Sunday, November 14, 2021

Jimmy just wants....

 My stalkers name is Jimmy. Really it is Robert James Keshan Junior. But he prefers Jimmy to James.

My whole life I have wondered why he is allowed to own me and to have me disowned.

Why or Why does he do what he does?

Where did it all start?

Whom do we blame?

His real father attempted to control him and raise him, but someone else was always in the way.

Know all we really know is Jimmy just wants. My own mothers life wasted trying to satisfy someone who will never be satisfied.

He does not know what he wants but wants to be top dog, the ruler supreme, the demigod everyone respects.

He is none of these things.

He just wants to be the one ...

For instance, he wanted to be the papa on his fathers show who gets to lay down the law and make up the rules. 

How many times he interfered and interrupted his own fathers show. He wanted all the presents at Christmas to be his and said so from his very own mouth as the cameras began to role. His father could not  understand as he attempted to distribute the items to other kids on the show for his own publicity. 

Jimmy had already told him he just wanted to be the one who got the presents. A row occurred and the poor man had to go around trying to make things right by giving the gifts out in person at persons doors. 

Jimmy just went behind him and demanded they give them back to him, including the ones too young for him to enjoy or the little girl things.

That was just Jimmy, he just wanted them. So he got them and then punished his father for giving away his gifts.

He just wanted to marry me is what I am told. The real doctors said no, he does not want me nor plans to make me happy, he just want me not to marry anyone else and to never be happy.

He enjoys showing up and showing things and then making sure I don't take them from him. Even if he has to have me drugged every time. He once promised me college, he wanted to pay for it. I am supposed to wait until he has the funds, which he never will have. 

He just wants to be the little girl on the show who they call Princess. She is never allowed to have a princess life, even though it was only a joke. 

He just wanted to be called a Princess and live the life of a Princess.

He just wanted to be the man on the news who gave out the information that the President had been shot. That man took early retirement.

He just wanted to be the race car driver everyone was talking about. That guy had an accident.

He just wanted to be the Movie Star everyone admired. That guy suddenly died of a strange malady.

He just wanted to be the one to go to the moon. Well, how many of those guys made it home and had a life of a hero?

He just wanted to be the one driving the car and the car driver had a terrible accident.

He just wanted to be the one married to Princess Diana. And her husband and her divorced and then she died. Just because she did not marry him?

He just wanted to be the one and then another accident would occur. 

There have been bridges and buildings that just came down, because he wanted.

He also just adored William Shatner. He just wanted to be on his show. I am not sure how many times he showed up instead and had to be escorted out again. 

He just wanted to have lunch with him. And almost every single year on his birthday, he shows up at the restaurant William Shatner is having lunch with someone and just sits down next to him. 

He just wanted to be the one to fly his space ship as well, how many things was I not told about what went on the set about him and his flying saucer/

Well, William Shatner got to ride into space for the first time as a ninety year old man, some fifty years he took over the USS Enterprise for a kids show of fantasy and unreality. 

Jimmy would just want to be the one to give him the honor of flying him into space. I know he would just want to do it for his most admired friend. 

Oops. The Pilot who actually did fly William Shatner into space not even a month ago, has died, piloting his own small engine plane. 

I went to a lot of funerals when I was little and his name always came up. Is it possible the kid had anything to do with the accident or sudden death?

His psychologist recently died, from a sudden breathing problem. This after his daughter said her own father was having a nervous breakdown. 

One does wonder, what if he just goes out and gets his way, anyways?

Just don't do anything Jimmy wants to do or you might die or something. 

Really, Just don't. 

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