Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The day we through the masks away

It is the very air we breathe. 

It is everywhere and in everything, even the water.

There was nothing anyone could do but many attempted the impossible.

They told everyone that the masks would save them.


They were wrong. 


The nurses kept complaining about everything, and yet they were the ones who made it worse. 

The oversimplification for girls who don't even finish high school and don't want to treat sick people.

They keep after everyone about some icky disgusting people. 

They had been treating them like dogs for generations.


Why stop now.


They even put the patients out in the parks and in the garage facilities.

What they did not do was treat people.

They just let them lay there and die.

If they tried to get help, they were put down as nuts, crazy people.


Or worse criminals, spreading imaginary germs.


They think people don't know how to wash their hands, how to use a toilet, or even how to eat.

They have the doctors carry on about diet and exercise.

They spy on you as well, coming up with questions only your neighbor would know.

They insist you get on the scale because it is a vital sign.


It is not.


And the insurance companies don't care how much you weigh.

They are going to deny your claim anyways.

The pandemic did not occur over night.

One country shut down in December and by March it was worldwide.


How is it possible to travel so fast except through the air?


It is really one of those diseases that looks in corners, hides in plain sight and goes missed by almost everyone.

It was around for generations of frustrated non pneumonic individuals who sought treatment.

All those years of medical experiments amount to almost nothing in prevention.

Some laboratory thought they could play around with all those plagues of the past.


The ancients probably went around capturing them in tiny jars in the first place.


They kept them in tiny little jars.

In their quiet facilities.

Where no one knew where they were nor what they were.

They we wrong.


When will someone do something right?


Somebody knew.

Someone always knows. 

Now the whole world is breathing the same air.

Like a bad fictional film, it crept out of its lair all be itself.

When will man learn, not to put their finger in someone else’s pie?



They say they are the oldest and probably the source of all those plagues is Egypt.

The Egyptians certainly suffered from enough of them.

But is Chania to blame?

Who is older, Asia? Peru? South Africa? Or Egypt?


Maybe they were all attached once upon a time.


In the old days, they say the world was small and no one knew how to travel.

They lied about that as well.

Ample evidence of people seeking refuge away from calamities.

Some may have already fled other epidemics.


The world was once dirty enough for a flood to bring salvation.


Egypt under Joseph collected all the peoples of the word during the drought that led to no crops.

They say they sold their lands and themselves.

Egypt must have known of the entire world. 

Their knowledge they say was beyond imagining.


The circumference of the globe was analyzed carefully.


The search for the lost city of gold also included the search of knowledge.

Yet the libraries, and monasteries were burnt down by everybody.

Even the Moors burned half of Ireland.

And they say even the Irish monks fled across the waters.


When they stepped foot on ground again, they made sure they could not be found.


When the cities got done making people sleep out of doors because they did not want them.

Where they had to defecate on the sidewalks because there no public bathrooms.

There was no place left to send them but the morgues.

They did not even really have space for them there, they had to rent refrigerated containers.


In India, they through them in Indus river, contaminating it for the rest of the world.


Wise villages always allowed tent areas for travelers.

Larger communities had caravans and tented arenas.

But no one wanted strangers anymore.

They did away with campgrounds, and inner-city old hotels.


Everybody should have been kept separate from the beginning.


They simply allowed foreign born blonds to squat on or in houses that did not belong to them.

They kept throwing the clean people outside.

And allowing into their countries the dirty ones, such as the hippies from Germany.

We all know how dirty common middle low brow inbred Germans are, they even eat their own grandmas for supper!


They thought the end was at hand.


It was really the air travel and air pollution they say which started.

The nurses wanted easy money and to live in real houses.

College professors must live in small apartments.

The Western world began to live on credit.


Everyone wanted to believe the end was not coming.


They mortgaged houses they could not afford with jobs they did not really have.

They traveled throughout the entire earth, carrying with them the germs from inside their houses.

They spread vileness everywhere they went and kept up needing to stand too close to their neighbors.

And those that had jobs were not allowed to recover from their sickness before being forced to sit inside small enclosures with others who were also not well enough to be at their desks.


Never keep the air from being free and clean.


Then there were all those sports where do nothing but drugs, alcohol and unsafe sex.

That is also what the Vikings did, and they said they killed themselves off.

They also used to burn the bodies of their dead, not bury them in the ground.

Not a single event did the now generation miss, and without ability to pay for it, god only knows what they did with all those nasty germs they brought home with them.


And the tourists always bring home strangers with them.


All those skyscrapers in New York, London and Hong Kong did was cause it not to rain in Dubai.

And digging into the earth where the Egyptians had buried their secrets.

The raising obstacles to wind currents, which cause the Middle east to crumble in the first place.

It is said to be the original Garden of Eden was lush and the cradle of civilization.


The Middle East is home to all the religions of the world.


