Friday, August 7, 2020

Its only just begun...

How more catastrophes can occur in one lifetime? How about in just the past summer?

Summer was once a time of joy and freedom to pursue other activities besides schooling, learning, and sweating out the physicals stuff.
Normally, one would one off to the beach or the mountains and perhaps bring along a friend.
Or maybe off to New York City or even Paris for a summer internship in order to get hired at a really nice job when one is old enough to actually go to work.

This past summer it has been nothing but coronavirus. Everybody lines up every two or three weeks for their tests. Nothing is ever said unless one tests positive. Meanwhile I am hiding a cough from everyone from my yearly allergies and sinus infection. It always requires an antibiotic and then weeks of drainage while everyone avoids me. 

This week alone, there has been a power outage in New York city, where are my flashlights? And two more deaths inside my quiet abode where no one is supposed to speak of anything but housing possibilities. 

Then there was the explosion in Beirut that killed hundreds and wiped out a chunk of real-estate. I used to travel as a journalist and this would have been a key issue. A boat with chemicals that could not travel due to lack of funds and poor timing. 

A jet liner went off the runway in India, there have been so many planes going awry in the last decade. Bad management and too many passengers without eh proper accommodations. It is not like the Titanic sails every week.

Last week it was the Bonhomme fire on my doorstep. Watching the smoke turn different colors and now the so called fog which is still discoloring from the smoke. Smoke inhalation is part of my problem as well as the fact there were a coupled of other things such as a fire on the Coronado bridge the day before. This week there was a man who drove up to the bridge and then jumped off, while a family member got out of another car and drove his off the bridge.

It is only beginning, hopefully London will not blow up. Nor Paris, although another church as been set on fire. All that history. This after the Brazilian museum created a whole so large, many hears will be needed to fill. 

More deaths are to come and it is not over for coronavirus. Nor has any of my family made it to me in the daytime. While more and more individuals are showing up in my habitat. Non sisters and daughters and former girlfriends of jimmy.

I will have to take a contract out on Jimmy myself in order to get rid of him, and I will make sure he does not pay off the guy.  As for my own life, it is worse than it should be and I am sad to have to go through more hospital visits and other things which should have been taken care of, but those criminals who inhabit any house of worship just to make a group miserable are still operating.

It has just begun, but I am on the  war path towards ending the siege of the former Catholics and communists who though they owned the world. 

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