Monday, October 5, 2020

Shark! Sharks! and fires everywhere ...

 And the President is in the hospital, isn't that an uneasy feeling? What would you whether have, the knowledge there is a shark patrolling the local surfing beach or the head of the country in the hospital? Especially for such a little thing as an upper respatory infection or virus, after all it is not pneumonia and anything really serious. 

Anything goes in the current situation and surfing at the beach and breathing in all those fumes from the diesel ships is just about odds against getting the virus by attending your local congregation or synagogue.

Sharks were spotted at La Jolla, just above the city of San Diego which most consider part of the same universe. That ocean air and all those floating bodies... come on, its a little bit hungry. The big sad shark with no one to play with out on the ocean with the cruise ships grounded for months.

Anyways, in land, in the marina area where there is a ferry to skip across the pond to Coronado island and not getting run over by one of the naval ships coming and going at all odd hours, is a tiny island. They are still completing an outdoor amphitheater which looks alot like a Conestoga wagon, or covered wagon. 

The family story of who actually owned the hundred acres was that multiple attempts to settle occurred, including by ship and the Russians water side of the Rurik dynasty only to have a little Roman sneak in with mosques to discourage the land lovers from encountering ocean air. A long story, after awhile, they could no longer come by sea but had to go through the motions of landing on the East coast and making their way to the West. One family made it by covered wagon and before the Mormon trail encountered a way between Los Angelo's and San Diego, also called Sebastopol Occidental. 

And before those outlaw monks were forced out of Mexico and not allowed to go back to Spain so they headed towards the old French hunting grounds and Russian forts. The covered wagon made it to the coast but thier view of the Pacific ocean was and is blocked by an island. It sat where there is now an eyesore of a modern home provided to the family after their old house and property were turned into a parking lot for the locals. The parking lot is almost never used and the family still walks around wondering why, why....

A tiny baby shark was plucked from the water where the covered thing is still waiting an audience. An island itself with landfill and a floating restaurant and a basketball court as well as a fishing pier. The nice men from the new community have bought themselves new fishing rods and ignore the basketball court, while there is no outdoor facility for cooking their fish. They also don't have facilities where they live either. 

Someone caught a baby shark and threw it back in the water! Now fear might have been a factor but just dumb ignorance more like. After all, a baby will someday grow up to be a big daddy. And if there is one baby, there are probably more...

As for mama, she is worriedly strolling around the block where all the nice marina yachts are parked, and all those sports men are riding small tiny water scooters or flat boarding it inland away from the ocean surfers and those nasty full sized sharks...

There have been a number of evacuations in California, all my old stomping grounds. It is too bad the family with Jewish roots keeps pretending to be Mexican and have stolen the property meant to be shared with the entire family who are neither Catholic nor Mormon as they are Christians. 

Someday Chewie called Jesus will meet another Jesus called Hugh! And then those pretty dishes and books and even the hand machines in the garage will have to be replaced because I am tired of being told the adopted children born not in Mexico plan to inherit from a nice Lutheran woman who outlived my own mother and grandmother.

As for baby sharks, it is the birthday of the small Olympic hero who once had to carry a torch of the Olympic all the way to Mexico city because no one showed up on the correct days of delivery. The old calendars were still in vogue. He is now the President of his own country and in complete isolation as his adopted daughters choose not to live in the country they were not born nor the illegal alien who only pretended to be interested in anything Russian, she prefers German or Italian.

Five foot nine inches and in his dancing shoes, not his running shoes. He celebrates the first weekend after the Month of October begins. Now the old Gregorian had a thirteen day gap between East and West. I wonder which side is his real day of birth? 

He says he is now sixty three or is it fifty seven? I must be thinking of someone else who also uses other people identities and birthdays are always his to own and all the presents as well. God rest the soul of his real biological father Captain Kangaroo, a good Jesuit. 

PS. We had an electrical fire ignite behind the bug box, one of those inflatable contraptions with red power outlets. Fortunately, only one person was sitting nearby and it put itself out with the new safe switches. A great big puff of black smoke engulfed the poor person just to find another way of aggravating her day. And the lights still did not come on until the man at city hall flipped the switch at six am sharp. 

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