Monday, November 1, 2021

A womans rights over her body

 Most individuals complain of not wanting a baby and having an abortion. Or at least they want to be allowed the right to abort the baby inside them.

Most of those who were not aborted but raised by others are ungrateful for the life they were given and demand to have control of the tummy from which they came.

There are all kinds of stories of these little bitches who just cant get over rejection or denial.

They want to be made whole by seeking those guilty of doing nothing more than offering a chance at a life.

A life they have wasted and then pursue an innocent in order to waste her life as well.

This from a woman who was both considered an abused child by a woman who was not unknown at one time in the media.

And from a female who cant have babies of her own. I was sawed in half when i was three in a pencil factory. I was forced to use pens when i was very little and did not know why until i was older.

The doctors did not want me to remember the saw blade moving up between my thighs from my toes until it stopped in my pelvic area.

I have a spilt pelvic bone, good thing i was not born a boy. As it is it is very painful when it grates and moves out of position. It does move backwards or collapses like a mouse trap.

I cant have babies even with an epidermal or amnesia as my mother always said i had, it was just her drugging me to keep me from complaining. 

If i should have a baby attempt the journey through that particular canal, they would be crushed. 
The bones are unstable and it is impossible for even a doctor to deliver.

As for the incredibly mean aunt who started my mother on her journey towards cruelty, i never did find her in order to thank her for something my grandparents could not explain as they were kindly.

I also have been developing tumors since i was preadolescence. It was thought i would grow up and move away from my mother and then others would have the joy of entertaining her until her death.

She had brain cancer, and it got worse as she got older.  She might have been a brilliant young girl but her personality was warped by some experience unknown to her parents and spent the rest of her life refusing to talk about it.

My tumors are in my uterus, i have had friends and family with uterine cancer. I have also had radiology done and several other types of treatments. 

If one doctor had taken my mother seriously and listened to her perhaps my condition could have been prevented.

She had a problem with having children herself not wanting any at all. Because then she could be her parents young girl the rest of her life. As it was she  never got over the age of 14 emotionally, just before her advancement towards marriage and children emotionally.

Hence she kept getting pregnant due to not knowing anything and then went through the routine of not knowing what to do with the thing. This is probably a story told to her when she was small. Her baby brother disappeared from her mother before it was a day old and no one in the hospital could explain the disappearance.

Anyways, i went around as a child knowing my mother did not want me and she proved it by having yet one more baby in front of me. But she would never keep them, sometimes we had to look for them as if she had simply tossed them away or in some cases she actually gave them away.

By the time I was ten, we had gone through a lot of treatments and sorrowfully had lost her two grandmothers who seemed to know more than her parents of what her issues were inside her brain.

It was more common in the old days to have a woman not able to have babies and go around stealing others children in order to have something to love.

It was also not uncommon for a woman not to be able to handle motherhood. 

And it was common for a nanny, nurse or other female to instill hatred into a child that sometimes never unworked itself.

They were better psychologists then the real ones, and without them, her parents did their best but were already ruined. They had both had careers and lives, but their child always  managed to ruin whatever they did sometimes without them knowing it was her, as if she had been trained.

I was trained to accept the siblings but was no willing to give up my own personality. I watched my little sister go through this, of being forced to give up herself.

My body which cant provide a pregnancy nor an infant has been subjected to various types of torment.

I am not sure if she was jealous of my bareness or if it was just unfair. She would adopt every ones else's child, they would bring them to her and then she would carry on about me having produced them out of wedlock and as a teenager.

In other words, i was plain stupid. After all, a teenager should not be having sex nor babies. I should have known how to get rid of them through abortion or other means but no they just kept arriving on her doorstep.

The doctors and the judges kept telling my mother i was not the biological mother. She could not accept anything i said because i could not be trusted, after all i had my tonsils removed.

There was always some ridiculous thing she came up with about why i was being denied the right to my own body.

A woman has the right to get pregnant if she wants to be pregnant. 

She has the right to have an abortion if she does not want the baby to live.

