Friday, October 16, 2020

And the music stopped...

 There has been so much troubles in the past year alone that even the musicians have stopepd playing. The doomed Titanic they said they played calming music while they waited for their lifeboats. The question is whether or not the musicians would have been allowed a life boat and then if they would have survived. As it was, they knew the danger that the passengers faced and decided to spend their time with their own vice, playing the music they had spent their lifetime learning, and desiring to play and then their was no more for them to do anyways.

Now it has become impossible to tell who will and whom will not survive the terrible losses. We have seen California set on fire, almost the entire state has come under threat, they even evacuated just to the East of San Diego, and this after a war ship was set on fire in the Marina. Now there is power outages across the state in order to control the fire from spreading. 

Some say the marina life is not important but there have been too many and not enough known as to why they are beaching themselves. As for the other uncontrolled things, people being poisoned and people being beheaded. There are a number of things that can go wrong in a life, such your neighbor reporting to the authorities for things that are unnecessary but they have trouble with you breathing in their neighborhood.

As for causing trouble for your neighbors, they complained of poor Pete Wilson, that they removed his statue from downtown. He was the former Mayor of San Diego when Queen Elizabeth arrived by boat with her husband. And then he made Governor of California as well. The complaint is he is racist even though he comes from an old American family and is probably related to a few Presidents. 

But his statue has been removed and is now in the trash heap of lost statues. Are there any left of Christopher Columbus, since we still celebrate his holiday and he is said to have discovered America and caused the natives to become an endangered species? 

There was another death in the village. The Father Joes Village is the nonprofit shelter I landed when I was forced out of the last of the family properties by Meagan, who has a court order not to come near me. But she just wanted to introduce her new boyfriend Prince Harry to the woman who wont acknowledge having given her up for adoption as a born out of wedlock bastard. The young man still married her but not after she had to explain she was completely crazy. She still had me removed, instead of her as the court order insists, since she was marrying big bucks. No wonder the baby does not look like Doria her social worker mother!

I am still having grown adults show up around me with their babies. It has been along time since any journalist has apologized for the joke of letting a child in the back door to introduce themselves. It was not known they would follow me forever if allowed to come forward with faulty information. There are no birth certificates for any of the more than two dozen children, including Meagan Markle who is probably Jewish and not Christian.

Anyways, at bed check time, 8 pm, there was no response to one of the ladies on our side of the curtain. She apparently slipped into death with no one to notice. I am on the far side now near the wall where I can cough to my delight with my asthma and not be yelled at by those on the other side. She was deed and when I turned over twenty minutes later, there were four cops standing next to her cot. I wandered why there was no announcement as this was not an unexpected thing to occur. 

There was nothing said but others were shocked I had not noticed, I had noticed but had not heard the words dead, and now it would take more than two hours for the coroners office to show up and remove the body as there was no need of paramedics. 

We usually have the paramedics roll through on their mini tractor with their equipment to get as close to the victim as possible. Here the lights go out at ten pm and there was still no sign of anyone. And then there was just one lone cop standing next to a dead body in the middle of a building with at least one hundred ladies watching him and attempting to ignore the smell as it began to sift through the air conditioning.

What were they waiting for? the lights to go out? So they could sneak the dead body out? I believe they already did this on the other side with at least one man if not two. The yellow tag team arrived one morning and removed all of their belongings with questions of what had happened to their buddies. This time the women had to wait while the cops could not figure out what to do. 

Finally, the guys arrived and bagged the body after removing it from her cot. They the staff bagged her stuff and removed her cot. Forty-five minutes late, the lights went out on a sad group of women with a lingering smell of death, and there was no music heard because the musicians have decided to leave  as well...

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