Trees of Lebanon stretched out so far no one could see desert nor sea.

The winds that swirl in inner Africa travel across the Atlantic to devastate the Bahamas and Eastern Seaboard. 

What goes around comes around.

A sneeze in Siberia can be felt in Patagonia!


Where we are dedicated environmentalists?


Maybe it was the nuclear testing in small unknown areas which got into the airways of those in small quiet little houses.

Or maybe it was all the burning of rubber and fossil fuels, once buried deep inside the earth which gained access into the blood supply causing mutations.

Or maybe it was simple greed and carelessness of a superior medical class of people.

Modern Medicine is just over a hundred years old.


Everyone learns from mistakes, even doctors.


The Spanish Influenza which swept the earth was 100 years ago, causing people to separate and wear masks and become suspicious of those on the streets.

Before that people were thrown together in wards, some on the floor where others urinated.

Ancient herbs and other types of treatments were thrown out the windows. 

And yet Mid-eval Europe survived the plague among other incurables such as smallpox.


How many more diseases did we not hear about?


Where did this Pandemic come from, no one really knows?

They moved heaven and earth to find a cure.

But they forgot to treat people as humans.

They forgot to stop the wastefulness of people’s lives.


Never once did they get it right.


They did not put out their cigarettes', nor put down their newer electronic ones either.

They did not even give up their opioid pain medicines, and Afghanistan went chaotic once again.

How long has it been the “main street” between Greece and Europe and China or India?

Maybe it was them, the Iraqians and the Afghanistan people who never go anywhere at all but live-in hovels with not even real floors which caused the whole world to die.


Whatever it was, only the truly evil know.


Whatever it was, the very air we breathed was a contaminated by nurses who wanted us to throw things away in dumps where other people survived on the waste.

The street people were not really to blame, but the others moving in and out of buildings, houses, complexes, and other types of dwellings, carrying their germs with them.

Never satisfied with taking the blame were it lies, in the nursing of sick individuals, more people die in hospitals every day than on the streets.

It is probably safe to say the local nurse has more blood on her hands then the local gangster.


Worse were those at the local houses of worship.


Then came the day came when they told us to throw away our masks away because it did no good. 

They should have lived and breathed as well as they could.

Without robbing from others of their lives.

It was felt by confining people indoors or with masks, it would stop the spread.


They should have just told us all to stay at home.


Instead, everyone stayed home, building up the lack of immunity they needed to fight.

They kept after the government to rob the treasury and force those gangsters who control banking into a corner.

They never should have denied that the cause was not going to go away once it was revealed there was a life-threatening disease, and it was going to get out of hand.

Just when they thought they had it under control, with vaccines and new tests and ventilation machines, it exploded to the entire atmosphere.


It was never under control.


With the plague, it was known that entire villages had died. 

Only some cities that kept people in separate quarters had survivors.

In England, a village at the crossroads, quarantined themselves.

Elizabeth is her name; she was one of those who came out after a whole year. Her husband and all nine of her children had died. 

Everyone was happy to see those who had survived, and yet she went to covenant soon afterwards.


And no one knew.


Her husband’s parting gift was one more child and she was ashamed of showing it to the others.

It was born, immunized to the plague and went on be the ancestor of many survivors of other calamities. 

Meanwhile, even modern nurses don't know any better than to get pregnant and while working in the hospitals and then complain when they or their infant dies!

Either a person builds up immunity to a disease or dies, or has the automatic survival code already in their genes.


Life just went on after the Plagues hit Europe, at least three or four times.


The world did not change overnight.

It did.

No one noticed.

Until after it happened.


And then they would not confess.


One day they were a bunch of complainers, and the next day they were just gone.

And to wash their hands, which everyone should have been doing.

In my grandmother’s day, if they had had hand sanitizers, they would have used them.

Instead, they used  rubbing alcohol, straight from the bottle.


How hard is it just to be clean?


The governments broke themselves trying to save an ungrateful people.

The witches of the wards warned off the good and innocent.

The ugly street people were not the only ones to die, but the famous and wealthy.

There was no country left over, who had not been bitten and not once but twice or thrice.


It never did stop, the spread, even with the vaccines.


We are the grandchildren of those who survived because had the survivor genetic code.

Our families knew not to keep after others but to take the measures for themselves.

Those who continued to clean as they had always done and keep a decent separation.

Who knows who does and does not get a disease but those who did not die were the only ones left over one day?


And it was not religion that had saved them, but they themselves.


Here we are now with the cities falling into the water and the sand with no one willing to live inside them.

Living off the land as in the ancient times and learning what local leaders know how to do, sweat.

The United Nations could not even save themselves, but they did attempt to save the drug infected areas of the world, while the rest of us waited.

There are still those with money and they are not living in caves, but they make sure they don’t go to hospitals.


It does matter how one lives, good or bad, clean, or dirty for yourselves and for others. 

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