She has the right to give it up for adoption if she cant raise it herself.

She does not have the right to kill it after it is born nor pursue the family she has given it up to, it is over they are now the parents.

She does not have the right to tell the child she is some ones else child nor keep after another female about why she had abandoned the child and expected her to raise it.

Those who raise children do not have the right to find the real mother in order to use extortion.

The adopted child does not have the right to find the mother in order to ruin her life.

If the mother regrets the adoption, then she can attempt through the courts to see if it wants to be contacted and the same for the child.

It is a two way street in no way, it is all in the mothers favor. If she does not want to be contacted then the child is not allowed to find her, if she does then she is stalking her.

The child is not allowed to find the relative of her mother. She might petition the court to see who the father is, but this is up to the judge. A man does not have to give up his identity unless it was a well known affair and the mother is agreeable.

In most cases the man has teh right not to found out, he is not held responsible.

In the case of the woman, she has the right to remarry and have a family unmolested by the adopted child or the grandmother demanding her way over her daughter.

The men, brothers, uncles, nephews or even sons are never to be approached by the adopted child.

They dont have the right if the mother does not want to have a relationship. If the child goes ahead and pursues the family then they are stalking and harassing.

Prison is the final result, especially if extortion is used by the parents who raised the child.

In mothers case, she refused to do anything at all but cause trouble for everyone. She wanted the children abandoned by other to hate and despise me. She kept after visits without authority and sometimes against court orders.

She allowed them to believe i was too stupid and use the words whore and slut. She wanted them to hate me and did many things including telling them to take my purse or other items in order to keep them in the dark about her true intentions.

She just wanted them to hate me and nothing more. She let them use my name and other id in order to cash checks and have money that was not theirs. She even told them i was denying them my food stamps which is against the law for me to use on them.

I have been hit over the head by these many children. I have been jabbed with needles in order for me not to tell the authorities they have once more entered my bedroom or shown up at my place of work. 

I have dragged and dumped by them and refused a bit of food they don't want in their mouth or the right to wear the clothes i bought for myself.

There are over tow hudred insane children demanding i show them attention when they have never done anything for me. Yelling at me to eat a damn cupcake when it is not my birthday nor should i have to endure such torment.

These children were made ill by the child endangerment of being removed from the care and made to act out in public or sneak around.

Giving them the belief they were abandoned by a child not old enough to have a child and then demanding to have my life because they are the real little princess instead of me.

What kind of person caused my mother mental illness? What kind of nurses and doctors kept feeding her into her behavior over misunderstandings and arrogance. What kind of person would steal a child from a park or hospital and then claim it belongs to a child who had done them no harm.

The right of a woman over her own body is essential in the eyes of the law and almost every religion.

Even the Islam's claim a woman's right towards certain things, including being raped and killed.

There is no reason these children will not listen to the judges who have told them I am not their mother.

There is also no reason for social workers to keep denying someone rights when it is up to a woman to decide if she wants a family or not.

If she choices to keep her boys separated and in different homes without her parents or her female child, that is not really her right but her will. The children can claim they want to know each other and the grandparents demand to know where they are, but if she is not starving them, nor causing them physical harm and is providing clothing and stability then she can prevent them for a time.

Having other raise them or a system where they survive on their own for a short time, while she gets further into a set of lies. She could not even remember them after awhile and seemed to think we were lying.

She also did not want them once gone until after they were older and gave the impression of normalcy.

I don't believe anyone in my mothers life is normal, not the friends who not what to do nor the real relatives who are confused. She does want them, she does not want them, she does want what?

I don't want any of these children who should not have been raised to believe i was their mother. They want to prove it to me even though it is not true and they have been told to leave me alone.

They have bad families who keep encouraging them or using extortion. They also are unwell if they don't understand rejection.

The rights of a woman are for peace of mind, and to have a right to her own life.

Others do not have the right to get in her face about their births nor to tell others they are her daughter. Nor do they have the right to talk to her family, friends nor religion or work colleagues. 

Extortion equals execution.

The end of a life they were offered but threw away themselves.

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