Thursday, October 8, 2020

Black Notice

 There has been a death in the family. It has been a long haul since my mothers death and now the sudden news of a family member.

The Beluga whale was spotted off of La Jolla, near the Scripps institute of Oceanography, of which I actually had a degree once upon a time. 

Before all of those little rats were told they could ruin my life by simply showing up and sitting on my lap. My newest threat to my existence is called Wendy, and she is over forty, too young to be my child, but she is getting ready for her sons wedding and has not stopped indicating to me about something, something, well I have no money and she gave me nothing for mothers day, so there.

The Beluga has now been found off the Baja coast just below where my family once spent our summers and many of the boats for the Cousteau Society and the National Geographic used to station themselves. California had become to much under modern pollution and they were attempting to study the environment off the coast where there pollution was minimal.

Ensenada is now thick with pollution and where I was staying it looked terrible. It was once a very pretty village. It was listed as a French colony before those terrorist murdered their leader, Maximillian. Only to stage a revolt of their own and now they are all just communist like Pancho Villa and El Chapo, only it for the drugs and human trafficking.

What they dont care about is the environment nor the animals nor humans either. While I was waiting for my radiology to be scheduled, I attempted to spend time down in the old community but even the Whale watching and other activities such as La Bufadora are no longer good things to do while in Baja.

I found a number of animals on the beach on my daily walks to keep from having a nervous breakdown from all the years of taking care of a woman with brain cancer so bad, so did not recognize herself in class photos nor know I was her biological daughter. She also kept insisting she had African grandchildren although I never had a "lover" of that ethnic background. I did have a husband once upon a time, in fact we got married at least once in Cabo San Lucas, another mecca for the eco friendly tourist.

I arrived in the middle of the storm Lydia which was a hurricane and we did have damage done to the other small community my seafaring family once had a house or pier to stop. Meanwhile, the dolphins were piling up on the beaches and I kept trying to get the idiots running the hostels to call the local authorities to come get the bodies. There is also a ocean unveristy there in Ensenada but instead most of them were either pushed dead back into the water or buried in the sand causing an enormous amount of stench and bad health.

There was also a few weeks were bones kept finding themselves on the beach. I collected one morning enough rib bones for at least one human adult. No one was interested and I thought I saw a leg bone or two as well. What happened to the rest of the person, I don't know, he did not have clothes nor skin.

There was also that little incident where at least half a dozen Mexican men drowned in less than three feet of water right on the beach. They said it was undertow, but when the tide was out, there was not much of a trench, just another sand dune to stand on and very suspicious of the Los Angelo's ladies who might have seen too many movies, and might have been collecting insurance or getting a younger husband. It all happened in the Todos Santos Bay, Toussaint Mare. 

I also found a dead white man with shorts and a hat but no wallet or shoes. How he got there no one knew, and he had no relatives, the police finally came and collected his body. It was probably put in that traveling meat locker diesel trailor neighbors were complaining about. His wife might never know what happened to him down in Mexico. 

I had meet the couple first in Ensenada at the fish market where they were doing an interview of  some movie star and his wife eating local food. We also showed up in Mexico city where I went to the Museums with her and then she was abducted in the subway. They showed us being separated and her being carried off. I went to the consulate but was not met with much positive information. 

Then she showed up three days later saying she had been in the hospital the whole time and did not know what I was talking about. Her husband seemed to think she had left him, when I talked to him later, and then found him alone living in Baja. And this after we got our pictures taken just for being in the same fish market as those other people. 

There were so many strange incidents in the last five years, I was beginning to think I was being selected for something such as an assassination's. It is odd to be told you have no work history nor can cash a check for a company you are well known for being associated with as I had to testify in their behalf over some of their spare parts. Now there is no memory of my being part of the back to nature movement or my years at National Geographic. I was even voiced over by a young man named Benedict for the trip to Isreal, my last on my way to a PHD.

I have started over, and took a course on the Rain Forest in both Costa Rica and Africa. It is evident the land resources cant survive without the water resources. With the melting artic and the fires in Siberia and the Amazon, there is much concern on some of us old experts as to where the animals and the humans are going to be in the next decade or two.

The death of a single whale thousands of miles off course is a death in the family of humans. There is no reason not to be alarmed. There have been hundreds of stranded dolphins down in Australia where there was also much conservation and exploration. The ocean environment has a situation brewing which needs more than a new coffee filter to fix. And then there have been those hundreds of elephants in Africa, with their water source being sited as the cause of their multiple deaths.

Just as the Artic is giving up its hold on mammoths and other fossils of the past age of an environment which disappeared, the newer age is also now under siege. Will Jane Goodall's, mountain gorillas survive if a single whale dies off the west coast? I am not sure, it seems we are all in this together and those stories that no one had traveled around the world prior to Columbus should also be reviewed because it is evident that some societies were aware of other areas of the world. 

The Plague which crept through Europe was supposed to have come from China, although it might have traveled there from Egypt where a number of plagues had already wiped out a civilization. They also have all those strange desert cities which might have had a water outlet at one time. But it is interesting that one death in China caused the whole world to go on alarm and shutdown over a virus. The plague which was known in the Atlantic Europe was not known in America with no evidence of it ever arriving with all those Puritans and Pilgrims. 

It is now present on the West Coast, with a death in the Four corners area of the lower US and a single woman diagnosed with it in upper California. Meanwhile, there have been reports of rodents having the plague for decades in both the lower west coast and inner desert areas such as Arizona and New Mexico. No one worried because they were just animals, but with this giga mammoth fire destroying much of California there might be a positive side of it destroying any remnants of an old disease that might have traveled the pacific from China as well.

Meanwhile, my favorite habitat the Ocean has an unexplained death. Just as the single white male on a Baja beach went unnoticed, not that I did not try calling and reporting him to the various agencies, probably earning me a stalker or worse code. This single Beluga might be the beginning of the humans environment that in the past has created a new world view. 

The old European view has long been held under suspicion and those deserts in the Mideast appear to have been covered in water once, what happened in the past might be recreated if the agencies don't show more concern for a stray in strange waters attempting to find something anywhere they reminds him of home. 

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