Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Inner Realm of the Oval Office

 The Oval office is the designation of the President of the United States. It is the inner realm where by once inside, there is no way out.

Even the unpopular ones, are kept from revealing the inner secrets. And sometimes they have even been murdered in order to keep its secrets.

There have been certain by-laws since the time of George Washington. After fighting for freedom, he resigned his commission as Commander and Chief to the displeasure of Congress. They even appeared to want him to become a monarch himself, their faith in him was so great.

He did not sit in the Oval office, for it was not built yet, but instead rented a house. Adams the second President had his own house in Columbia Heights, better known as Brooklyn. 

It was the war of 1812, that the Presidents Mansion was burned down to the ground. A new building was built on a new spot, and called the White House, which included the Oval Office, once the West Wing was completed.

But the story is of the men themselves. It is said the Founding fathers were very wise and having proved their bravery, set about setting a country perfect in every aspect.

A real Democracy in comparison to the ones, spoken of for Rome the great equaling of men after the empires which had ruled the known Western Hemisphere.

They provided for their own as well as others who would follow. It is said one can be born in a Log Cabin and become President but one can't come from those left out.

The Native tribes or nations who were already here were the original inhabitants of the lands taken over first by countries who claimed they were not aware the continent even existed.

However, the first men were they were not racist just practical. They had amassed some small fortunes And accumulated lands for themselves. They were not interested in being taken over by the very people they had fought a few wars in order to remain.

The African people were different, and from the indentured servants situation, it might be that they had not expected to have these people enslaved forever. Receiving at some time a release from their servitude. 

Whereas, the North had built friendships with the Natives and even incorporated the Iroquois system of government into their articles of the constitution. The south had arrived, some fleeing the French crown as Huguenots and accepted the made to order system of Africans selling their own for deportation from Africa.

Eventually, the politics required someone to be representative of the equality of those who had been brought without their will to this country.

While, Mr. Barack was equal to the task, he was unfortunate to not have an equal partner. Slobbered over and given the impression of being a Queen herself, she damaged the intentions of the masses who now all want to be treated as Queens to the point they assume they now own the rights of everyone else.

As for the peoples themselves, they being allowed to have their own conventions, now said to have citizenships even though they still have registration numbers.

Numbered for the sake of counting the unwanted and not provided the same rights as the original peoples, it is an odder relationship that they hold with the American President.

At times, the President himself has been said to be the Big Chief of the Nations. At other times, a few unsavory words, if one ever managed to slide into the Oval Office.

And yet, there are many whose ancestors are not clearly known on paper. But are in fact descendants of these peoples whose lands were taken and even their form of government to make themselves into a new nation and a new peoples.

For Instance, Bill Clinton who was adopted is a descendant of the Black Fox, Cherokee Chief during the Indian wars.

George Washington also had a link to Powhattan Chief through the Bolling family of whom Pocahontas married.

Even our Catholic Joseph Biden appears to be a descendant of Raleigh Crashaw who has an unknown ancestry. Famous for arriving at Jamestown but unknown as to who he really was, except he made a mark on the community. 

His wife Ursula, seems to be the daughter of Great King Patawomeck. Chief Eagle would have been his ggggsomething grandfather. 

It is more than likely, the early settlers of the new land, married an individual from the highest rank of the native Americans.

Or were associated in some form, many merchants were doubled name and perhaps blessed with dou families as well.

Therefore, perhaps the absence of any stop guards, indicates that it was already known that those with solid land grants and plantations were actually related in some fashion to those who had been here all along.

And those, maybe each President who sits in the Oval office is betraying his party friends with the secret of his own natural right to land of the native peoples and thus a ruler amongst them.

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