flour sacks back at home, were sold and then reused for clothing items, here in the orient, the rice was sold in cloth bags.

The bag contained not the sweet jasmine rice preferable to foreigners to the often stale brown rice, a small face of another child.

They were apparently sent out by their families to get adopted by some stupid white folks with money.

What can money buy one especially in the orient?

In this case, too many round eyed children were being born as well as girls who did not match the quota.

In china, under Mao, a new mandate was issued, one child per couple. Some say it was population control others it was a way or preventing coupling in the first place. 

All the new communist ruler wanted was a work force, sending out the educated and brilliant to eat up the sun of the fields while shadowing those from the fields inside buildings was supposed to be a step foreword in modernization.

In Europe, the highly educated and aristocrat vied for a chance to go out hunting or even living as so called peasants. Even Marie Antionette had her small cottage and duck pond. 

It is said, many royals gave up everything in order to experience America as Puritans and Pioneers or Pilgrims with no way out except survival.

In Asia, there had been too many attempts to Christianize the rest of the world. This after they had saved the West with their scientific developments only to have the Plague wipe out any pleasantries.

The Scotts were great for being ministers or to follow first the Catholic religious conversion and then the Presbyterian attempts to convert the atheists.

What was left behind, besides more poverty and despised rulers were the results of conversion. Round eyed children and red haired descendants.

This made it necessary to get rid of the unwanted females in particular. In many cases there have been rulers with suspect parental heritage.

But with Mao sending everyone to the fields to work or worse to disappear, the unwanted ones were put out as fast as they could walk and talk. 

A strict plan evolved to have only one male heir. This of courses caused a whole generation of spoiled and stupid business men who thought any female was theirs for the taking. 

Instead of keeping them moral or having just one wife, they also developed a love of prostitutes. Any foreign visiting female had to be careful, even on the way back to the US with an empty seat next to her.

One might have to explain to immigration that no she was not married to the fat man in the suit. Nor was she going to be taking him home with her, only to find him at her house of worship or her job waiting for her to understand.....

As for the tiny girls, Jasmine and Jade, they were brought to the US and raised separately on different coasts. Each was renamed Judith or at least called themselves Judy perhaps because of Judy Garland being so popular. 

It was a different time period and people did not question where children came form if they were put out or up for adoption.

It did not matter, for instance if one started producing red haired children which she could not stand. She got rid of one in Oklahoma, claiming it to be a mixed breed Indian child. The other she dumped on a smaller child, of again a mixed Indian ancestry.

Her concentration on ruining it for Native Americans is interesting as is her claiming her family are KKK every chance she gets when she runs into the same family.

Her daughter Rene is now a millionaire home chef cook with her own cooking show, magazine, books and flower painted items for sale at Walmart. 

The other one is retarded, Tara, can't understand how to get along with anyone and has produced a number of babies out of wedlock. None of them are smart but neither are they as retarded as she. 

Who believes a child gives birth to another child? No one! Twelve is the usual age for maturity and many such as myself don't show signs until they are 14 due to irregular thyroid issues.

Elizabeth is half Mexican, from the Moreno family, there is another one of questionable parentage, could be Willies or even Ernst as she was going after everything she could. 

She finally married a poor fellow and had a stupid looking girl named Hannah. My mothers name is not Hannah nor Anne, it is Hazel. Too late to change, dear retard. 

And sorry for growing up so poor, but I am not your mama, but I am going to make the fat Asian looking woman with the round eyes pay me every dollar spent on you by my real mother.

As for your brother Brent, I do wish he would stop showing up pretending to be my husband or boyfriend. I know he also has a number of little ones, including from both Maria or Pei Wei, this one called Jadyn and another one he actually got one of those silly girls who change rooms in the middle of the night, Connie Selleca. 

She complained, and made a few unfavorable comments about the African group that was present for one of their business seminars. She also lost the baby in the nursery in the hospital, even going on television with her son, showing his missing sisters crib and filing a police report.

Her name, Tara, is now Mehgan and she is slower than you, she was raised by a foster mother she presented as her mother Dora, a social worker and social climber. But really, it is again the wrong woman being blamed for amnesia, and she has issue with her daughter coming out black.

Well, so do the rest of us, dear, we are not black nor Africans. We are Native Americans, French and Russian but not the mind boggling German mixed inbreeds who attempted to root out the Africans by breading with them and then not knowing they would show up, a little bit angry. 

Why dont you take your baby Mehgan back to the place you got it and maybe they will give you the real one and your real birth certificate. I hate to tell you, just because your adopted mother is African Black, you are not!

As for the other Judy, with all the Jade on her arms, bracelets and what not, she used her talents whether well. She learned to sing for real and act. She became a well known actress with a handsome husband, but no known children. 

Wonder what they came out to look like? 

Certainly, not pure Chinese except for the bright red hair which does not grow on any Native American ancestor tree.

As for Mao, he was supposedly an unknown from a family somewhat poor, but they could afford to buy for him a bride older than him when he was only 14 years old. He hated her and refused to provide her any of his sperm. And therefore, not having done her wifely duty, died at a tender age of 21 or so. 

We do wish Tara, who was already twice a mother had done the same, but she was really raised by that convicted child abductrees and wanted fugitive from the law, known as Betty Alderman, but was really named Swartz or Black and probably a by product of a circus performer and her mother and not the man she called daddy. 

Mao went on to get educated, become a Marxist, get married to a beautiful girl, only to have her beheaded after he also caused a revolution of one of the oldest Civilizations in the world. 

His third wife was a little luckier, after an unexpected trip to Moscow for medical treatment, he dismissed her and took up with his fourth wife whom he seemed to have finally found true happiness.

He is recorded to have had 10 children, during his campaign of only one child per couple. Only six of them are known to the West, four of them have disappeared.....

Or left at a dock somewhere....

Maybe, he should have done as the rest of China did and simply drowned the unwanted and unlucky ones as these two orphans had very much misfortunes after being sent to sale themselves in a Jasmine rice bag with Jade bracelets for payment...

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