Thursday, July 4, 2024

An ill wind is blowing...

What if...

There was not an expected

Event at Armagedón?

Everyone talks about it

And yet no one has

The answer...

What is going to happen

Next? Afterwards

The 25th amendment affect....

With the president

In danger of being forcibly

Removed from his job

Talk about job security

The 25th amendment

Discusses what happens

If the man wakes one day

And begins to act

As  if his name is Jimmy....

Anyways Harris

Has her hands full

Right now while

Jill waits to see

You do know that

Mrs. Wilson

Became the President?

When Woodrow had

A stroke she hid it

From everyone 

While she took care of him

And ran the country

Without going to congress

Or to the Vice President

And Kamala will not be 

The first VP to take over

And is just not what

Was expected or was it?

 They were so excited

It was her day to come home

They arranged everything

And then she was there

Rising out of the ground

Thier beautiful young daughter

Who was 69 when she died

A shock went through

The now young couple

As this fat old lady

Lay there on the slab

Who was this?

Someone must have

Made a mistake!

This is not  my daughter!

Mother what are you

Yelling about?

I'm right here....

Oph what, oh yeah

I got old like you

And then she sees them

Standing there just as 

They were when they were

Young before she started

Being disrespectful...

Her father so handsome

And her mother that elegant

Thing she hated

Standing over her

With their mouths

Open with shock

What is going on here?

And then there he was

Her grandfather

Who had died when 

She was jsut 14

The whole world 

Collapsed for her 

No longer had the one thing

That was going to take

Her side all of the time...

She hasnt changed yet

Said a shy young man

Who had been standing

There quietly behind

His parents

They had not had another

She was about to yell

When it happened

Her grandfather was young

As well and very good looking

And her was the pretty young girl

Standing next to him 

With her hand in a small blond

Very familiar ....

Hey what is going on?

It is the resurrection

And today is your anniversary

The day you have arisen

And then accept it

There are some formalities

The younger girl began

To explain


Don't you dare tell me

She looked at her with surprise

How did you know me?

I was only five when I died

No! you are the other one...

Where is she?

Where is that thing I hated

Now honey we will explain

Everything to you

Why dont you try getting up!

That is not how it works

I know because I was the first

She needed someone to help her

Figure out who and where

She thought i would be 

More useful while young John

Got his head back from

All he had to go through

When his wife died so suddenly

Anyways do you know who I am?

Your grandmother

Christ Carol exploded

They had not waited for her

But gone ahead and gotten young

While she had just slept through

It all is waiting for them to get even

Where is she

Not now dear

Here is John

An electric scooter 

Rolled up to them

Thought you would start

Without me?

OH yes, this is the right one

She went all to hell

In her attempt to get rid

Of the one thing that

Had held us all in her heart

Now close your eyes

And let me pray

Carol closed her eyes

But did not pray

Up you go tapped

Her grandfather on her 


She got up slowly

And then stood there

Staring at them

And they stared back 

At her, forgot what 

She used to look like

She looked down at herself

And there it was

The young 14-year-old body

Before she got so defiant

Flat figure and what about

Her face?

She wanted a mirror

But instead she saw

The younger girl smile

At her and hold her arms

Not now dear

Wait until after the ceremony

What ceremony?

And where is he?

Now, now dear 

We have a lot to explain

Geronimo is with his family

And the kids

Until we decide you

Should see them

You mean if it is safe!

And who is that!

You remember we had 

A son die when he was born

Yes and he is never going to be...

Hey who is calling the shots around here?

Just get in dear

We will explain everything

Her parents and her dead brother

Her grandparents were all young

And her dead daughter was beautiful

Got into the electric scooter

While cousin John drove

They began to explain

She was going to a reception

Where there would be a ceremony

For the newly arisen

And a baptism of sorts

Would occur

A resurrection to face 

God for thier errors

Not all were going

To get to live here

Some were being questioned

She had family her forgave her

And she was going to have 

To put up with it

Until she got her hands

On the other one

What does she call herself?

Aurora of course

Just like she always did

She is also with her family

She has a family that is not mine?

Well she did get married

And does have some...

What without my permission?

When did this happen?

The day after she murdered 

Jimmy for all that he did to her

If she had not stopped him

We might all have been forgotten

Here we are ...

Do you recognise anyone?

No, no one at all

That is because all those 

Bad people you used to hang 

With are all dead....

Yes, Camille 

We know how angry you are

She had to take care of you

And you did not know

What Jimmy had been up to

But she stopped him...

I want to know

It is all over dear

We are all here

Alive and well again

And you are on your first day

Back to Paradise....

Lets just enjoy it

And see if you don't get

Taken away from us 

For disobedience...

Come dears I feel like dancing

Said grandpa

Can I dance with you?

Camille said to startled John

When he finds the other one...

Hiding they said

No one really knows

She made sure the older ones

Got resurrected 

As well as the two who 

Had died young 

Before she scampered out

Of their way so they could 

Have peace for a short time

Carol was going to have

To get accustomed to the new way

Of things not being her own

And Jimmy was long gone...

She found a mirror to look into

And wondered where and what...

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